Chapter 18 - Training (final) - Strengthened Bonds: Determination and Anticipation.

(2 months later) Luan, 4 years old (almost 5), stood in the tranquil clearing surrounded by dense forest vegetation, two figures standing out amidst the serene landscape. Two figures of different sizes were training, the larger figure, the older brother, displaying determination in every movement of his boxing training, something he had learned from old Edgar, a local instructor who dedicated his time to teaching fighting techniques to children and young people in the community. His fists wrapped in training gloves delivered precise and powerful blows, demonstrating the skill and learning acquired over the years.

With his confident posture and serene expression, Luiz possessed a striking presence. His dark hair fell over his forehead as he moved gracefully and vigorously, his penetrating eyes reflecting his tranquility and determination. His lightly bronzed skin denoted an active and healthy life, perfectly matching his warm and responsible nature. These physical traits, combined with his resilient and kind character, made Luiz an admirable figure in the community, respected for his boxing ability and dedication to helping others.

By Luiz's side, his younger brother, Luan, also ventured into training, imitating the movements of his older brother with admirable determination. Despite his tender age, the younger one showed an incredible eagerness to learn, his small fists raised as he tried to mimic Luiz's blows as best as he could. His bright eyes conveyed intelligence beyond his years, while his dark hair fell in rebellious strands over his forehead, giving him an air of curiosity and determination. His serious and focused expression reflected his thoughtful and observant nature, absorbing information with a keen gaze. Although he maintained an unusual seriousness for a child his age, Luan still exuded the sweetness and innocence typical of his youth.

As the two trained in the serene clearing, the fresh morning air enveloped them, bringing with it the gentle singing of birds and the rustle of the wind in the leaves of the trees. It was a peaceful and serene environment, where the sound of boxing blows harmoniously mingled with the sounds of nature around them, preparing the brothers for the challenges that lay ahead.

These training sessions not only strengthened the bonds between the two, but also prepared them for future challenges, creating a strong and resilient bond between the brothers.

As Luan immersed himself in his boxing training in the serene clearing, each movement was accompanied by a mixture of intense physical and emotional sensations. The burning in his muscles, a result of repeated blows and dodges, was a familiar sensation that he had learned to embrace as part of the improvement process. Each punch echoed through his arms, fueling his determination to become stronger, more agile.

Despite the physical pain, he maintained intense focus, his mind focused only on the movements he was executing and the techniques he was refining. He synchronized with the rhythm of his own breathing, finding an inner calm that helped him maintain composure even in the face of the most demanding challenges. Each blow was calculated and precise, reflecting not only his physical ability but also his unwavering determination to achieve his goals.

Hook, dodge, jab, straight, dodge, jab, straight..

Amidst the training, she experienced a flood of profound emotions. The joy of feeling strong and capable was mixed with a sense of urgency, driving her to push even harder. She knew that every second dedicated to training brought her closer to her goal, and this awareness fueled her determination to never give up. Even in moments of exhaustion, she still found an inexhaustible source of energy within herself, propelling her to keep moving forward, one punch at a time.

'I don't know if this is the work of the system, the Quintessence, or just the will that all humans demonstrate in television programs. Even though I learned mental disciplines from martial arts in my previous life, I know that the body, like a blade, has its limits, and if I abuse it too much, I can break it.'

Yet, she felt numb, not disconnected, with the body she possessed. It was as if there were some incompatibilities between her inner self and the exterior, no matter how much she affirmed or told herself, she still felt like an intruder, like she didn't belong. Even though she loved her family and this life, she knew that this body didn't belong to her, that she still felt nothing less than a body thief.

Jab, straight, hook, dodge, dodge that, jab, straight.

'Dodge... darn it, I'm dropping my guard.'

Amidst the training, she experienced a flood of profound emotions. The joy of feeling strong and capable was mixed with a sense of urgency, driving her to push even harder. She knew that every second dedicated to training brought her closer to her goal, and this awareness fueled her determination to never give up. Even in moments of exhaustion, she still found an inexhaustible source of energy within herself, propelling her to keep moving forward, one punch at a time.

Jab, straight, hook, dodge, dodge that, jab, straight - she repeated mentally, focusing on the movements as she fought against exhaustion.

Diana couldn't help but remember how she got to this moment...

= Flashback a few days ago =

It was a sunny summer day, she was playing (aka training) with her brother in the backyard. The sound of laughter echoed through the air as they ran and jumped together over various objects, without worries or fears. While the twins played in the backyard, under the watchful care of their older brother, who volunteered to take care of the two "alborotadores" of the family, Luis watched them from afar, appreciating the innocent joy of their play.

Her older brother had a serious, yet welcoming, look that immediately made her feel comfortable. Luan could feel the comforting sensation of belonging and love that permeated that moment, a precious memory that she would cherish forever. After a moment, the teenager called her aside, wanting to talk privately. His expression was serious and determined.

"Luiz, what's wrong?" Luan asked, concerned about her brother's expression.

"¡Oye, Luan!," said Luis, squatting down beside his younger brother.

Luis took a deep breath before speaking. "Luan, I know you've revealed something about the future that awaits. I want you to know that I'm here for you, no matter what happens."

Luan looked at Luis, surprised by the understanding and support he showed. "How did you...?"

Luis put his hand on Luan's shoulder, conveying reassurance. An ironic smile played on his lips before he spoke. "Entiendo, Luan.But remember, no matter what happens, we're in this together.You, me, Lance y toda la familia.We'll always be here for each other, no matter what the future holds."

Luis's expression conveyed confidence and determination, and Luan felt a comforting warmth upon hearing his words, knowing she could rely on her brother's unwavering support.

"I'm always attentive, especially when it comes to you. You're not alone in this, Luan. We'll face this together, as we always have. Your journey may be challenging, but I'll be by your side, supporting you every step of the way."

Luan nodded, with tears in her eyes, her heart relieved to unload another burden.

"Thank you, Luis. I know I can count on you," she said, her voice choked with emotion. The connection between the siblings was undeniable, and in that moment, Luan felt truly blessed to have Luis by her side.

"Of course, Lunita," replied the teenager, messing up the younger one's hair to the latter's discontent, who ignored the warmth he felt in his heart upon hearing the feminine nickname his brother gave him. He continued with a shit-eating grin, "But I think you'll have to worry more about the aliens than us, surely Mom will try to hit the alien gatito loco emperor with the cast iron skillet." The lightness of the joke brought a laugh from the younger brother, attracting the twin's attention, who imagined the reaction of great Zarkon to being knocked down by a small 5'2 human wielding a cast iron skillet.

A moment of relaxation, showing that, despite the uncertainties of the future, the union and mutual support between the siblings would remain unshakeable, the serene clearing witnessed the bond between the siblings, strengthening the bonds of trust and love between them.

With that, the two brothers rejoined Lance, who demanded to know the reason for the laughter, continuing their play in the backyard, with the certainty that, together, they could face whatever challenges the future held.

= End of flashback =

Later, when everyone was at home, I gathered courage with the unwavering support of my brother Luis and revealed the information to the family.

= flashback =

Initially, the atmosphere was steeped in skepticism, with some members thinking it was a prank or a tasteless joke. Mom, with her keen gaze, seemed to be trying to decipher the truth behind my words, while Dad maintained his composure, but his eyes revealed genuine concern. Pop-pop, known for his serenity, showed a slight furrowing of the brow, a sign that something unusual was happening.

- However, the atmosphere abruptly changed when I used my powers with determination to reveal the truth indisputably. The tension in the room reached its peak, and even Pop-pop, known for his serenity, showed concern in his demeanor. Mom, who had always been the family's pillar of strength, let out an audible sigh, her eyes reflecting a mixture of surprise and admiration. Lance, my twin brother, looked at me with a fascinated expression he always wore when I used my abilities, while Veronica and Marco exchanged incredulous glances. The room, once filled with skepticism, now echoed with murmurs and sighs, each family member processing the revelation in their own unique but undeniably emotional way.

- Though mentally prepared to face that situation, the looks directed at me still made me shrink, forcing me to look away. A dark corner of my mind began to whisper, insinuating that I would be seen as an aberration and that my own family would ultimately reject me.

- Fortunately, before those thoughts could completely consume me, I felt Luiz's firm hand on my shoulder, drawing my attention to him. His gesture conveyed unconditional support, while his gentle yet determined expression and his eyes filled with confidence and solidarity encouraged me to gather the courage to face the situation.

- As if by magic, after witnessing this action, the rest of the family finally reacted. Mom, with her unwavering determination, was the first to break the silence, enveloping me in a warm and comforting hug.

"You will siempre serás mi Luan, no matter what happens," she said firmly, dispelling any doubt that might linger in my mind.

Dad, following Mom's example, engulfed us in a tight hug, expressing his unconditional support, promising to stand by my side, regardless of the challenges that lay ahead. Pop-pop, known for his serenity, placed his hand on my other shoulder, conveying a look of pride and acceptance. Lance, my twin brother, also approached, offering a reassuring smile and a silent gesture of support before squeezing my hand tightly.

Veronica and Marco, though initially shocked, soon joined in the show of support, showing that family love overcame any obstacle.

The room, once filled with uncertainty, now echoed with words of encouragement and gestures of affection, solidifying the family bond and demonstrating that above all, love and unconditional support prevailed.

= end of flashback =

- Even with so much news and excitement, it was decided that the interrogation would be postponed until the next day, as it was already late, and even though we could become heroes in the future, we were still children with bedtime. Pop-Pop, a retired Marine, and Patre, a former soldier who retired due to a thigh injury that left him limping, began the interrogation. Mom sat close to the two, holding her famous cast iron skillet, silently threatening the two men. She controlled them, as we were just kids, and "woe betide them if they , que los abrumen a sus bebés".

- She had always been the fierce guardian of our safety and well-being, and no one dared to challenge her authority when it came to protecting her children. While the two men exchanged nervous glances, Mom held the skillet firmly in her hands, ready to act if necessary. However, even with all the tension in the air, it was evident that love and concern were at the center of her actions. She was determined to ensure that the interrogation was conducted appropriately, without causing additional discomfort for us, her precious children. With her protective presence, Mom struck a balance between the need for clarification and the protection of our innocence, demonstrating once again that above all, we were loved and cared for.

- And of course, she was nervous about the interrogation, which inadvertently ended up revealing that she was a girl. The expected reaction was not as she expected; in fact, she kind of got more confused when her parents filled Veronica's old clothes closet. In fact, the whole family already knew that and was just waiting for her to confirm.

She is awakened from her reflections by the voice of her older brother...

"I think we're done for today, Lunita," calls her teenage brother, with a gentle smile as he watches the scene. His tousled brown hair and lively eyes reflect the youthful energy he radiates. Around him, Luiz, the older brother, is a bit sweaty and with a slight reddish hue on his face, the result of intense training in the clearing.

However, his expression remains determined and confident, showing the seriousness with which he approaches his exercises. Luan, on the other hand, seems tired but satisfied, with a glow of achievement in her eyes as she absorbs the teachings of her older brother. With a nod, she agrees with her younger brother, acknowledging that it's time to end the training for today.

A familiar notification sound plays in the background to confirm her progress. She can't help but smile slightly as she reads that she finally managed to earn another point in her status.

[You acquired +1 in Dex].

With a gentle smile, Luan watched the sun set slowly, painting the sky in shades of gold and orange. Despite the exhaustion settling in her body, she felt a sense of gratitude and accomplishment for another day of rigorous training. As they bid farewell to the tranquil clearing and headed home, Luan was filled with anticipation and excitement. Although she didn't know what the future held, she was prepared to face any challenge that lay ahead, confident in her family's support and the strength of her spirit. As they walked together, the bond between siblings grew stronger, preparing them for the challenges and adventures that awaited them on the horizon. And so, with renewed determination and hope in their hearts, they moved forward, ready to confront whatever destiny had in store for them.

___ <3 ___ <3 ___ / (0o0) \ __ <3 ___ <3_____

[Name: Luan Carlos Mcclan / Formerly Diana Kairy}

Level 5

EXP: 802/1600

Age: 4 years (39 years)

Title: The Player / Little Artist

Human Race


HP: 55/55

CP: 35/35

STR: 16

INT: 29

DEX: 17

VIT: 19

CAR: 18

WIS: 24

LUK: 29 (fixed)

Many people would believe that Luan and his twin brother were ordinary children from a humble farming family in Cuba, and that both would have a bright future, but what they did not know is that it was only his brother, because Luan is actually a reincarnated soul with a system whose future is uncertain.

Starting point available: 49


Observation Level 1 (46/50): Allows the player to understand and observe hidden facts about an object or person.

Persuasion Level 1 (36/50): Persuades someone to do something for you.

Basic Manipulation by Quintessence Level 2 (30/100): With this skill, the player can momentarily increase their advantages or even perform acts that go beyond understanding.

Alchemy Apprentice (Locked): Level 5 of Basic Quintessence Manipulation required.

Chakra Conversion (Locked): Ability to convert a small part of quintessence into Chakra (requires Level 3 of Basic Quintessence Manipulation).

Climbing (Passive) Level 1 (18/50): Ability to climb to places that were previously considered inaccessible.

Jump (Passive) Level 1 (29/50): Allows the user the ability to surpass objects reaching great heights with a certain impulse (maximum height variant of STR+VIT/2).

Skill Dance: Ballet (Locked) Required DEX 35.

Child Designer Level 1 (32/50): The player can express the world they see on paper through drawing.

Siren's Song Level 1 (15/50): The user has an enchanting voice, which allows them to draw everyone's attention and, for this reason, their singing allows them to express their emotions and even scare off bad omens (5% potency) if used with the persuasion skill or with the aura of an angel, little healer, child of the sea or with water).


Mental Gamer (On / Off): Allows the player to think clearly and calmly, without suffering emotional stress, maintaining focus on their goals.

Level 1 Mental Barrier Bonus (26/50): Protection against any attack / mind control, Wis + Int / 2.

Meditation Level 2 (56/100): The player has the ability to meditate contributing to better physical / mental / spiritual balance; the user now has greater manipulation, control, regeneration, and sensitivity to Quintessence, the higher the level the better the ability and can even filter it. (capacity of these based on handling HP + CP + Quit./3)

Quintessence Sensor Bonus (Locked) required until meditation reaches level 5.

Mystical Camouflage (Locked): Required to Reach level 10 for Basic Quintessence Manipulation or unlock Chakra Conversion.

Ninja Art: Tree Walking (Locked): Required to unlock Chakra Conversion.

Gamer Body (Activated / Deactivated): Has the ability to grant the player's body to the player, allowing HP and CP regeneration, either instant (when sleeping) or slow (in battle).

Level 1 Pain Resistance Bonus (15/50): Resistance factor that allows the player to continue to achieve their goals / objectives, even if they are injured, STR + DEX + VIT / 3. Blessing of Running (Active) Level 1 (0/50): A skill to move quickly (speed variant of VIT+DEX/2).

Run Barry, Run (Passive) Level1(0/50): With the use of CP, the user can increase their maximum speed by doubling or even tripling their agility (since they do not possess the speed strength blessing, this action for a short period of time (Time of 0:15s, variant factor of VIT +DEX + Qui/3))

Susanoo- (click here to learn more)

One with Water Level 2 (21/100): you have always been with water in your past life; as a result, it has become a very important part of your being, leading to a natural affinity for water (+ 2x DEX, + 2x STR, + 2x VIT) in contact with water.

Child of the Seas Level 2 (25/100): As a former descendant of a clan with an affinity for the ocean, you will have a great advantage at sea, developing skills to breathe and an increase in your regeneration, within any Water body.

Winter Fury Level1(3/50): a wide-reaching water attack technique, allowing everything within the zone it is in to freeze (Maximum range 2 meters), any organism will be placed in temporary stasis, Attention the further from the attack field the less time

Little Healer Level 1 (19/50): For your compassion, constant struggle, and desire for the health and well-being of the people around you, as well as your zealous profession in your past life, by divine kindness, you receive the ability to heal people around you, whether momentarily in battle or slowly and constantly daily, and you can eventually evolve them.

Little Grasshopper Level 1 (37/50): Due to your constant training in Martial Arts in your past life, you now have a certain inclination to make them easier to do, and you can evolve and even develop your own style.

Mirin Hunter Level 1 (24/50) This ability allows the player the ability to search and find their target.

Concealment (Passive) Level 1 (15/50): Allows the user to hide from their opponent for a short period of time (Maximum Time; 2 min).

Loyalty (Max): Growing up in supportive environments, you learned from a young age the sacred benefits of loyalty, as well as the damage, just like every child of the sea, also has the fatal flaw of loyalty, just like the future player. As relationships develop, he can give and earn the loyalty of his associates (benefit bonus: beyond the level of association, depending on their level, the player can unlock romance privilege, reaching 100%, he can unlock a divine reward).

Angel Aura (Locked): required to reach level 2 in the little healer or level 3 in persuasion.

Golden Silencing Curse (Max): This curse prohibits its vessel from transmitting information of great importance, leading to extreme pain in its soul if it tries to reveal what should not be revealed.

Reputation Bar:

Varadero: 8,320 / 25,000 - Neutral.

Mcclan Clan: 7,890 / 10,000 - Friendly

Marcio Macclan (pop-pop - Grandpa): 1,000 / 1,100 - Well-regarded

Helena Mcclan (grandmother): 1,080 / 1,100 - Honored

Laura Mcclan (mama): 1,100 / 1,100 - Honored

Raphael Mcclan (patre): 1,098 / 1,100 - Honored

Luis Mcclan (Oldest Brother): 1,020 / 1,700 - Honored

Veronica Mcclan (Elder Sister): 1,100 / 1,100 - Honored

Marco Mcclan (Elder Brother): 1,000 / 1,100 - Well-regarded

Rachel Mcclan (Elder Sister): 1,030 / 1,100 - Honored

Lance Mcclan (Twin Brother): 1,100 / 1,100 - Honored

Lapiz-Lazuli (Blue Lion): 2,080 / 4,900 - Friendly.