Chapter 19 - Into The Unknown (Part 1)

(6 years later)

The morning sun rays filtered through the window curtains, bathing the room in a gentle glow. The old wooden floor in shades of brown was dotted with colorful rugs that added a touch of coziness to the space. The walls, painted in two shades of soft blue, created a serene and relaxing atmosphere.

At one end of the room, a meticulously organized study area could be seen. A large dark wood bookshelf housed a collection of strategy and science fiction books, while a white desk displayed a computer and neatly aligned notebooks. Medicinal posters, spacecraft, and star maps adorned the walls, reflecting their passion for exploration, learning, and care.

On the other side of the room, contrasting with his twin's, a slightly more relaxed and eclectic area was evident. A cluttered desk displayed a variety of makeup and beauty products, alongside a mirror decorated with lights. A wooden shelf showcased models of spacecraft and action figures, showcasing his interest in adventure and entertainment.

In the center of the room, a circular table served as a meeting point, where the twins gathered to discuss plans and strategies. Comfortable chairs surrounded the table, inviting them to spend hours sharing ideas and dreams.

Along the walls, framed photos captured precious moments from the siblings' childhood, reminding them of the importance of family and mutual support. Overall, the twins' room was a cozy and personal space, where each one's individuality blended harmoniously with the strong connection they shared as siblings.

As the early morning light streamed through the half-open curtains, revealing the tranquil interior of the twins' room, two figures awoke in their respective beds. Luan and Lance, immersed in their personal sanctuary, were enveloped by the welcoming environment they had carefully cultivated over the years.

They woke up, feeling the familiar sensation of comfort and security that their personal sanctuary provided. The colorful rugs beneath their feet, the soft contrast of the walls painted in shades of blue, and the carefully arranged furniture created a warm and familiar atmosphere. As the morning light bathed the room, Luan and Lance exchanged glances, sharing a silent understanding of the day that awaited them. It was as if the very environment was imbued with the energy of anticipation, and they were preparing to face whatever destiny had in store for them.

"Good morning, Lua! Ready for another day of adventures?" exclaimed the older twin, jumping out of bed with an energy he normally didn't possess.

"Good morning, Lan. I think so, I'm a little nervous about the summons, but I'm ready." I said sleepily and honestly, my nervousness audible in my voice.

In contrast to his bundle of nervous energy, I moved with more sleepiness, folding my blankets and organizing my bed like a good filial child that I was. No matter how many lives she lived, she couldn't rid herself of the discipline, and respect for parents were intrinsic values ​​that I had carried since childhood, rooted in Chinese-Japanese education.

It was as if each careful movement reflected not only the care for our space, but also the reverence for the teachings passed down by our parents. Despite the extraordinary circumstances surrounding us, these fundamental values ​​remained unshakeable, serving as a beacon amid the uncertainty of the future.

I feel like maybe I'm secretly Mom's favorite because of this, being the most educated and well-behaved son compared to my brothers. It's kind of expected, considering my advanced mental maturity, but then again, I've seen more disorganized and misbehaved adults than children, so maybe it's not so surprising after all.

"Don't worry, Lua. Everything will be fine. And if not, at least we'll have a funny story to tell later!" said the future paladin with his exaggerated sense of positivity, his arms swinging wildly as he moved around the room, ignoring the mess he left behind.

"You always manage to find the positive side of things, Lan. It's an admirable quality." I said with slight exasperation in my voice as I watched the mess spreading.

"And you always manage to bring me back to reality, Lua. That's why we're a great team." The agent of chaos replied as he headed for the bathroom, leaving a trail of disorder behind him, already knowing that I would stay behind to tidy up.

With these words, the bathroom door closed, leaving me alone in the room. Without further ado, I began to organize the mess, while doing so, I found myself lost in thought.

Finally, finally, the day has come. After 11 years of waiting, 6 years since I revealed to my family the visions and intuitions that haunted me, we are about to take an important step in our journey. Today is the day when the results of our application to the Galactic Garrison Cadet School will be announced. It's the beginning of a new adventure, a journey that will take us to the far reaches of space. I am filled with hope and determination as we eagerly await the test results, prepared to face the unknown that awaits us.

Veronica has already joined the garrison school, more precisely in the Communication, Information, and Archiving Corps (CCIA), just like in the animated series. I managed to gather information that wasn't very well explained in the Voltron universe. Interestingly, I discovered that the Galactic Garrison, like every military branch, had schools for young cadets between 11 and 15 years old, where they learn the guidelines of the astrological military branch from an early age. Although I am nervous, I also found out that there is a high acceptance rate for cadets, or 'rookies,' as the Astros (as the Galactic Garrison was called by other military branches, according to Pop-pop) call them, who have relatives in the military branch. The likelihood of admission increases even more if these relatives are within the garrison and hold high-ranking positions.

Veronica was already a recruit (cadet III) with good grades and a good track record. Unfortunately, even with the knowledge of the future that awaited us, my other siblings did not want to join the garrison. Luis would take over our family's farm and prepare a place to store grains and food for the future invasion. Marcos, the nerd, planned to go to college and, therefore, was dedicating himself to studies to earn a good scholarship. Additionally, he was expanding his knowledge of magic, trying to replicate some movements from old animes that survived the 3rd War and the blackout. Raquel was dedicated to joining the navy; she wanted to follow the same path as pop-pop.

Another interesting thing is that we know that the Voltron plot occurred in the future and that the Galactic Garrison is a planetary defense force as well as a military organization responsible, composed of a variety of units and divisions, including pilots, soldiers, scientists, and doctors, who play important roles in the exploration and colonization of new planets, as well as in the search for knowledge and resources that benefit humanity. What was not presented in the show was the history of Earth and why the Galactic Garrison was created.

Well, it seems that there was a 3rd World War, which occurred due to the post-pandemic conflict between various countries in the European and Asian continents, resulting in a scenario of global chaos and political instability. Basically, the events in the past were very similar to those that happened in my past life; I will summarize the background of world history, starting from the beginning.

The post-global pandemic events left a trail of malignant consequences that reverberated for decades. In addition to countless human losses, we faced monumental challenges, including economic, political, and social collapses. Inequality deepened, with the most vulnerable being the most affected, while we saw the social fabric wear thin under the weight of chaos and distrust.

The deterioration of the environment, exacerbated by resource scarcity and fierce competition for them, further threatened the planet's sustainability. I witnessed the emergence of authoritarian governments and the resurgence of extremist ideologies fueling division and intolerance, creating a fertile ground for conflicts and oppression.

Amidst this turbulent scenario, conflicts between Russia and Ukraine, as well as between Israel and the West Bank, intensified, increasing geopolitical and regional tensions.

These conflicts, rooted in historical, religious, and territorial disputes, triggered an escalation of hostilities that extended beyond borders, fueling a cycle of violence and retaliation. Faced with this context of growing instability, the 3rd World War erupted, unleashing a series of catastrophic events that would change the course of human history forever.

The increase in armament and the escalation of tension between countries created an environment of uncertainty and geopolitical instability worldwide. In the wake of the 3rd World War, nations began to strengthen their military arsenals, investing in weapons of mass destruction and advanced war technologies. This fueled an arms race, with each country seeking to strengthen itself and protect against perceived threats.

Alliances between countries became more fragile as divergent national interests and conflicting political agendas undermined international cooperation. Mutual defense agreements were questioned, and old alliances were put to the test in the face of new geopolitical realities.

The world witnessed an increase in tensions between regional blocs and a decrease in diplomatic trust, as leaders became more focused on protecting their own national interests. With political leaders increasingly willing to resort to bellicose rhetoric and the threat of using nuclear weapons, the world faced the terrible specter of a devastating global conflict.

Inflammatory speeches and provocations between leaders of different countries raised fears of an imminent nuclear confrontation. Bellicose rhetoric fueled fear and anxiety among populations, while the world watched with apprehension the developments behind the scenes of the global geopolitical stage.

The increase in population tension was palpable, like an electric current running through people. Panic hung in the air, a dense fog enveloping the masses, leaving a bitter taste of anxiety in everyone's mouths. As time passed, nervousness intensified, fueled by speculations and rumors spreading like wildfire.

No one knows for sure when it all began, where they came from, or who led the movement, but they emerged from the shadows of secrecy with fierce determination. While governments labeled them 'terrorists,' they saw themselves as guardians of peace. These Guerrilheiros were united by a noble goal: to prevent war at all costs.

Operating under the name DarkNet Syndicate, this skilled group of hackers navigated the margins of digital society, keeping their identities hidden while leaving a trail of disruption and challenge wherever they went. In a world already tense with geopolitical conflicts and imminent nuclear threats, the emergence of this unknown and relentless enemy cast a new shadow of uncertainty over humanity, while their true motivations remained shrouded in mystery.

People of various ages, cultures, and positions in society pooled their skills and knowledge for a single purpose. Among them were talented young people in technology, experienced communication professionals, renowned scientists, visionary artists, and respected community leaders. Together, they formed a diverse and multifaceted team, united by a common goal: to prevent war and promote world peace.

However, no matter what they did or how many obstacles they encountered along the way, the determination of the DarkNet Syndicate remained unwavering. While world leaders engaged in a dangerous dance of power and selfishness, the clandestine group persisted in its mission to prevent war at all costs. Each challenge was faced with courage and cunning, and each setback only strengthened their commitment to the cause. In the dark corridors of the internet, they wove a complex web of intrigue and resistance, preparing for the crucial moment that would define the fate of humanity.

Conflict behavior between world powers reached alarming levels, with exchanges of threats and displays of power becoming increasingly frequent. Tensions escalated, and peace negotiations seemed stalled as the world dangerously teetered on the brink. The deaths of innocents in regional conflicts only fueled the cycle of violence and retaliation, leaving a trail of devastation and despair wherever they went. Faced with this bleak scenario, the alliance's last desperate move, the Total Blackout, was a bold attempt to interrupt the cycle of destruction and pave the way for a new era of peace.

On the Blackout Day, they launched their audacious plan, shutting down not only electricity but also all global technology. In an instant, humanity was thrust back into the Dark Ages, when electric light was merely a distant dream. With no communication, no internet, no power systems, the world plunged into a deafening silence. In artificially lit cities, lights extinguished, leaving streets shrouded in darkness. Chaos swiftly ensued, with modern society crumbling before the disbelieving eyes of those who never imagined living without the conveniences of the technological era.

The war had been interrupted, but the price was terrible. As the world sank into the darkness of the global blackout, a tense truce settled among the conflicting nations. The ensuing silence was not reassuring but rather a harbinger of an unstable calm before the storm. In the debris of modern society, the scars of war were visible at every turn, and the specter of destruction loomed over humanity, reminding everyone of the terrible cost of greed and intolerance.

In the end, even without our technologies and sophisticated means of communication, we survived. Amidst the darkness of the global blackout, we rediscovered the value of cooperation and solidarity. We became closer, more connected as a global community. Through resilience and determination, we found a new way to move forward together, reminding ourselves that, ultimately, our shared humanity is our greatest resource.

Historians wove various speculations about the origins of the group. Some suggested they were inspired by the narrative to form a rebel alliance. Regardless of the theories, this group became the cornerstone for the creation of the Galactic Garrison, leaving a legacy that would resonate throughout the depths of space.

"As time passed, historians delved into the conflicts preceding the creation of the Galactic Garrison, analyzing the geopolitical tensions and nuclear threats that marked the Earth. However, a moment of profound transformation is highlighted: the awakening to the vastness of the cosmos. During the total blackout, the darkness enveloping the planet allowed humanity to contemplate, for the first time in decades, the beauty of the starry sky without the interference of light pollution. This inspiring glimpse renewed a sense of wonder and catalyzed a new vision of cooperation and exploration among nations." - History of the Galactic Garrison by Henrique Gregori

However, as I reflected on these words, a dialogue echoed in my mind, like a whisper from the past refusing to be forgotten. "I understood, finally, that seeing the world destroyed is the only way to save it," said the villain from Watchmen to Dr. Manhattan. Those words echoed as a somber warning, a reminder that the ends may justify the means, even if it means adopting the mantle of villainy to unify the world. Perhaps, as suggested, the world needs a common enemy, someone to hate, to finally find unity in adversity. This perspective cast a shadow over my thoughts, making me question to what extent we would be willing to go to achieve the desired peace.

As I lost myself in my thoughts, focused on organizing my clothes for the upcoming day, a knock on the door brought me back to reality.

I looked up, surprised by the interruption, and saw Lance, just out of the shower, calling me with an excited smile.

"Earth to Luna, are you there? I finished my shower, little sis, I've been calling you for a few minutes, but it seems someone's off the grid," the idiot says as he approaches, throwing his arm over my shoulder and leaning on me, I could see a glint of concern in his sapphire eyes, making me smile slightly in reassurance.

His contagious energy was like an antidote to the dark thoughts that had engulfed me moments before. "Oh, no, I was just organizing my stuff," I quickly replied, hiding my deeper thoughts.

"I was planning the day, you know how it is." Lance, always perceptive, gave me a curious look but seemed to accept my explanation.

"Okay, okay... let's go, we need to have breakfast," he said urgently. "And you better not have used up all the hot water, Lan," I joked, trying to ease the tension as we hurried to our next commitment of the day.

"Who? Me, of course not, Lunita, I wouldn't be a good big brother if I let my little sister go without a nice warm shower," the idiot says in the most fake tone I've ever heard.

Rolling my eyes, I grab my towel and head towards the bathroom, giving the final response, "We're twins, idiot!"

"Oh, right!" Lance exclaims, laughing as we enter the bathroom. "That means you're not the only one entitled to a hot shower around here!" His laughter echoes down the hallway as I close the bathroom door, leaving behind our usual banter. With a smile on my lips, I begin to prepare for the day ahead, grateful for the unique bond I share with my brother.

And of course, these thoughts didn't prevent the surprised shout or the curses that followed, muffled by the loud laughter in the hallway, when I came into contact with a jet of cold water.