Chapter 19 - Into The Unknown (Part 2)

(A/n: Sorry for the delay in delivering last month's chapter, I was swamped with work and had zero inspiration to write the chapter. That's why I wrote a longer chapter. This is the last chapter of the childhood arc. From here on, the next chapter will be the beginning of the "canon". I'll also focus on game skills. Hope you enjoy this chapter, please comment and give your opinions on the matter. Your comments help and inspire me to write.)

[Same day at 5:30 PM]

The soft light of early evening filtered through the partially open curtains, filling the room with a warm and comforting aura. The atmosphere was full of anticipation, with every family member gathered around the sofa, eager to receive the long-awaited news from the Garrison. The room, familiar and cozy, exuded a mixture of nervousness and hope as they awaited the list of names that would change the course of their lives. In the center of the room, the sofa welcomed each family member with its comforting softness. Carefully arranged cushions provided support as they waited, each containing a blend of emotions permeating the air. As time passed, tension mounted, but the bond between them remained strong, uniting them in a moment of shared anticipation. As the night slowly advanced, the soft glow of the room's lights reflected in the hopeful expressions of those present. Every gaze directed towards the screen awaited eagerly the moment when their destinies would be revealed. Amidst the tense silence, the family waited, united by the unbreakable bond of love and determination to face the unknown together.

As they waited for the arrival of the candidate list, time seemed to stretch infinitely, distorting the perception of the present. Each second passed slowly, as if the clock were actively working against their patience, prolonging the uncertainty and fueling the anxiety. The character's mind wandered through labyrinths of thoughts, exploring alternative scenarios and considering all the possibilities that the future could bring. Each tick-tock of the clock echoed like a deafening sound, reverberating through the room and amplifying the tension in the air. Time seemed to have a life of its own, dancing to the rhythm of an unknown melody, as the character immersed themselves in a state of deep contemplation. Each passing minute was a relentless reminder of the fragility of time and the importance of every decision made throughout life.

As they waited, Luan mentally complained about the unfairness of Verônica not being able to know the result due to the secrecy of the higher echelons. The delay only increased his frustration, and he speculated about possible reasons, including a hacking attempt that had been discovered. This made him reflect on how the recent history of humanity had increased resistance to the existence of these beings, making them even more mysterious and feared. Due to the blackout incident, which decimated much of the human race, hackers are considered an extremely obscure and reckless profession. The actions of the DarkNet Syndicate have left deep scars on society, fueling fear and distrust towards these powerful individuals in the post-apocalyptic era.

Their founders were astronomers who, outraged by cuts in their research, united in a common cause. Others argued that they were young people passionate about a famous space opera. All of this was part of the past, but today Luan was ready to leave it all behind and embrace the future. Lance was by his side, with a nervous smile on his face. He was excited too, but Luan could feel the tension he was trying to hide. Their parents gave them unconditional support, but now they depended on them. They were about to embark on a journey that would shape their lives forever.

The two exchanged looks of determination mixed with nervousness in the living room, illuminated by the soft light of the stars shining outside. The moment of waiting was almost palpable, anticipation hung in the air as they eagerly awaited the list of enlistment for the Galactic Garrison. Luan, with his firm posture and determined gaze, knew that his journey towards bodily health would be challenging, but he was ready to embrace the new path ahead of him. Beside him, Lance displayed a nervous smile, trying to hide the tension consuming him. The twins' parents were present, emanating unconditional support, which was a crucial emotional foundation at that critical moment.

As the night progressed, the silence of the room was only broken by the muffled sound of the brothers' anxious breathing. The opportunity to become cadets in the Galactic Garrison represented not only a career change, but a life transformation that would shape their destinies indelibly. As they awaited the outcome of that night, Luan and Lance knew they were on the brink of a journey that would test their limits, courage, and determination, but would also offer them the opportunity to achieve greatness and honor in the vast cosmos of the Galactic Garrison. Their dreams seemed so close to becoming reality, but there was nothing tangible to reassure them. All they could do was wait for the information that would reveal whether their dreams were within their reach.

When that information arrived, the family watched through the holobook screen in the comfortable family room, sharing silent anticipation and hope for good news. Finally, the enlistment list for future Cadets I was opened to the participants. Verônica opened the list and searched for her brothers' names, after a few minutes of anticipated silence.

"Alright guys, you two are in. So, congratulations!"

Then, I heard a familiar bell ring: [Congratulations, congratulations, congratulations! You have just joined the Galactic Garrison Health Corps as a Cadet I (trainee). New missions are available for you in the menu.]

They jumped out of their seats and hugged each other with enthusiasm and joy. The reality of what was about to happen hit them immediately, making it impossible for her to control her emotions. A whole galaxy of possibilities lay before her. If it weren't for the two abilities, through the powers of the system, she wouldn't have been able to carry the plan forward. Possibly, both she and her brother wouldn't have joined at the first opportunity and would have ended up on standby, waiting to be called, or for some relative to pull a few strings to be called up as Cadets III.

The exams were designed for those who were ready to take high risks and high responsibilities. They needed to possess incredible endurance, flexibility, intelligence, and strength, and they needed courage to face any challenges that might arise.

Noticing that her twin was distracted, Lance gently placed his hand on her shoulder. He didn't want to alarm her, but he needed her full attention. She looked into space as if time had stopped.

"Hey, moon, what's up? Aren't you happy to get in?"

"But of course I am!" I'm indignant.

Pulling her twin aside, he nudges her lightly as he speaks: "Then set aside your worries and let's celebrate!" Lance says, raising his voice as he punches the air.

Luan didn't know how to respond. Looking towards the future paladin with an expressionless face, she then sighs and smiles, letting herself be carried away by the joy of the moment.

[Skip to the party in the middle of the night]

(A/n: Here comes the singing part, I suggest not skipping or closing the chapter because there's a spoiler of what's coming next.)

Luan lay in her bed, the room enveloped in the soft dimness of the night. Silence reigned, broken only by the murmur of the wind making the curtains dance. The salty scent of the sea permeated the air, bringing with it a sense of freedom and mystery. Suddenly, a familiar melody began to insinuate itself into her mind, like an ancestral call.

"Ahhh... ahhh..."

The voice, ethereal and powerful, seemed to echo from beyond the stars. Luan sat up, eyes fixed on the ceiling. The song enveloped him, as if pulling him out of the everyday reality and towards something greater, more mysterious. He felt restless, intrinsic, as if something were summoning him on an unknown journey.

"Ahhh... ahhh..." the voice repeated, as Luan took a deep breath and got up, reaching for the small lantern beside the bed. With determination, he opened the door of the room. The corridor was plunged into darkness, except for the flickering light of a candle and the moonlight peeking through the windows. Lost in thought, Luan walked through the corridors, his heart beating in time with the melody that guided him into the unknown.

As Luan walked down the hallway, she felt the sea breeze caressing her face, bringing with it a refreshing coolness and the echo of untold stories. Each step was like a dive deeper into the unknown, feeding her curiosity and awakening a thirst for adventure. The candlelight flickered in response to her advance, as if recognizing the significance of the journey she was about to undertake.

The voice continued to whisper in her mind, urging her forward toward the destiny that awaited beyond the horizon. Luan felt a mixture of excitement and apprehension, but her determination was unwavering. She knew this was her chance to blaze new trails, to discover what lay beyond the bounds of the known.

Nervous and restless, Luan echoed in response to the mysterious voice calling her: "I can hear you..." Her voice resonated through the silent corridors, mingling with the melody that enveloped her. Luan's voice trembled as she ventured down the hallway, the candlelight flickering in response to her anticipation. Her mind was filled with uncertainties and doubts about a future she could ruin... "But I won't," she murmured, firming her resolve.

Sighing, she leaned against one of the walls, feeling the cold texture against her back. Each step resonated with purpose, and the lyrics flowed effortlessly from her lips. "Some look for trouble..." Her voice carried weight — a promise of determination. Her words echoed in the emptiness of the hallway, while her mind grappled with the challenges that lay ahead. The air seemed to hold its breath. Luan's eyes narrowed, examining old photographs adorning the hallway.

As Luan ventured deeper into the dim hallway, the melody intensified. The air seemed to hold its breath, and Luan's eyes narrowed as she examined old photographs adorning the walls. The images portrayed people she had never known, stories of beings who had once lived and walked this world, who had dreams, joys, and sorrows, real beings and not illustrated characters. Each figure seemed to whisper secrets, begging to be remembered.

"There's a thousand reasons..." Luan pressed her hand against her heart. The ancestral voice impelled her, as if the universe itself conspired in her favor. She wasn't just Luan, the twin of the Blue Paladin. She was something more, something that would transcend the stars and the bounds of the known.

With determined steps, Luan entered the bathroom, the melody still echoing in her mind. he leaned over the sink, splashing cold water on her face as if trying to awaken from a stupor. Raising her head, she looked at herself in the mirror. Her reflected image stared back at her, and Luan responded in a whisper: "I should go about my day." With a tired sigh, she stepped away.

The headache persisted, and Luan moved her hands to her temples, massaging them as if it could ease he. "...And ignore your whispers," she murmured, frustrated, pressing the palms of her hands to her eyes and ruffling her hair, disheveling it. He turned her gaze back to the mirror, which seemed to guard secrets, as if it knew more than it revealed. Luan pleaded: "Which I wish would go away, oh oh oh."

"...Ah ah oh oh." The response echoed, and she found herself again in the hallway, walking toward the stairs. Soon she found herself descending them: "Oh oh."

"Ah ah oh oh..."

"You're not a voice," she whispered/yelled to the one responding to her, leaning against the wall. Her eyes scanned the room, checking that it was empty, and she continued to admonish: "You're just a ringing in my ear."

"And if I heard you..." she made a cutting motion with her hand, "...which I don't."

"I'm spoken for, I fear..." he crossed the room toward one of the windows, overlooking the forest. The night sky was clear, illuminated by the full moon. Beyond the forest lay the hidden beach, guarded by two cliffs.

Crossing her arms defensively, Luan continued to argue: "Everyone I've ever loved is here within these walls." She sighed and looked up at the starry sky. "I'm sorry, secret siren, but I'm blocking out your calls."

Luan felt torn between the tangible world and the ancestral call. The melody urged her, and she knew her journey was only beginning.

"I've had my adventure, I don't need something new." Her face turned towards the door, and a conflict could be seen in her eyes. With determined steps, she walked towards it and hesitantly grasped the handle, her hand faltering.

"I'm afraid of what I'm risking if I follow you." Determined, she gripped the handle and turned it, opening the door, taking the first step onto the balcony. Her voice normalized in volume. "Into the unknown." Her hesitant steps now became determined. An inexplicable impulse enveloped her as she descended the steps, her mind and heart open to the unknown. A sensation of excitement mixed with a slight fear accompanied her, but curiosity outweighed any hesitation.

"Into the unknown~"

As her feet touched the ground, a new energy seemed to arise, guiding her towards the forest. Her eyes shone with renewed determination, as if an invisible force was pulling her towards a destination she could not resist, towards the unknown, singing and belting louder in her heart: "Into the unknown!".

Her pace quickened, and soon she was running through the forest under the silver light of the full moon, each step echoing through the dense vegetation. Her face was illuminated by determination and the moonlight as she shouted, her voice blending with the night wind: "Into the unknown!".

"..Ah ah oh oh"

"Ah ah oh oh oh oh.."

Each time her words reverberated among the ancient trees, it seemed that the forest itself responded, echoing Luan's call in a mysterious chorus. She felt propelled, as if nature itself were echoing her journey in response to her call, leading her deeper into the unknown.

"What do you want? Cause you've been keeping me awake…"

Slowing her pace, Luan approached a clearing that revealed a beautiful lake. The moon reflected on its waters, creating a silver path to the center. Leaning against one of the trees, she took a deep breath and whispered breathlessly:

"Are you here to distract me.."

"..So I make a big mistake?"

With hesitant steps, Luan approached the edge of the lake, feeling the dampness of the grass under her feet.

"Or are you someone out there who's a little bit like me?"

Kneeling at the water's edge, she watched attentively the reflection forming on the calm surface of the lake. Sadly, she witnessed that the reflected image revealed her own past, her red hair and freckles standing out distinctly in the reflected figure. It was as if the lake were revealing a part of herself that she had left behind.

"Who knows deep down I'm not where I'm meant to be?"

Luan rose abruptly, feeling the urgency of the melody in her mind. "Every day's a little harder..." The voice urged her, and from the corner of her vision, the system screen vibrated. She dismissed it with a gesture, swiftly moving past it. tendrils of water from the lake rose, as if responding to the call. She felt various presences, one among them familiar, the energy swirling around him.

"As I feel my power grow..."

Her voice echoed, blending with the energy-charged environment. At her command, the lake water bent, assuming an illuminated hue, as if the stars themselves were dancing there.

"Don't you know there's part of me that..."

Before she could fully comprehend the magnitude of what was happening, something struck her. Small forms pushed her forward, briefly diverting her gaze. Lions, reminiscent of those from Voltron, emerged from the water, propelling her forward with determination.

"...longs to go..."

Her eyes widened as she followed the direction the lions were heading. Before her lay a glowing portal, a shimmering, shapeless mist, a passage to a mysterious place. Luan followed...

"Into the unknown..."

Through the portal, she saw mundane images of alien worlds, glowing city skylines, and fantastical forests....

"Into the unknown~"

Following the 'line,' she observed deserts and plunged into the deep blue ocean, swarms of alien fish swirling around her, moving her hair....

"Into the unknown!"

Luan spun in place, her determination unwavering. The images of the five humans in familiar uniforms flashed before her eyes. They were running towards something, reaching out to one of the figures. She followed them, her steps quickening, her heart pounding.

"Oh oh oh..."

"Are you out there?" Luan called out, her voice echoing through the void. The figures seemed to flicker like distant stars. She felt a strange connection to the scene before her. Suddenly, she was enveloped by an aura of energy, and the waters of the lake began to dance around her, as if responding to her call.

"Can you feel me?"

The shimmering water tendrils rose gracefully, following her movements as if she were a conductor leading an aquatic symphony. Unbeknownst to her, the "water" was no longer water; it was quintessence itself, the essence of magic that permeated the universe. Luan felt the energy pulsating through her, as if she were a conduit for something greater.

"Can you show me?"

Above her face, two triangles manifested and shone brightly. Her eyes lit up, and around her, the manipulated energy changed color, assuming a white hue. It was older and deeper, and it joined the music, as if singing in a duet.

"Ah ah oh oh!"

The energy moved around her future paladin, and he bowed to the sound of her voice. "Ah ah oh oh..." His eyes locked onto the strengthening energy, and it transformed into a beautiful figure, a luminous construct of a powerful leonine form.

"Oh oh oh oh / Oh oh oh oh"

The creature ran and leaped in front of her, diving into the ground and momentarily dissipating before reforming into two mechanical bipedal forms. The forms fragmented into flower petals that spun around her before flying off in random directions. The world around her illuminated, but she did not notice.

"Where are you going?"

Moving swiftly behind that energy, unaware of where she was being led, she sped up. "How do I follow you?" Luan exclaimed, as she desperately ran after the shimmering energy dancing in front of her. Her feet pounded on the cold hallway floor, echoing through the silent house. Every time the light moved, it cast shadows that seemed to form fleeting images of a destination yet to be discovered. She felt the sea breeze increasing in intensity, bringing with it the strong smell of salt and a shiver of excitement. Her eyes were fixed on the light, determined not to lose sight of it, even when it seemed to play peek-a-boo among the shadows. The energy led her out of the house, the cold of the night kissing her skin as she accelerated, her heart pounding in anticipation.

"Into the unknown!" Luan reached the edge of a cliff, where the sea stretched vast and dark below him. The shimmering energy hovered there, shining brightly like a beacon in the midst of the night. She stopped abruptly when there was no more ground for her to walk on, breathing deeply with her heart racing, her eyes fixed on the horizon, where the sky and the sea met. With her hands still outstretched, Luan watched the last rays of the white light float towards the full moon before dissipating, and with them her fears. The marks on her face disappeared.

"Oh oh oh!" The ancient voice ends in a whisper, not a farewell, but a see you later, urging her to fight, to move forward, to leave behind all her doubts and fears, not to give up.

Determined, Luan breathed deeply, feeling the energy pulsating around her, as if the universe were responding to her call. She knew this journey would take her beyond anything she had ever known, but she also knew she was ready to face the challenges that would come. The light that now guided her was a symbol of hope and courage, and she was ready to follow it, wherever it might lead her.


[Nome: Luan Carlos Mcclan / Formerly Diana Kairy}

Level 12

EXP: 110/204,800

Age: 11 years (45 years)

Title: The Player / Little Artist / Beloved Daughter

Race: Human / Legacy: Altea


HP: 55/55

CP: 35/35

STR: 16

INT: 29

DEX: 17

VIT: 19

CHA: 18

WIS: 24

LUK: 29 (fixed)

Many people would believe that Luan and her twin brother were ordinary children from a humble farming family in Cuba, and that both would have a bright future, but what they didn't know was that it was only her brother, because Luan is actually a reincarnated soul with a system whose future is uncertain.

Starting point available: 30 Skills:

Observation Level 2 (25/100): Allows the player to understand and observe hidden facts about an object or person.

Persuasion Ability Level 2 (10/100): Persuades someone to do something or to achieve something for you.

Basic Quintessence Manipulation Level 3 (78/200): With this skill, the player can temporarily increase their advantages or even perform acts that go beyond understanding.

Alchemy Apprentice (Locked): Requires Level 5 of Basic Quintessence Manipulation.

Chakra Conversion (Locked): Ability to convert a small portion of quintessence into Chakra (requires Level 3 of Basic Quintessence Manipulation).

Climbing (Passive) Level 2 (10/100): Ability to climb to places that were previously considered inaccessible.

Jump (Passive) Level 2 (40/100): Allows the user the ability to surpass objects reaching great heights with a certain impulse (maximum height variant of STR+VIT/2).

Skill Dance: Ballet (Locked) Requires 35 DEX.

Child Designer Level 2 (10/100): The player can express the world they see on paper through drawing.

Siren's Song Level 3 (55/100): The user has an enchanting voice, which allows them to draw everyone's attention around them and, for this reason, their song allows them to express their emotions and even scare off a bad omen (5% potency) if used with the persuasion ability or with the aura of angel, little healer, son of the sea or with water.

[Through a consistent action of mystical interaction with an ancestral force, the Siren's Song skill has increased by 3 levels!]

[Through a consistent action of mystical interaction with an ancestral force, a HIDDEN skill was created!]

Spiritual Duet Level 1 (10/100) Description: Spiritual Duet is a mystical skill that allows the user to harmonize their voice with spiritual entities, creating a joint melody that can influence the environment and those around them. At level 1, the skill is still in its infancy, but already demonstrates considerable power.

[Through a consistent action of mystical interaction with an ancestral force, a HIDDEN skill was created! ]

Coro dos Guardiões Level 1 (10/100) Description: The user possesses the ability to harmonize their singing with guardian spiritual entities, creating a joint melody that resonates with power and spirituality. This skill allows the user to summon the presence of the guardians of time and space through their voice, channeling their energies for various effects. At level 1, the user is still developing their control over the skill and may not be able to summon more powerful guardians or maintain the harmony for long periods.


Gamer's Mind (On/Off): Allows the player to think clearly and calmly, without suffering emotional stress, maintaining focus on their goals.

Mental Barrier Bonus Level 2 (10/100): Protection against any attack/mind control, Wis + Int / 2.

Meditation Level 3 (25/200): The player has the ability to meditate which contributes to better physical/mental/spiritual balance; the user now has greater manipulation, control, regeneration, and sensitivity of Quintessence, the higher the level, the better the ability and may even filter it. (capacity based on HP + CP + Quit./3)

Quintessence Sensor Bonus (Locked) required until meditation reaches level 5.

Mystical Camouflage (Locked): Required to reach level 10 in Basic Quintessence Manipulation or unlock Chakra Conversion.

Ninja Art: Tree Walking (Locked): Requires unlocking Chakra Conversion.

Gamer's Body (Activated/Deactivated): Has the ability to grant the player's body, allowing HP and CP regeneration, either instant (when sleeping) or slow (in battle).

Pain Resistance Bonus Level 2 (10/100): Resistance factor that allows the player to continue reaching their goals/objectives, even if they are injured, STR + DEX + VIT / 3. Blessing of

Running (Active) Level 2 (30/100): An ability to move quickly (speed variant of VIT + DEX/2).

Run Barry, Run (Passive) Level 2 (0/100): Using CP, the user can increase their maximum speed by doubling or even tripling their agility (since they do not possess the blessing of speed force, this action for a short period of time (Time of 0:15s variant factor of VIT + DEX + Wis/3)).

Susanoo - (click here to learn more)

One with Water Level 4 (120/400): you have always been with water throughout your past life; as a result, it has become a very important part of your being, leading to a natural affinity for water (+2x DEX, +2x STR, +2x VIT) in contact with water.

Child of the Seas Level 4 (100/400): As a former descendant of a clan with an affinity for the ocean, you will have a great advantage at sea, developing abilities to breathe and an increase in your regeneration, within any body of water.

Winter Fury Level 3 (90/200): a wide-reaching water attack technique, allowing everything within the area where this zone is located to freeze (Maximum reach 2 meters), any organism will be put in temporary stasis, Attention the further from the attack field the shorter the time

Little Healer Level 5 (70/800): Due to your compassion, constant struggle, and desire for the health and well-being of the people around you, as well as exercising your profession with such zeal in your past life, by divine kindness you receive the ability to heal the people around you, whether momentarily in battle or slowly and constantly daily, and you can eventually evolve them.

Little Grasshopper Level 3 (86/200): Due to your constant training in Martial Arts in your past life, you now have a certain inclination to make them easier to do, and can evolve and even develop your own style.

Junior Hunter Level 3 (24/200) This ability allows the player to seek and find their target.

Concealment (Passive) Level 2 (21/100): Allows the user to hide from their opponent for a short period of time (Max time; 2 min).

Loyalty (Max): Growing up in supportive environments, you learned from a young age the sacred benefits of loyalty, as well as the damages, just like every child of the sea, also has the fatal flaw of loyalty, just like the future player. As relationships develop, he can give and earn the loyalty of his associates (benefit bonus: besides the level of association, depending on his level, the player can unlock the romance privilege, reaching 100%, he can unlock a divine reward).

Aura Angélica: emanates a benevolent energy from the user, amplifying healing abilities, promoting calmness and serenity, and offering protection against negative influences. This aura enhances persuasion and can illuminate dark environments, inspiring courage and determination in allies. It has limited range and duration, and its activation consumes significant spiritual energy. When activated, the aura envelops the user in a radiant glow, bringing a sense of comfort and security to everyone around.

Golden Silence-Cursing (Max): This curse prohibits the vessel from transmitting information of great importance, leading to extreme pain in their soul if they attempt to reveal what should not be revealed.

Reputation Bar:

Varadero: 8,320 / 25,000 - Neutral.

Mcclan Clan: 7,890 / 10,000 - Friendly.

Marcio Macclan (pop-pop - Grandfather): 1,000 / 1,100 - Well-regarded.

Helena Mcclan (grandmother): 1,080 / 1,100 - Honored.

Laura Mcclan (mother): 1,100 / 1,100 - Honored.

Raphael Mcclan (father): 1,098 / 1,100 - Honored.

Luis Mcclan (eldest brother): 2,010 / 4,900 - Friendly.

Veronica Mcclan (eldest sister): 2,100 / 4,900 - Friendly.

Marco Mcclan (older brother): 2,000 / 4,900 - Friendly.

Rachel Mcclan (older sister): 2,000 / 4,900 - Friendly.

Lance Mcclan (twin brother): 1,100 / 1,100 - Honored.

Lapiz-Lazuli (blue lion): 2,080 / 4,900 - Friendly.

?????: 1,000 / 1,100 - Well-regarded.