The Rifle

The night has just fallen. After practicing magic at Caleb's, Levi decided to visit Garde in his workshop and to introduce one of his creations.

The streets were not as busy now as it is in the day. The vendors are only a few, most of them had already gone home and some were left here packing up their products and later they will go home too.

A few lamps are outside some buildings that are open until night and these lights were the only ones that gave light to the streets.

Levi arrived in front of Garde's workshop. He knocked and waited outside until the door opened and a dwarf came out. It is one of Garde's workers. A dwarf with a normal build and his unique feature was the big mole on his left cheek about five centimeters in diameter.

"Mr. Levi! Valheimis! It's already night, what important matter may have brought your feet here?" asked by the dwarf with a big mole.

Levi was a little bit shocked that the people here in this world weren't alive at night. Because in this time on Earth when the sun has just set, people are only about to go home or start cooking, partying, or doing their part-time job. In this time, Levi was just about to start another work that his boss gave and do massive overtime.

Levi felt chills as he reminds himself of memories before he died, especially the one where he got beat up to death. He sighed deeply and looked at the dwarf in front of him.

"Valheimis. Where is Garde?" Levi greeted then asked.

"The boss? He's already fallen asleep. We do an all-nighter last night. It is the first time I've seen him so vigorous to do work like that since his grandfather died. Usually, he was always asleep all day and will only get up to eat. *sighed* What a hobby of him." said the dwarf. "But if you insist, and I think you have an important matter on your hand, then I will try to wake him up," he added.

"Thank you. If he doesn't wake up, just say to him that I have a new crazy project for him," said Levi in a mischievous tone.

The dwarf invited him inside the house and let him seat in the living area of the building. The dwarf offered tea and Levi gladly accepted it.

Garde's apprentice then leaves and headed for Garde's room. Soon after, the loud voice of the dwarf with a mole rang throughout the place, waking up his boss. But it only fully woke up when he said the magic word given by Levi.

"Mr. Levi said that he has a new crazy project for you." whispered by the dwarf to his boss.

To all those loud noises, this magic word that is whispered to his very ears are the most effective.

Several seconds later, Garde came out of his room and goes to the living area where Levi is located.

"Valheimis Mr. Levi!" said Garde happily with all smiles carved into his face.

"Valheimis Garde! May I suggest that you call me Levi only as we're not that strange to each other," said Levi as he smiled.

"If that's what you wish, Levi it is. Hmmm. So pardon me if I may be rude, but I heard from my apprentice that you have something for me, hehe." said Garde while grinning and badly hiding his excitement.

"Yes, sure! This here is not something that you're not strange of. A gun!" Seeing that Garde was clueless he continued, "It is a better, more powerful, more accurate, and lighter than sumpacs but it has the same fundamental characteristics. It shots bullet and uses gunpowder."

Garde was still clueless so Levi pulled out his draft and presented it to Garde.

A bolt-action style carbine rifle. Levi decided to start the production of guns from the Earth's world war two rifle. This rifle's body is mostly made up of wood so it's not that hard to manufacture and the mechanism is simple to understand.

"Can you do it? It's fine if you can't I ca—" Levi was interrupted by Garde.

"Don't underestimate this dwarf, my friend, Tomorrow," said Garde.

"What? tomorrow you will start? That's great!" said Levi.

"No, no, no, no. Tomorrow... it will be finished." Garde declared and promised to finish the rifle by tomorrow.


Levi is now at home. After a few talks with Garde about the rifle and instructions on how to make it he decided to come home to finally rest.

This day has been a very busy day, from mines to the deep forest, to Jadis' house, to training with Caleb and lastly to Garde's workshop. His body now longed for sleep and his mind.

He was laying down at the bed and trying to sleep when he remembered his training. He remembered the amazing spell he has done earlier and couldn't keep but get excited to learn more.

He reached out his right hand towards the ceiling and tried to do magic.

His hands glowed up with a green light and it made a circular disc. Levi didn't know what magic is this, he just focused his mind and feel the magic. Later, the green light covered his whole body from head to toe.

A warm soothing feeling instantly runs throughout his body, after this, he felt his whole body being rejuvenated. His fatigue is slowly fading and his small scratches are healing.

Levi got excited and he looked at what was left on his left arm but his excitement was cut short, his arm didn't come back. It didn't heal.

"Healing magic! How? Caleb didn't teach me this!" said the shocked Levi.

He couldn't find the answer to his question even if he kept thinking. So he finally decided to sleep and rest, giving his thoughts away for tomorrow.


On Garde's workshop,

Everyone was working, this is their second all-nighter but everyone was not bothered. They kept working and working. Part of the reason why every apprentice was working hard is that their boss is also working hard!

This only happens a few times as their boss is like a koala for always being asleep.

Time after time has passed but nobody seems to care until it was already five hours after midnight.

"It's done! Levi's gun is done!" shouted by Garde as he lifted-up the rifle like a trophy.

Then, a beautiful sunrise hit their face with warmness.