To the Deep Forest

On the way to the deep forest. It was a rough road with trees on the sidewalk. Footsteps of people and animals walking to and from are still present on the road. It was quite silent on the way to the deep forest and you can only hear the sound of cicadas and the burst of winds causing the branches of trees to sway and detach some leaves.

Jeff and Garde are walking while talking about things.

"Mr. Levi!" said Jeff.

"Hm." Levi silently responded and turned his attention to Jeff.

"May I ask, why are you not afraid of us?" Jeff asked and then he turned to look at the ground.

It was the same question asked to Levi by the people of Natura when he was being introduced on the day of the feast. At first, Levi didn't have a clue why everyone was asking but when he tried to remember all of the former Levi's memories, he now knew the answer.

"Of course not. Why would I need to be afraid of the people that rescued me because of the not proven news being spread to other nations? I have now verified that those are not true. Elves and dwarves doing some terrible things like massacring of towns? Those are not true!" Levi replied with his heart as he speaks those words with nothing but the truth.

Then suddenly, the dwarf stopped as he wiped his teary eyes with his arm. There is a subtle sound of sobbing and tears building up. What Levi said has touched this dwarf's heart.

The news that a group of dwarves and elves raided a town of humans and killed all the people there. Male, female, old and children were not save. It was a total massacre. Houses were burned and the blood of the people toiled the ground. This news spread fast and wide to from nearby towns to cities and ultimately, to nations. This story made the elves and dwarves as creatures of nothing but horrendous and awful nature.

This story was obviously not true in all of its aspects. But it took a toll on these people, they were outcasted and loathed. Their trade with humans was stopped which made their resources scarce and the most disturbing of all was they were being treated like animals, they were being hunted and their heads were being adorned as trophies. Their life was hard, very hard.

No wonder, some dwarfs and elves are still afraid of Levi while acting as if they're not.

Levi patted Jeff's back and comforted him.

"Someday, I will bring back the good reputation of elves and dwarves. As for those people who spread the fake news, they will pay," said Levi with all his resolve.

After a few minutes, they are back to their feet and walked until they reach the big opening of the forest. The trees were higher than the ordinary trees on the way beside the road. Inside the forest was slightly darker because of the massive volume of leaves blocking the sunlight. There are still holes which the sunlight goes through and this makes the place look somewhat mystical.

The big opening of the forest was like a large mouth devouring anything in its path and it gave off the feeling that it is pulling you inside.

Jeff and Garde entered the deep forest.

As they were walking inside, Levi examined his gun again. He removed the magazine and saw four bullets. Next, he checks the butt, the trigger, and the gun's chamber. All in all the gun was in perfect condition. He put back the magazine, pulled the bolt and then released it, this is how to reload the gun.

Jeff was looking at Levi while he was examining the gun and couldn't help but ask.

"How did you know how to make something like that? That was pretty amazing, it was more powerful than sumpac and more accurate too. Something too detailed and exquisite like that is a rare sight! I know that something like that didn't exist on Humanis because we've been there... before." asked Jeff curiously and slowly said his last few words.

"Ah, Uhm, hmmm..." Levi was caught off guard, that question was too sudden he didn't even have time to think of an answer. He can't say that he's from another world. He cannot also say that it was a weapon from Humanis as it was already bluffed. "Uhmmm, Uhm, my father's family was from outside Ashenborn, on another continent. th-they passed the secret on me, hehe." Levi added. He scratched his head and answered while looking on the ground.

"From another continent?! Really?! That's cool, I've never leave Ashenborn and the huge percentage of people also. You're so lucky! So, tell me more about that." said Jeff while excitedly expecting stories from Levi.

"I-I couldn't remember. I wa- was just a baby back then." Levi replied.

Jeff got sad but didn't pursue the matter anymore as he cannot see Levi spouting his stories.

Some minutes later, while they were walking, Levi heard bushes moving.

"Did you heard it?" Levi asked.

"Yeah, but not clear."

The bushes moved again, this time Levi found the source of the sound. It was from the bushes on their right side. Levi quickly reacted and aimed for the bush and so is Jeff with his bow.

"Steady, steady..." said Levi with a weak voice.

When the bush moved again, both of them took a shot. Levi pulled the trigger and Jeff released the bowstring.

Bang! Whoosh!

With a loud bang from Levi's gun and a silent whooshing sound from the arrow's trajectory, the bush stopped moving.

Levi and Jeff walked towards the bush and checked their target. It was a medium-sized wild boar. The arrow was still pierced on its skin and just a few inches from it was a hole from the bullet.

"Yes! we got a boar! We're lucky!" said Jeff while jumping in happiness.

Levi just looked at the boar and inspected its carcass. Aside from the hole and the arrow, the boar has two horns protruding from the bottom of its mouth and pointed upward. It was covered with hair but something picked Levi's interest, on the boar's feet was marks of rope indicating that this boar was tied on two pairs of its feet.

"This is suspicious, its been tied up!" said Levi

Suddenly, there's a deep voice behind them that said, "Can we get a share of that?"

Levi and Jeff turned to look at the source of the voice, just as they saw the man who said utter those words their eyes opened wide in fear.

"Orcs!" said Jeff after he saw two fearsome orcs holding their ax covered with blood.