Chapter 237: a small accident

The girl's name was Song Xiaojie. She was still young, but she was quite popular in school. She was confident in her own beauty, and she didn't find it unnerving to meet someone whom she felt was more beautiful than her. She thought Shuishui was a quiet girl. She wasn't sure if Shuishui was faking it or not. In the past, whenever Auntie Jiang saw her, she would warmly hold her hand. This time, she didn't. Instead, Auntie Jiang doted on this girl. Was she a relative of the Jiang family?

Shuishui shook her head. "I won't join. I'll just watch Xiao Li play."

Jiang Li and Song Xiaojie started to play.

Song Xiaojie easily won and defeated Jiang Li. She used a lipstick to draw a circle next to Jaing Li's eyes. Jiang Li's expression darkened. He didn't seem very happy about it.

Shuishui looked at Jiang Li's expression and smiled. "You look quite funny now," she said.

Jiang Li huffed angrily and said, "Again. I won't lose next round."

Boys were competitive. However, Jiang Li lost very quickly after three consecutive rounds. His temper began to flare up, and he flipped the board over in his frustration. He then ran to the bathroom. Song Xiaojie said sarcastically, "Admit defeat. Why are you throwing a fit?"

Shuishui bent over to pick up the chess pieces. Song Xiaojie continued to talk to Shuishui. "How about we play a game?"

"I'm not playing," Shuishui answered bluntly. She had no interest in playing with children.

Jiang Li was very unhappy when he returned. "I'm not playing anymore, Sister Qian. I'm going out to buy some things. Come with me."

He really didn't want to pay attention to the two visitors anymore. They were deliberately watching him make a fool of himself. He felt that it was the same every time they met. He wasn't very close to them, but they saw each other more often. Why did he need to entertain them? He wanted to bring Shuishui along and to leave the other two behind.

Shuishui nodded. "Sure."

Shuishui and Jiang Li approached Jiang Yuan to inform him that they were leaving. Auntie Jiang asked them to go out and buy some vegetables because there might not be enough vegetables at home.

However, Song Xiaojie wanted to follow them because she was too bored. She pulled her brother and followed Jiang Li and Shuishui. "Auntie, we will go with them so we can help them."

When the two siblings caught up with them, Jiang Li was very unhappy. He pulled Shuishui's arm and said, "Sister Qian, let's go faster and ignore them."

Seeing Jiang Li's childish behavior, Jiang Li said, "Don't be like this. You lost in a few matches. Why do you care so much?"

"They must have done it on purpose. It's fine if I lost, but they are still mocking me. They do it every time. Anyway, they are amazing people. I don't even know when I offended them." Jiang Li didn't like them because he didn't make sense to them, and they didn't really get along with each other. The siblings also liked to mock and ridicule others.

Shuishui hit Jiang Li on the head. "You, why are you so complicated? It's fine if you can't play chess well. Just don't dwell on it. Just focus on your studies. You're already in third year of middle school, just like my brother."

"Your younger brother is also in third year? Does he always trouble you?" Jiang Li asked curiously.

Shuishui thought of Qian Anzhi and nodded. "He's a little like you. You are both quite rebellious. Fortunately, he's become more obedient. Otherwise, I wouldn't know how to educate and discipline him. He's wild like a frisky monkey. I can't even look straight at him."

Jiang Li laughed and said, "How can you talk about your younger brother like that? You just said that you miss him very much. But do you mean that I'm also a frisky monkey?" Jiang Li realized what Shuishui meant.

Shuishui shrugged. "I didn't say that applies to you as well. You just assumed that. Anyway, let's go faster. It's early in the morning, we need to get there ahead of other customers. We'll go back right after we're done shopping. What happens to them has nothing to do with us."

The Song siblings walked behind them, feeling as if they had been forgotten. However, Song Xiao didn't care. He was used to it. Jiang Li really annoyed him. A girl to whom he was attracted before used to like Jiang Li. He couldn't understand why. To him, Jiang Li was average-looking and had a bland personality. He was watching as Jiang Li pulled Shuishui.

They soon arrived at a small supermarket. Not many items were sold in that supermarket, but there were several fresh foods on display. Shuishui saw that they had just opened, so she quickly went in. Shuishui picked up a few handfuls of fresh vegetables and directly went to pay the bill. "Are these enough? There aren't many varieties today."

"En, she didn't say what vegetables she wanted. It'll be all right. Let's just pick several vegetables," Jiang Li said. He quickly grabbed a box of soft drinks and said, "There are none left at home. We only have fruit juice left there." He carried the box and walked towards the counter.

Shuishui gave him the money and took the things away. Song Xiao wanted to help, but Shuishui said, "There's no need. There's not too much stuff. It's not heavy."

When they finally returned home, the elders saw that only Shuishui and Jiang Li were carrying the things they had bought. The Song siblings were a little embarrassed because they said they were going to help. It seemed that they weren't very helpful at all.

Song Xiaojie, who was walking at the back, pushed Shuishui when no one saw her. Shuishui leaned forward and almost fell, but she deftly stabilized her feet. She turned to look at Song Xiaojie and gave her a cold look, but she didn't say anything.

Jiang Li put down the box of soft drinks. "What's wrong, Sister Qian?"

Shuishui shook her head. "Nothing."

Shuishui didn't reveal that Song Xiaojie had pushed her. She wouldn't be able to show the others proof anyway, so she simply didn't say anything. Song Xiaojie lowered her head guiltily, worried that Shuishui would expose her name. Seeing that she didn't say anything, she was a little confused. But when she saw Shuishui's cold gaze, she glared back.

Shuishui smiled. This child was really strange.

She took the vegetables to the kitchen and gave them to Auntie Jiang. She then went out. Jiang Li stayed by Shuishui's side and didn't go anywhere. He sighed and said, "I'm so sleepy. I still have to stay here because we have guests, but my heart is tired. I don't feel very cheerful, even though it's New Year's Day."

"All right. Hurry up and help. Otherwise, you'll be scolded." Shuishui felt that Jiang Li was always being silly, so it was no longer surprising to hear his parents scolding him. Jiang Li was the son of the host, so he naturally had to help entertain the guests. If he ignored the two siblings, Uncle Jiang would probably end up scolding him that night.

Jiang Yuan called Shuishui and Jiang Li. Very reluctantly, Jiang Li walked towards his father. Shuishui followed.

"Shuishui, the two of you take Xiaojie and Xiao Xiao to the lounge. There are game consoles in the lounge, so you guys can play together there," Jiang Yuan said. He then sent the children to the lounge.

Jiang Li was reluctant, but he nodded and walked towards the lounge.

Song Xiao pulled his sister aside and said, "Be careful of your behavior. We are not at home."

"I know. I didn't do it on purpose." Xiaojie had been impulsive. She then walked ahead towards the lounge and tied her hair up to expose her neck, which was white and slender.

Shuishui was also speechless. She did not understand why Xiaojie was behaving that way. When they entered the lounge, Shuishui kept quiet and did not join the game. However, there was a combat-type game that needed four players, and although Shuishui hated playing games the most, she didn't have a choice but to join.

That morning, Shuishui played with Jiang Li and the others, even if she didn't really know how to play. However, Jiang Li did not say anything because he knew that Qian Shuishui did not like playing games. He could not despise her for playing terribly. He was afraid that Shuishui would get angry or annoyed.

Jiang Li had been playing with Mu Zilin for quite a while already, and there have been times when Mu Zilin would occasionally talk about Shuishui. He told Jiang Li that she used to have a very explosive temper. Jiang Li couldn't believe it because Shuishui seemed to have a gentle disposition. Zilin told him that Shuishui could be scary when she's angry. He also didn't expect that Shuishui knew how to do martial arts. He did not want to be beaten up by her because he felt it would hurt a lot.

"Sister Qian, don't worry. I don't blame you." He was worried that Shuishui would be frustrated that she always lost.

Shuishui shrugged and said indifferently, "I'm fine with it."

"You're too stupid. We've been playing for the whole morning and you're still messing around. Haven't you figured out how to play it yet?" Song Xiaojie felt that Shuishui was stupid because she had not yet figured out how to play the game. She could have learned how to play it after a few games.

Shuishui ignored Song Xiaojie and continued to mess around. She just randomly pressed buttons to attack. She lost again. Shuishui looked at the time and said, "I'm not playing anymore. We'll be having lunch in a while."

"Okay." Jiang Li also felt tired. He was not in a good mood because he lost all the time. He also knew that Shuishui really couldn't play the game well. He could not blame Shuishui. Instead, he blamed the siblings.

"It's really boring," Song Xiaojie said in a bored and annoyed tone as she threw down the game controller.

Song Xiao realized that even though they had all been playing together, the environment was very tense and negative the whole morning. They did not feel happy when they won. They did not feel uncomfortable when they lost. Since they started playing, everyone had been absent-minded. It was clear that Qian Shuishui was just being perfunctory. Most of her answers were 'Uh,' 'Oh,' or 'Yeah, I see.'

She barely even talked to them. When they asked her where she studied, she only replied, "An ordinary high school."

Song Xiaojie felt that Qian Shuishui wouldn't be angry even if she tried to provoke her. The thought of it made Xiaojie angrier.

After a while, someone knocked on the door, so they went out. It was time to eat.

Because there were too many people, they were divided into two tables. The four children ate at a small table while the adults ate at a big table.

Shuishui was very quiet, but she would occasionally glance at her phone.

Mu Ziyu had been sending her photos, which made her want to laugh. However, she kept her composure because there were people around.

Jiang Li secretly glanced at the name on Shuishui's screen. It was her boyfriend. No wonder she kept looking at her phone. After they ate, the elders began to give out red envelopes. Shuishui naturally thanked them when she received hers.

However, something happened. Jiang Li was carrying a glass of fruit juice, and he accidentally stepped on a puddle of water and slipped. The fruit juice in his hand spilled on Shuishui and Song Xiaojie.

Shuishui's first reaction was to dodge, so the fruit juice was directly poured on Song Xiaojie's head and then onto her clothes. She was wearing white that day, and soon it was stained a bright yellow.

Jiang Li couldn't care less about the pain in his knees. "I'm sorry."

"Ah! So disgusting!" Song Xiaojie touched her hair and neck. It was very sticky. "Jiang Li!"

The adults saw what happened and walked over towards them.

Auntie Jiang went forward. "Jiang Li, what did you do?"

"Mom, I just accidentally slipped and the fruit juice in my hand fell on Song Xiaojie's head and clothes. I didn't do it on purpose," Jiang Li said pleadingly. It was a fact that he had not done it on purpose.

Song Xiaojie started to cry. "My new clothes!"

"Xiaojie, don't cry. Those are just clothes." Song Xiao felt a headache coming on. That was the worst thing about his sister. She was too delicate and would cry out loud over the pettiest things.

Song Xiao was slightly embarrassed because his sister was acting up in someone else's house. Besides, Jiang Li didn't do it on purpose.

Auntie Jiang was a little embarrassed. "Come, child. Go to the bathroom to wash up. Wear our clothes first. Otherwise, you'll catch a cold easily."

She pulled the child to the bathroom and an extra set of clean clothes for her. She originally wanted to search through Shuishui's clothes, but she could not let Shuishui take her coat off. Shuishui was thinner. Song Xiaojie wasn't fat either, but she looked a little bloated beside Shuishui. She was slightly chubby.

Auntie Jiang took out a sweater that she hadn't worn before and handed it to Song Xiaojie.

When Xiaojie realized that it was Auntie Jiang's, she was annoyed. She felt that it would affect her image. "I don't want to wear that. If I wear that, people will definitely laugh at me."

Xiaojie felt very wronged. That Jiang Li must have done it on purpose!

Auntie Jiang was a little embarrassed, and Song Xiaojie's mother was also embarrassed. It was too embarrassing. She didn't think her daughter would lose her temper and throw a fit in someone's else's house. Xiaojie would often restrain herself when they were outside. That day, she was simply so willful. Her mother felt that it would be awkward if they met the Jiangs again in the future.

Song Xiaojie's mother continued to persuade her. "Don't cry. You can change when we get home. Don't tell me you don't want to change? Don't you feel uncomfortable?"

"I'm sorry. Can I borrow this girl's clothes?" Auntie Song pointed at Shuishui.

Shuishui was wearing a pretty dress. Her mother felt that since Shuishui was a young girl and around her age, her daughter would stop making a fuss out of it.

Auntie Jiang looked at Shuishui, and Shuishui nodded. "Okay. I'll go get it now," she said obediently.

She trotted upstairs and came down with a dress a few minutes later.

"I've never worn this before, but I don't know if it'll fit you," Shuishui said as she handed one of the dresses that Auntie Mu had bought for her. When she first tried on the dress, Shuishui felt that it was too tight. However, Auntie Mu still insisted on buying it for her. She told Shuishui that it looked good on her and that it didn't matter if it was tight.

Song Xiaojie didn't complain anymore. She obediently accepted the dress and showered. Her whole body was really uncomfortable.

Auntie Jiang had originally liked her, but she realized then that the girl had a bad character. She felt that she no longer liked the girl. To her, the fact that the girl had thrown a tantrum in someone else's house only meant that she was too spoiled.

Song Xiaojie's parents were actually very embarrassed that Xiaojie threw a fit over such a small matter.

Jiang Yuan patted his stomach and laughed. He said, "Let's go have some tea. It'll be fine."

"Aiya, Little Yuan, I'm sorry. This child of mine is too spoiled. I won't forgive her if she does this again in the future," Song Ming said. He sighed as he drank his tea. It was fine for a girl to be spoiled, but he felt that his daughter was very immature. He doted on his child very much, but he had to discipline her and tell her to control her tantrums.

It took Song Xiaojie almost an hour to shower. When she returned downstairs, she kept complaining. "Why are the clothes so tight?"

Everyone looked at the sweater that she was wearing. It looked very strange on her, and they could tell at a glance that the sweater was too small for her. It didn't fit her at all. Xiaojie felt uncomfortable.

Shuishui had no choice. She had other clothes that could have fit Xiaojie, but they were unwashed. She had one more sweater, but she was going to wear it the next day. The sweater she had lent to Xiaojie was new and just arrived from the dry cleaner. She hadn't even worn it yet.

Jiang Li wanted to laugh out loud when he saw Xiaojie. He laughed a little, and his mother slapped him on the forehead.