Chapter 238 was ready to board the plane

Shuishui had a well-proportioned figure and thin arms and legs. She basically liked to wear loose pants, but because it was winter, she always wore tight pants. The pants she had lent to Xiaojie looked like they were going to explode. She found it quite funny.

"If you don't like it, I have other clothes, but I've already worn them and I need to have them washed. The one you're wearing is new and clean." Shuishui gave her a choice. If she wanted to change her clothes, Shuishui could happily oblige. However, Shuishui felt that Xiaojie wouldn't want to change. She looked like someone who had mysophobia.

How could Song Xiaojie accept it? "No. I don't want to wear clothes that other people have worn. Mom, I want to go home."

"You, why didn't you just obediently wear Auntie Jiang's clothes just now? What's with your little temper? You can go home later. Behave yourself," Song Xiaojie's mother said sternly. If Xiaojie continued throwing a fit, she would lose face in front of the Jiangs.

Jiang Li was a little embarrassed at the side, but he also wanted to laugh. "Auntie, I'm sorry. It's my fault. If it wasn't for my carelessness, she wouldn't have to change clothes."

"It's okay. You didn't do it on purpose. Anyway, she just got wet, and you already apologized. Xiaojie, what should you say?" Song Xiaojie's mother looked at her daughter sternly. She was still immature.

Song Xiaojie knew that her mother was angry, so she lowered her head and reluctantly answered, "Forget it."

"Thank you," Jiang Li answered. He saw that Xiaojie was very hesitant to answer. Even though he didn't like her, he took the high road and acted like a gentleman.

"Shuishui, you're quite thin," Auntie Jiang said unintentionally. She just remembered that Shuishui had carried a box of wine upstairs. She looked like a frail child, but she was physically strong.

That was when Song Xiaojie felt bloated. She suddenly realized that Shuishui was a little thin. She had not noticed it before.

Shuishui shook her head. "Actually, it's not too bad. My weight is still quite normal for my age and height."

Shuishui had the right body mass index. She started to gain weight when she started practicing martial arts. Although she did not gain much, she felt that she had become stronger.

Song Xiaojie felt even worse. It was as if they had pointed out that she was fat. "Mom, I want to go back home," she said.

"Be good. I'll be back in a while. Xiao Xiao, take your sister with you," her mother answered. She was getting quite frustrated with how things had happened.

Song Xiao pulled his sister over. "All right. It's bad luck to cry during the New Year. Besides, Jiang Li already apologized. What are you trying to do now?"

He lowered his voice because he was embarrassed by his sister's behavior. His family had a good relationship with the Jiang family, and they would occasionally have dinner together. He thought that his sister was too reckless. If their families were to have dinner together again in the future, everyone would probably avoid her.

Song Xiaojie thought that her brother would take her side. "Brother, it's not my fault. Why are you saying that?"

Auntie Jiang was already annoyed by Xiaojie's behavior. She was persistent and insisted that she wasn't at fault for anything. Not only was she not sensible, but her temperament was also terrible. She was too pretentious. Her behavior was very inappropriate, regardless of the occasion.

The Song family left not long after. Jiang Yuan lit a cigarette. "Jiang Li, why are you so careless?" Jiang Yuan asked.

"Dad, I didn't do it on purpose, and I apologized to her. That Xiaojie just didn't want to let it go. She's too petty. She also said some bad things to Shuishui. Shuishui didn't even do anything that would offend her." Jiang Li was a little unhappy with Song Xiaojie's pretense.

Auntie Jiang patted her son's head and said, "All right. Don't talk about her anymore. Why don't you look at yourself?"

Jiang Yuan took a puff and was stopped by Auntie Jiang. "Smoking is not good for your body. Stop smoking!"

"All right. I won't smoke. Shuishui, come sit here. What time is your flight tomorrow morning?" he asked as he tried to recall the exact time.

"It's at nine o'clock," Shuishui answered.

Auntie Jiang looked at Shuishui in surprise. "You're leaving so soon? But we've just celebrated the New Year."

"Yeah. I have to go back and greet my father and teachers. I have other arrangements after that." Shuishui had no choice, and she knew how much her father missed her.

Jiang Li looked at her with pleading eyes. "So fast. You're leaving tomorrow. I even promised you that I'd treat you to dinner."

"Maybe next time." Shuishui nodded and smiled.

"The twins are at my mother's house and will be back tomorrow. I don't think we will be able to have dinner together. Let's go out for dinner tonight," Auntie Jiang suggested.

Jiang Yuan nodded. "Let's go out for dinner tonight. We'll bring Shuishui to an authentic Beijing cuisine restaurant."

Shuishui saw that they had already made up their minds. "Uncle Jiang, I'll call a few people tonight. I need to see Ziyu, Zilin, and his parents before I leave. It wouldn't be right if I don't have dinner with them before I go back."

"Invite them too, you child. Do you think I'm that kind of person?" Jiang Yuan didn't care whether Ziyu joined them or not. He was Shuishui's boyfriend anyway.

Shuishui nodded and called Mu Ziyu. She invited him to eat with her and the Jiang family that evening and that they couldn't be alone. She also had something to give to Mu Zilin.

Jiang Yuan did not even hesitate to let Shuishui call her friends. Jiang Li was very excited. "I haven't met brother Zilin yet."

"I've already called him." Shuishui thought it was very funny.

Jiang Li chuckled. "If I call you Sister, then it would be normal if I called him Brother. Besides, I play with him a lot. I wonder what he looks like. Is he handsome?"

"You'll meet him later. Don't get your hopes up. Let's just leave it at that." Shuishui only knew that Zilin loved to play online games. She was sure that he and Jiang Li would get along. She was happy that Zilin found a new friend.

They drove to the restaurant, and soon, the Mu family arrived.

Fortunately, the room Jiang Yuan had booked was big enough to accommodate the two families. It was also the first time the two families dined together.

All the children received big red envelopes. Shuishui kept her envelopes. She was grateful that they even thought of her.

After the meal, Auntie Mu and Uncle Mu finally found out that Shuishui and Mu Ziyu were dating!

They were in shock. Auntie Mu held Shuishui's little hand and said, "Actually, I thought that you and Zilin were in a relationship. How did you two get together?"

Auntie Mu was very curious.

Shuishui could not say much either. "I don't really remember the details."

It was so awkward. As soon as they found out, they all started to ask how they got together. She could not say much because she felt that Mu Ziyu would be embarrassed about it. She did not think too much about their relationship, but she was grateful. Auntie Mu had a huge smile on her face, but Shuishui had no idea what she was thinking.

Mu Zilin, who was still eating, suddenly decided to interrupt their conversation. He said, "Actually, I didn't even know that they were together. They got together for no reason. I was shocked. Moreover, Big Brother would take Shuishui out every day without anyone noticing. He always left me behind! How could he do this?"

Shuishui laughed dryly. Zilin always talked too much. She felt that he had mentioned some things that the others didn't need to know about.

Mu Ziyu saved the situation. "All right, Mom, why are you asking so many questions?"

"Why? Can't I ask? All right. Since you are together, I won't ask anymore." Auntie Mu looked at their awkward expressions. She didn't ask any more questions. She could ask Ziyu again when they got home. She liked Shuishui very much. However, she felt that their age gap was a minor concern.

Moreover, Shui Shui was only in her first year of high school. The more she thought about it, the more conflicted she became. She didn't know what to do.

Jiang Yuan felt that these children were also bold. "Come, let's eat more. Let the young people fall in love. Let them be. Anyway, now that your children have returned to Beijing, what school does Zilin plan to attend?"

Mu Zilin's father had already decided. "Second high, probably. Zilin's grades are pretty good. We are hoping he qualifies."

"Not bad," Jiang Yuan interjected.

Uncle Mu shook his head. "In the past, we constantly worried over him and his grades. He has a carefree personality, and he doesn't really like to study."

Zilin recalled how Shuishui looked when her grades were released. "What? At that time, Shuishui was also like that. She didn't like to study. Her grades were even worse than mine." Zilin laughed.

Auntie Mu slapped her son on the forehead. "Let's not talk about the past. Even now, you have to thank Shuishui properly. If it wasn't for her help, you probably would have forced us to buy your way into a high school."

Although it was embarrassing for the Mu elders to talk about it, they were grateful that things had changed for Zilin. Zilin had become more serious with his studies, and it was largely because of Shuishui's influence.

"So they weren't very studious in the past?" Auntie Jiang asked curiously. She had heard that the children weren't as studious before.

"It's like this. These two children loved to go out a lot in junior high school. They even liked to bully others. When it was close to the middle school exams, they started to study hard. It was very effective," Auntie Mu explained. She didn't have high expectations of Mu Zilin's grades before. She had even expected to shell out some money to buy his way into a school. She thought that she would just wait until he entered high school to see if he had any plans for himself.

The two mothers began to talk about how they educated and disciplined their children. Because their children were around the same age, the two women chatted very enthusiastically. Uncle Mu and Uncle Jiang also started to chat together. Mu Ziyu said to Shuishui, "You're leaving tomorrow. Uncle Jiang will send you to the airport, right?"

"En, I'm leaving. You just stay here." She had to go back to the city and see what would happen in the future.

"I drove here alone today. I have something for you. I'll send you back later," Ziyu said as he held Shuishui's hand and looked at her.

Shuishui was a little embarrassed, but she still looked into his eyes. "I won't go out tonight. I have to go back and pack my things because Uncle Jiang has something for me to pack and bring back to the city."

"Then wait for me later. I brought you something." Ziyu didn't force her. He felt sorry for Shuishui. He didn't want her to be so tired.

Her face had been rosy recently, but he worried that she would go back to eating fans simply because it was convenient to prepare and cook. It wasn't a very nutritious food. He said, "When you get back, think about eating more healthy food."

"I will. Don't worry," Shuishui said as she reached out and pinched Mu Ziyu's face. "It feels like meat."

"Do you like it?" He laughed.

Shuishui laughed and withdrew her hand. "Don't keep asking me that." Ziyu always liked to ask her if she liked him. If no one was around, she would answer. She was embarrassed to say anything because there were people with them.

"All right. I won't tease you anymore. I'm full. I'll go to the car to get something. You wait here." He patted Shuishui's shoulder then stood up and said to the others, "I'm going out first. I'll be back in a while."

During the New Year, it was hard to get a reservation in many restaurants.

They were quite lucky. Mu Ziyu returned after ten minutes. He was carrying a bag. "Open it when you get back."

Shuishui took the bag and was a little curious as to why she had to wait to go home to see what was inside.

Jiang Li and the others looked over. "Open it and see. Don't you want us to know what's inside?"

Shuishui put the bag aside. "All right, don't be so curious!"

A new dish was served on the table and Shuishui continued to eat.

After dinner, they left.

"Shuishui, we don't have a choice but to let you go. If you need anything, just give me a call. Also, come and visit us during the holidays. There are still many places you haven't been to. When I'm eighteen, I can drive and take you with me," Zilin said. He laughed loudly. However, he felt a little sad. They had been together for so long, but they were going to be separated. They couldn't hang out anymore. The more they thought about it, the sadder they felt. Goodbyes were indeed sad.

All good things came to an end, and she didn't want to leave either. However, at that moment, parting was inevitable. "Thank you for your blessings. I will be home safe tomorrow. When I arrive, I will inform you. You should all rest early tonight," Shuishui said.

Everyone said their goodbyes and parted. Shuishui returned home with Jiang Yuan's family.

In the car, Jiang Yuan asked, "Are you reluctant to part with them?"

Shuishui answered, "Maybe. But this is the real world, not the ancient times. It's easier these days to meet up and communicate with those far away from us."

They chatted and laughed as they went home. Shuishui gathered her things and went back to her room to pack her luggage. When she first arrived, she only had a few sets of clothes. Many days later, she had more sets of clothes, most of which were given to her as gifts. That night, she opened the red envelopes she had received and calculated the money she had received. She had received more than ten thousand yuan. She felt grateful that the people around her were quite generous. She packed up her things, took a hot shower, set an alarm for five o'clock the next morning, and went to sleep.

The next day, Uncle Jiang and Auntie Jiang accompanied her to the airport. They arrived two hours before her flight. Uncle Jiang and Auntie Jiang watched as she went through security check.

When she arrived at the boarding gate at around eight o'clock, she sat and waited to board the plane. In a while, it was announced that the plane was ready for boarding. She boarded the plane along with the other passengers. When she got to her seat, she took out her phone and informed those she knew at the capital that her flight was departing soon. She then turned off her phone and tried to relax.

"Ah!" a middle-aged man shouted.

One of the ground stewards approached the man and said, "May I ask what's the matter?"

"I lost my passport," the man said as he touched his bag. "I don't know where I left it."

"Please try to remember. You might have dropped it somewhere," the ground steward said very patiently.

"I don't remember. Um, I went to the bathroom. That's it. I was sitting there all the time!" the middle-aged man suddenly said with certainty.

The ground steward let the man go to the bathroom on his own and didn't have time to bother with anything else. However, the man was dragging his feet and didn't really want to go to the bathroom. The steward sensed that something was not right.