Chapter 319 Guan Xi said, "ninth master, do you have something on your mind? "?

Guan Xi said a few more words to Xiao Jingming.

Then, she began to tidy up her books on the table.

Xiao Jingming saw her tidy up her books and asked in surprise, "Auntie, you're not reading anymore. "

Guan Xi asked back, "ninth master is back. There's no need to pretend anymore. What are you still reading? "

"Auntie, did you forget what ninth uncle said just now? If you fail the exam, you'll be punished. " He also wanted to tidy up these books and go play Games. It had been a long time since he had a date with a girl, so he was really holding it in.

Guan Xi smiled and said in an amiable tone, "you're the one who didn't pass the exam, not me. I'm not going to study anymore. Study Hard, little nephew. Do your best in school. Work hard every day. I have high hopes for you! "

Xiao Jingming held a pen in his hand and watched Guan Xi leave happily upstairs."..."

He still didn't believe that his Auntie, who had failed several classes last semester, wouldn't fail this semester because she was busy in the entertainment industry.

Young Master Xiao made a childish decision: When his auntie failed, he would laugh at her like crazy.

At this moment, he had not thought about it at all.

If he laughed at Guan Xi, how would he be beaten up.


Guan Xi put the book in her original room.

This room had now become her small study room, and there were some extra clothes in it.

She did not usually need to go out to buy the clothes at home. After measuring the size, there would be a specialist to go out to buy them every quarter.

In addition to this room, there was also a cloakroom.

Although ninth master looked cold, in terms of material, he was thoughtful and generous.

She put the book away.

Guan Xi went into the bathroom in her room.

She pulled down the side of her sleeve and then pulled open the thin bandage.

After a few hours, the wound had almost healed, but on closer inspection, there were still traces of injuries and pink scars.

Now that she had to go back to her room, she could not bandage the wound anymore. Guan Xi put the bandage into her school bag and planned to throw it away when she went to school.

Then, she put on a layer of very light pink lipstick on her lips.

She had lost a lot of blood in the afternoon. If she didn't put on some light makeup, it was easy to see her pale face.


It was already 11:30 pm when she finished everything.

Guan Xi went back to her room to take a shower and go to bed.

She returned to her room.

Master Jiu had just come out of the bathroom after taking a shower.

"Master Jiu, " she called out sweetly.

"Okay. " Xiao Jiuyan raised his eyes and glanced at her. "Go take a shower. "

Guan Xi:"..."

This sentence seemed to have a deep meaning.

She was probably thinking too much.

"okay. " She listened to him and obediently went to the closet to get her home clothes. Then, she went in to wash her hair and take a shower.

In the bathroom, the sound of running water could be heard.

The White Mist was steaming. After taking a hot shower, she felt so comfortable that her entire pores were about to open up, making her feel warm.

Xiao Jiuyan was outside the bathroom.

He was contacting Shi Budai on his cell phone.

Xiao Jiuyan: Do you know who picked up the job at the cleaning agency?

Shi Budai: I haven't found out.

Xiao Jiuyan: Aren't you a know-it-all You can't find out about this?

Shi Budai: I'm an intelligence trafficker, but I'm not at the level of the M nation's intelligence agency. Even the M nation's intelligence agency has a lot of similar standards. In some aspects, my intelligence is even better than the M nation's intelligence agency, ... ... Getting off topic ...

Time is not on my side: the cleaning society has their own organizations. The ZF of each country basically does not care about these people who are risking their lives in private. When they do, they will be treated as targets. Their internal network has always been very strict The orders and orders are all anonymous. An Ip address may pass through several countries, so it is very difficult to check.

Xiao Jiuyan: Oh.

Time is not on my side: Old Xiao, what do you mean by 'Oh' ? Are you looking down on me.

Xiao Jiuyan did not reply Shi Budai.

He frowned, thinking about who would place an order to clean him on the clean dark net.

Ordinary people would not know about the existence of this underground dark organization in the clean society.

He had long known that someone placed an order for him on the clean net.

In fact, it was not only him. Many political figures, business celebrities, and high-ranking officials and aristocrats from various countries had appeared on the list.


Every organization in the clean society was a person who took money and licked the knife's edge.

He had made many enemies in Long Xiao before, and now he was the head of the Xiao family. There were only many people who wanted his life.

But he did not expect that there would be people who dared to use guns in such a public place.

And... ... who was the youth who saved him ? ?

Xiao Jiuyan frowned.

Facing the youth in black, he did not have any thoughts about his identity.


At this time, Guan Xi came out after taking a shower.

She had washed her hair today. Her long black hair was not wet at the end, and her palm-sized face was snow-white. Her lips seemed to be more moist than usual, with a bit of Cherry blossom powder.

She was wearing a family uniform, and her two slender legs were very beautiful.

Guan Xi was drying her hair with a towel.

Her hair was too long, and every time she washed her hair, it was so annoying.

"Madam, " Xiao Jiuyan looked at Guan Xi and suddenly said.

It seemed that the man had stopped calling her Gu Wenxi recently.

When they were alone, he preferred to call her madam, silly madam, and Silly Madam.

Guan Xi was so angry that she wanted to bite master Jiu. How was she silly.

"Huh? " Guan Xi looked at Master Jiu. Her Pink and tender appearance had a hint of childishness, and it was fragrant, sweet, and delicious.

"Ninth Master, what's the matter? " Guan Xi asked.

Xiao Jiuyan's Adam's apple bobbed up and down as if he had lost control. "call out my name. "

Guan Xi:"..."

Was it because she had called out ninth master in the urgent situation at the clubhouse in the afternoon?

Did Ninth Master suspect her?

Or... ... He suddenly had a bad taste and asked her to call out his name ? ?

Guan Xi immediately reacted.

She was guessing in her heart, but she didn't show it on her face.

She walked up to ninth master, put down the towel with her small hand, and called out sweetly, "ninth master. "

Xiao Jiuyan frowned. "Call me by my name. "

"Jiu... " Guan Xi pursed her lips slightly, as if she was extremely shy. Her small voice was sweet. "Jiuyan. "

"Call me by my first and last name, " the man said lightly.

"Oh. " Guan Xi was not used to calling the ninth master by his first name, and now she had to call him so many times. Wasn't it making things difficult for her.

She took a light breath and looked a little uneasy. Then, she called out softly and softly, "Xiao... Xiao Jiuyan. "

The ninth master frowned.

No, that was not right.

It did not feel like this when the youth called him in the afternoon.

Xiao Jiuyan's brows furrowed into a cold frown.

Guan Xi had been paying attention to the expression on Xiao Jiuyan's beautiful face.

When she saw master Jiu's frown, she could not help but ask, "Master Jiu... did you have something troubling you? "

Xiao Jiuyan looked at Guan Xi and said coldly, "No. "

"You're lying. "

Guan Xi leaned forward slightly and touched master Jiu's brows with her little white hand. "You didn't even take a look at yourself. Why are you frowning and saying that you don't have anything troubling you? "

At this time, Our Guan Xi was the ninth master's intimate little cotton-padded jacket.