Chapter 320 in front of Master Jiu, she was a fool

Xiao Jiuyan raised his head, held her little white hand, put it to his thin lips and kissed it. "It's nothing, silly madam. "

Guan Xi felt that the spot where master Jiu kissed her was a little hot, and she was a little shy.

She wanted to withdraw her hand.

With this fact, the man raised his other big hand, held the back of her head, and pressed it down.

Their lips were pressed together.

This kiss was very light, very soft, and very affectionate.

Xiao Jiuyan's tongue forcefully licked away Guan Xi's pink and Moist Lips.

Guan Xi was also very cooperative. She was as docile as a little rabbit as she kissed Master Jiu.

Guan Xi's little head was dizzy, and her breath was filled with master Jiu's clean and pleasant scent of a mature man, enveloping him in all directions.

She thought, "did Master Jiu smoke today? "?

There was also the smell of cigarettes.

The kiss ended.

Guan Xi's cheeks were stained with a beautiful red, and there was a man's saliva on her small mouth.

Xiao Jiuyan stared at her with a bright black light, and the big hand that was holding the back of his head slid down her slender back.

When the big hand with clear joints touched her wound, Guan Xi almost imperceptibly trembled.

"Nine Master... " Guan Xi's body was a little soft, "I, my hair has not dried yet. "

Xiao Jiuyan's hands stopped moving and he frowned."

Guan Xi:"..."

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chapter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Day . . . . . . . . Modification. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SPLIT UP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cut . . . . . . . . . . . . The wire. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

By the Time Guan Xi dried her long black hair, it was almost twelve o'clock.

"Nine Ye, you are bad. " She is a little annoyed, small teeth mouth especially good, ah Wu one bite nine Ye's shoulder.

She used a little strength and left a neat bite mark on it.

Ninth Master bit his thin lips and said with a faint smile, "silly Madam, are you a dog? "

"I'm not a dog. " Guan Xi was so angry that she wanted to bite ninth master again.

It was just a light bite. Don't you know how to have fun? Ninth Master was really too much!


"Why do you bite people if you're not a dog? "

Guan Xi punched ninth master's chest with her small fist. "I'm not a dog. YOU'RE A dog. Your whole family is a dog. "

Xiao Jiuyan laughed, and his chest trembled. "Silly Madam, doesn't my whole family include you? ''

Guan Xi:"..."

It was over.

She was showing off her lower IQ.

She always felt that when she was with ninth master, she was showing off her lower Iq all the time.

She was clearly not like this in the past.

Guan Xi was depressed. She could not win against ninth master, so she might as well not talk about this with ninth master anymore.

Her little head leaned against ninth master's Chest, and Guan Xi's little white hands wrapped around ninth master's lean waist.

"Ninth Master, " she suddenly whispered.

"Huh? " The man's voice was slightly hoarse and extremely sexy.

Guan Xi's little head rubbed against ninth master's chest like a clingy cat. "I like you. "

If it was in the past, Guan Xi would have said this.

That was impossible.

She was always shy and felt embarrassed to say it out loud.

But today, just as the sniper was aiming at ninth master...

That huge panic caught Guan Xi by surprise.

If... ... If she had not pounced on ninth master at that time, ninth master might have died ...

At the thought of this, she thought that ninth master might die.

Guan Xi found it difficult to even breathe.

It was simply... ... She didn't even want to think about it again ...

Xiao Jiuyan stroked Guan Xi's little head. His cold and hoarse voice was so sexy. "Why are you saying this all of a sudden? "

"... I like you. Ninth Master, why didn't you say that you like me too?"

Guan Xi raised her little head and stared at ninth master's cold and hard jaw. She muttered, "they say that a man will only say that he loves you if he wants to lie to a woman in advance. Now that it's over, there's no need to say or coax him. "

These words were like an innocent girl accusing a scumbag man.

However, ninth master Xiao, the "scumbag man" who was accused, was unmoved.

The man's big hand hit her perky little bottom and said coldly, "go to sleep. "

He hit her bottom again.

Guan Xi muttered in her heart timidly and only dared to ridicule him secretly.


Ninth Master didn't even tell her that he liked her. She was a miser, a miser.

In the future, she wouldn't tell him that she liked him either.

Her mouth disliked her body's integrity.

Even if Guan Xi was angry with ninth master, her two little white hands still quietly changed to ninth master's waist and hugged him tightly.

It was great that 9th Master was fine.

Something something something something something something something something something something something something something something something something something something something something something something something something something something something something something something something something something something something something

In the next few days, Guan Xi was still focused on preparing for the exam. She wasn't worried about 9th master for the time being.

She asked Tang Yu to keep an eye on him.

Moreover, with the previous actions of those people, 9th Master's security should have been strengthened.

At the same time, a piece of news spread on the clean net in just two to three days.

The boss of the second-rate Cleaning Society, Pi Xiu, was said to have been assassinated in his own organization base. His death was extremely horrifying.

However, Guan Xi rarely used the internal network of the cleaning club, so she didn't know about it.

In a few days, Guan Xi took the last two courses and finally finished all the courses smoothly.

She changed her papers very quickly, and her results came out soon after she finished the last course.

Xiao Jingming looked at Guan Xi's report card and was dumbfounded.

"little nephew, are you convinced? "

On the report card, she had finished ninety percent of each course, and she had even passed two-thirds of the subjects.

She had almost maxed out her GPA and was ranked first in the entire grade.

Xiao Jingming Stared at Guan Xi's report card.

His mouth was wide open and he had no image to speak of. After a long while, he heard his own voice say, "Auntie, this is fake, right? How could you get such high marks? "

Guan Xi waved the report card in front of Xiao Jingming. "Why can't I get such high marks? "

Xiao Jingming said, "but you failed a few subjects last semester. "

He didn't believe that a bad student could turn the tables on a STRAIGHT-A student. It wasn't like he was writing a novel.

"last semester was last semester. I studied hard this semester. "

Xiao Jingming chuckled."... Little Auntie, did you study hard?''

He wouldn't believe it.

He had been studying at home these past few days. He saw that little Auntie was casually flipping through her books. How did it look like she was studying hard?

Moreover, she usually spent so much time on filming this semester. No matter how he thought about it, she didn't have time to study hard. This result was impossible.

"Aunt, you didn't cheat! " Xiao Jingming suddenly asked.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chapter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Day . . . . . . . . Modification. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SPLIT UP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cut . . . . . . . . . . . . The wire. . . . . . . . .