Chapter 178. With his wealth, Lord Jiu disdained watching her show

However, before song he could take action, he realized that the Negative Comments About Guan Xi on the Internet had disappeared a lot and were replaced by a lot of praise and comments.

Online public opinion needed to be guided.

If everyone agreed on something, it was very easy for netizens to say yes too!

On the contrary, if a thing was good, but many people said it was bad, people's herd mentality would easily say that it was bad.

Song he saw that the online public opinion did not have too many negative effects on Guan Xi and heaved a sigh of relief.

After making a few phone calls and asking around, he knew that it was the Xiao Group's public relations department's doing.

Shang Huang Entertainment's public relations department was already quite good at operating the rhythm of the water army, but compared to the Xiao Group's public relations department, it was simply nothing.

However, this time, it was only a small makeup photo on the show's evaluation. Ninth Master Xiao Actually could not bear to see Miss Gu suffer.

So he used the Xiao Group's public relations department.

For a moment, Song He re-evaluated Guan Xi's position in ninth master Xiao's heart.

It seemed that this Miss Gu Wenxi was really favored by ninth master Xiao.


In the blink of an eye, Saturday arrived very quickly.

Guan Xi followed the Production Team to pomegranate station. Mu Yixun, as her manager, did not follow this time. Bai Xiaomi followed as her assistant.

Pomegranate station was a very popular satellite TV station in the country, and many of its programs were very popular.

Especially "happy together" at 8 p.m. on Saturday night, which was their gold-medal program. It had been the viewership champion for the past six years.

Bai Xiaomi said, "Xixi, the program is going to be recorded soon. Are you nervous? "

"I'm okay, " Guan Xi replied. "You seem more nervous than I am. "

Bai Xiaomi lowered her voice. "Of course I'm nervous, Xixi. This is your first time on a variety show, and it's even a live broadcast. If you make a mistake, it's equivalent to making a fool of yourself in front of the whole country. I'm much more nervous than you are! "

She was actually nervous, but she wasn't.

She was just depressed. Before she came into the pomegranate platform, she had called Master Jiu and made a final attempt to let him watch the live broadcast in the evening.

However, 9th master coldly and mercilessly rejected her.

Do you know what 9th Master, that Bastard Straight Man, said?

"What's so good about a variety show on TV? " The noble man's usually cold and pleasant voice sounded very impatient. "It's a waste of time! "

Alright, alright.

Watching her show was a waste of time.

After all, with 9th Master's wealth, it was really a waste of time to watch her go on a variety show for the first time.

Damn it! Damn it!

If I don't watch it, then I won't watch it!

Guan Xi pursed her lips.

She thought of Master Jiu's high-profile rejection and became angry.

"Miss Guan. "

At this moment, a staff member came over and walked in front of Guan Xi. He handed the variety show's program script to Guan Xi and said, "This is the program setup for our program later. You can take a look first. If you don't know anything, you can ask me. In addition, you can go and do your makeup now. We don't have enough people here, so we would like to trouble you to share a makeup artist with someone else. Please hurry up. "

The staff's attitude was neither warm nor cold, but there was a hurry.

"share makeup artists? "

Walking to the makeup room designated by the staff, Bai Xiaomi saw that the place was quite small, and there were only two makeup artists busy. They were putting makeup on the people who were going to be on the show later.

"Xixi, Pomegranate Station has arranged for Ma Qianru, Zhou Cheng, and Xu Junyang to have their own makeup artists. Why did they also arrange for one for you? " Bai Xiaomi muttered softly.

[ babies, today is the last day of the second round of PK. Everyone is very supportive of Lord nine and Xixi. You must read the latest chapter, Mwah! I love you more than my heart, jom-mi! ]