Chapter 177, alias Yan Xiaojiu

Jia Jia wanted to eat bread but didn't gain weight: Did the person upstairs have to be so mean He didn't know anything and just said that she had plastic surgery Was it so easy to be a keyboard warrior these days?

Night under the Banyan Tree: At least it's better than you kneeling and licking an ugly cunt!

Soon, there was an argument under Weibo about whether the actress who played Princess Yuyao relied on makeup and post-editing.

Among the many comments, an unremarkable comment appeared:

Yan Xiaojiu: Yuyao is the most beautiful!

But this comment was quickly drowned out by the comments of many netizens.


Xiao Group building.

President's office.

Xiao Jiuyan expressionlessly sent a Weibo Post.

His slender fingers flipped through the comments of the netizens. The more he read the comments that slandered Princess Yuyao, the more he frowned.

He dialed the internal line and called Li Tezhu.

"Li Tezhu, come to my office right now. "

Right now, this phrase sounded like it was something important.

Li Tezhu hurriedly rushed to the president's office and asked as soon as he entered the door, "ninth master, what do you need me for? "

Xiao Jiuyan passed his personal phone to Li Tezhu.

Li Tezhu took it hesitantly. He didn't dare to touch 9th Master's personal phone.

"9th Master, what are you... "

"I'll look at the content first. "

"Oh. " Li Tezhu lowered his head in confusion. He looked at Weibo.

After flipping through a few posts, he looked at Weibo's content and the comments left by netizens.

Li Tezhu immediately understood.

9th Master saw that his wife was being blackmailed on the Internet and became a beauty in a rage?

Before he could ask, Xiao Jiuyan spoke first, "ask the public relations department to delete all negative comments about his wife's plastic surgery on Weibo. "

"got it, master Jiu, " Li Tezhu agreed. He suggested, "let the Public Relations Department help Mrs. Li Promote her? "

"Yes. " Xiao Jiuyan nodded and agreed.

Li Tezhu turned around and was about to do something when he took two steps forward.

He heard Xiao Jiuyan call out to him again.

Li Tezhu stopped and turned sideways. "Master Jiu, do you have anything else? "

"Do I have plans on Saturday night? " The man tapped his slender fingers on the table and asked calmly.

Li Tezhu thought for a moment. "You have a dinner with the director of the Land Bureau on Saturday night. "

"It's been postponed! Change the date. "

"Yes, Master Jiu! "

It was not a big deal to postpone the dinner with the bureau chief, but Li Tezhu still asked, "master Jiu, what other work arrangements do you have for the dinner on Saturday? "

As master JIU's working secretary.

Li Tezhu would arrange everything clearly on work matters.

"Okay. "

Xiao Jiuyan looked at Li Tezhu coldly and curled his thin lips into a smile. "I'm going to watch Madam's Variety Show on pomegranate station that night. "

Special Assistant Li Tezhu:"..."

This was really an important matter!

The bureau chief knew that he would probably spit out a mouthful of blood!

However, regarding the matter of the Little Madam, 9th master seemed to have always been very attentive.

9th Master really valued the Little Madam!


After the final makeup photo for "a lifetime toppling cities" and the variety show "happy together" were posted on Weibo.

They had occupied the top three spots on Weibo's hot search rankings for two consecutive days.

There were those who liked Ma Qianru, those who liked Zhou Cheng, and there were even more young and small fans who liked Xu Junyang. However, the comments about Princess Yuyao were not less popular than the previous three.

Initially, there were many negative comments on Weibo about whether the company had overdone the retouching, too much makeup, and cosmetic surgery.

Song he knew about it and planned to let the company's water army team lead the pace and lead the public opinion on Guan Xi in a good direction.

After all, this little ancestor was ninth master's woman.

Young Master also valued her!

She could not debut in a black and red way!

[ the Fifth Watch is over. On the third day of the second round of PK, ninth master and Xixi still need the support of the babies! Follow up on the voting. PS Ninth Master's most hidden attribute is Tsundere. That's right, she's a dead Tsundere. AUTHENTICATION COMPLETE! ]