Chapter 676 a wedding gift

She was quite forceful with her movements. Knife after knife, the knife hit the plate and made a small sound. It was as if she had a grudge against the plate.

Luo Xichen watched her movements and frowned slightly. He took the knife and fork from her and took her place. He skillfully cut all the food on the plate for her and handed the fork to her.

Sha Zhixing had been used to his service since she was young. She did not feel embarrassed at all. She put a small piece of meat into her mouth and swallowed it slowly. Then, she picked up the wine glass and drank it casually.

Her eyes were always wandering. She looked at the food on the table in a daze and then turned to the glass in her hand.

She looked at the wine-red liquid quietly and took a small sip. She felt the strong and stimulating taste of the alcohol and her red lips suddenly rose slightly.

Luo Xichen's face was cold. He had been observing her expression from the beginning to the end. He looked at the smile on her lips and raised his eyebrows slightly.

What does this smile mean?

Sha Zhixing's smile disappeared very quickly. After that brief moment, her face returned to its natural look. It was as if nothing had happened.

She took another sip of her wine and sped up her meal.

After a few sips, she tidied up her dress and stood up. "I haven't brought anything over. Call Room Service to get it. "

She took her phone and walked out of the House as if nothing had happened.

When she reached the door, Luo Xichen's voice came from behind her. "Did you prepare a gift for tonight? "

Sha Zhixing's back stiffened. She was silent for a few seconds before she turned around calmly and said, "yes. "

"Is that so? " Luo Xichen looked at her leisurely and smiled. "What gift? "

"We'll find out later. " Sha Zhixing replied calmly.

"The nightdress that you didn't wear last time? " Luo Xichen's lips curled up a little and he teased her casually.

Sha Zhixing's expression stiffened at his words. Her face was a little hot. She tugged at the corners of her lips and looked away uneasily. "You're thinking too much. "

"I see! " Luo xichen seemed a little disappointed. He had dragged out the last part of his sentence.

"I'm going out to make a phone call. " Sha Zhixing did not continue to argue with him. She turned around and walked out of the room.

When she was a distance away from him, she glanced at him who was still eating in the living room. She took out her cell phone and dialed the room service number. She lowered her voice and said something to the other side. Her Red Lips curled up slightly and she went back into the room.

She wanted to go past Luo Xichen to take a look at the room. When she passed him, her waist was hooked by his arm and her slender body fell onto his body.

"accompany me, " said Luo Xichen as he put his arm around her waist and continued eating his meal as if nothing had happened.

It was as if she did not exist in his arms.

However, Sha Zhixing did not feel good.

Why did he need her to accompany him when he was eating his meal? Did he treat her as a third party?

Sha Zhixing was furious. When he picked up the wine glass, she suddenly jabbed his stomach with her elbow.

The sudden movement made Luo Xichen's hand tremble, and all the red wine in the glass fell onto his chest... ...