Chapter 677: What tricks are you playing!

The clean white shirt was immediately soaked.

Luo Xichen looked down at his wet chest and his face froze for a few seconds.

"I didn't do it on purpose. " Sha Zhixing handed him a tissue as if nothing had happened and stood up.

Luo xichen frowned and rubbed the pain in his abdomen.

Didn't do it on purpose If that wasn't on purpose, wouldn't she make him vomit blood when she did it on purpose?

"Aren't you going to change it? " Sha Zhixing reminded him as she glanced at him from the corner of her eyes. She had thought that the customer service would come to deliver the goods later.

"It's okay, " Luo Xichen said through gritted teeth. He unbuttoned a few buttons on his shirt and took off his dirty clothes casually.

Sha Zhixing looked at him from the corner of her eye. She looked at his bare upper body and looked away uncomfortably.

Luo Xichen was a Germaphobe. He could not stand the wet and sticky feeling on his body. He took off his clothes and went to the bathroom to wipe the wine stains on his body with a towel.

The sound of running water could be heard in the room.

Sha Zhixing glanced in the direction of the bathroom, turned around and walked out of the small villa.

When she reached the door, she bumped into the waiter who was delivering the things.

"Miss, these are the things you want. " He handed her a brand-new nightgown and a small bag of white things, and left politely.

Sha Zhixing's eyes were fixed on the conservative nightgown in her hand, and then on the bag of white things, and the corners of her lips curled up slightly.

She had asked the waiter to go out and buy the two things on purpose, and had prepared them for Luo Xichen.

Sha Zhixing glanced at the half-finished red wine on the table. She walked over and poured the white powder into the bottle.

Then, she shook the bottle carefully.

Luo Xichen suddenly appeared beside her just as she was about to put the bottle down.

"What are you doing? " He looked at her hand holding the bottle and raised his eyebrows.

Sha Zhixing was confused by his question, but she quickly regained her composure.

She turned around as if nothing had happened and tidied up the dishes on the table. She said calmly, "I want to clean up this place first. "

Luo Xichen watched her quietly. His gaze slowly moved up from her hand to her face. He looked at her carefully, trying to read something. However, Sha Zhixing's expression remained calm, as calm as still water.

Luo Xichen only felt that her actions were a little strange. He did not pay much attention to her after seeing that there was nothing unusual in her expression.

They were already here. What other tricks could she play?

He turned around and sat down on the SOFA with a towel in his hand, drying his hair.

Luo Xichen went into the bathroom to wash off the wine stain on his chest, but his Germaphobia kicked in and he took a shower and washed his hair. His hair was still wet.

Sha Zhixing tidied up the table and glanced at the unfinished wine in his glass from the corner of her eye. She turned to look at him and poured another glass with the bottle.

She came to him with two glasses of wine and sat down beside him. She took the glass that he had not finished before and handed him the one that was poured out of the bottle. "This is for you. "

Luo Xichen was in the middle of wiping his hair when he saw her coming over. He paused and put his arm around her waist, pushing her down onto the SOFA.