Chapter 673

After a few minutes of the ceremony, Luo Xichen wrapped his arm around her waist and kissed her hard on the lips. Luo Xichen grabbed her hand and ran out of the church.

The long red carpet was left behind. Luo Xichen took her out of the Church and pushed her into the car. He unbuttoned a few buttons on his collar and looked at her. "where do you want to go now? "

"Home! " Sha Zhixing said expressionlessly.

"C CITY? " Luo Xichen continued to tease her, twisting her words.

"Paris! " Sha Zhixing looked at him coldly and corrected him clearly.

Luo Xichen pursed his lips and thought for a moment. He nodded and said slowly, "Paris is actually not bad. It's perfect for a honeymoon. "

Sha Zhixing choked on his words. She looked out of the window uncomfortably and pretended not to hear him.

Luo Xichen did not continue to tease her. The wedding had just been held and it would not be too late for her to return to China in two days. Besides, the wedding was not over yet?

Luo Xichen looked at the time on his watch and drove her around the town.

The air in the town was very fresh, close to nature, natural, and peaceful. It was very suitable for relaxing.

The car of the two of them drove slowly on the circular road in the town. Luo Xichen was obviously in a good mood today. He had been smiling ever since he woke up in the morning. It was rare for him to drive so gently.

Sha Zhixing leaned against the window and looked in his direction quietly. She was thinking about how she should deal with him in the days to come.

Should she just obey him like that?

This was not her style.

A woman who was too obedient would only make a man's heart more aroused.

Luo Xichen drove the car and saw her looking at him through the car mirror. The car suddenly stopped.

A sudden movement pulled Sha Zhixing back to her senses. She was stunned. "What's wrong? "

Luo Xichen turned to look at her. He put an arm around her neck and bit her lips. "Zhixing, if you don't want to go back today, you'd better stop looking at me so affectionately, " he said mockingly

Sha Zhixing looked around at the empty mountain scenery. She suddenly felt energized.

What does it mean that I can't go back?

Does he want to spend the night in the wilderness?

"I'm so sleepy and hungry. " Sha Zhixing pretended to yawn. She rubbed her flat belly and looked away from him.

However, Luo Xichen had already dealt with her trick.

He leaned his body forward and felt for a big shopping bag in the back seat. Then, he handed it to her.

"Eat more, " he said in an evil voice. "It'll be easier to do things later. "

Sha Zhixing's hand that was holding the shopping bag trembled. She wanted to lift her ten-centimeter high heel and kick him on the back of his foot.

Can't he think of something serious?

"Eat! " Luo xichen smiled. He put one hand on her side and looked at her face calmly.

He had brought a lot of things with him. There were carefully packed cold dishes, bread and cakes filled with food, and even milk.

He had prepared everything very well... ...