Chapter 674 promised me!

Sha Zhixing was at a loss for words. She put the bag in the back seat and looked at the road ahead. "Let's go back. I'm suddenly not hungry anymore. "

Luo xichen smiled. He turned the car around and started the engine.

The white sports car left the town and went straight back to the resort hotel where the two of them stayed.

The entire hotel was booked for the whole day. Even the waiters did not move around. There were only Luo Xichen and Sha Zhixing on the way to the resort.

After entering the hotel, Luo Xichen took Sha Zhixing to the leisure area.

The hotel was designed to be a one-story hotel. Most of the space was used for leisure and entertainment. There was a green lake, a hot spring, a stream, a swimming pool, and even an amusement park.

Sha Zhixing followed behind Luo Xichen. She was still wearing a wedding dress and the high heels on her feet were very thin. It was a little inconvenient to walk, especially when she stepped on the cobblestone path.

What made her even more confused was why she had followed him obediently?

"where are you going? " Sha Zhixing's hand broke free from his hand and stopped moving.

"Do you prefer to go back to your room? " Luo Xichen turned his head slowly and looked at her face. His voice was casual.

"Your Room at home? " Sha Zhixing raised her eyebrows and replied indifferently.

Luo Xichen knew that she was referring to her home in Paris. He walked over to her step by step and patted her head. He comforted her like he was coaxing a pet, "be good. We'll go back after the honeymoon. "

His words were lazy and Lazy. Sha Zhixing wanted to kick him. "You promised me before the wedding! "

"I didn't say I wouldn't go back, " Luo Xichen replied innocently.

He only said that he would be a few days late.

Actually, he did not like Paris very much. It was not because of the city, but because of the annoying brother and sister of Leis and Su Linna.

He did not know if they had gone back yet.

How Nice would it be to be here Just her and him. No one would bother them. They could make out as much as they wanted.

This was the real reason why Luo Xichen did not want to go back.

"Let's go eat first. " Luo Xichen did not continue to argue with her. He held her hand and continued walking forward.

Sha Zhixing followed behind him and her footsteps were very stiff.

He brought her here just to eat?

LET'S EAT Why are you being so mysterious?

Luo Xichen was a little annoyed by her speed. He took a few steps forward and suddenly stopped. He glanced at her who was as gentle as a turtle behind him and carried her forward.

This resort was very large. The place they passed by was simulated with natural environment. The lake and waterside pavilions were fresh and natural.

Luo Xichen continued walking with her. The last place they stopped was in front of a large lake.

The Blue Lake rippled. A long wooden plank was placed across the lake. From the lakeside all the way to the end of the lake, there was a small villa built on the water. The wooden plank was lined with all kinds of rose petals. Colorful balloons floated in the air with the wind Even the air smelled sweet.

Sha Zhixing broke away from Luo Xichen and stood by the lakeside. Her eyes were fixed on the scenery on the lake.

He had prepared all this for today?

"Young Madam Luo, are you going to stand outside and enjoy the scenery? " Luo Xichen's teasing voice came from beside her.

After saying that, he grabbed her hand and dragged her into the house... ...