That was how Chapter 11 was maintained

A person was quietly watching the scene from the other side of the table in the cafe. He was listening to the conversation between Sha Zhixing and Luo Xichen. Luo Xichen raised his eyebrows as he looked at Sha Zhixing, who was smiling wickedly.

Why was that girl here?

Sha Zhixing was the kind of girl who looked friendly and harmless on the outside. She was born with a baby face and was very likable. However, only those who knew her would know that she was a black-bellied girl.

Mi Le wanted to bang her head against the table after hearing Sha Zhixing's words. Her heart hurt even more when she thought of the money that might run away.

"Didn't I leave last night because I saw you and Luo Xichen know each other? Zhixing, I was really wrong!" Mi Le Looked up at Sha Zhixing sadly. Her face was about to collapse.

The prices in C City were so high. It would cost at least tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands to buy a few seafood meals. This was not something that an ordinary reporter like her could afford.

Sha Zhixing could not stand the look in her eyes. After all, the two of them had a good relationship and she had had enough fun. She straightened her face and said, "See if you dare to do it again next time!"

"I promise I won't!" Mi Le was good at reading people's expressions. She knew that her anger had subsided a little, so she quickly made a promise.

Sha Zhixing nodded in satisfaction and took the menu next to her and started flipping through it.

Mi Le was very smart. She was already feeling guilty since she had opened a restaurant by herself last night. She was very polite now. She stood up with a smile and flipped through the menu to serve her.

Luo Xichen was sitting by the window at a table not far away. He had been looking at Sha Zhixing ever since she appeared.

Lina, who was sitting across from him, was also looking at Sha Zhixing. She was listening to the conversation between Sha Zhixing and Mi Le. She snorted in disdain and her voice was full of ridicule. "She must have only had a few big meals in her life, right? How thick-skinned you are to force someone to treat you! If it were me, this kind of friend..."

Lina was Luo Xichen's assistant. She was beautiful, came from a good family, and was proud. The reason why she had come to be his assistant was so that she could have more opportunities to meet this outstanding man in front of her.

However, before she could finish her sentence, Luo Xichen suddenly interrupted her. "You can hand in your resignation letter tomorrow."

His voice was calm, and there was not much emotion in it. However, what he said made Lina's expression change. Her head was buzzing, and she did not seem to believe what she had heard.

"Resignation letter?" Lina looked at him in shock. Her voice trembled slightly. "Young Master Luo, what did Lina do wrong?"

Luo Xichen closed his eyes and said coldly, "Resign today!"

"Young Master Luo, I..." Lina looked at him in disbelief. She wanted to continue explaining, but Luo Xichen turned his face away coldly. It was obvious that he did not intend to listen to her.

Lina's words were stuck in her throat. Her eyes were red with grievance. She was stunned for a long time before she suddenly turned her eyes to Sha Zhixing, who was not far away.

She had only said a few words to Luo Xichen since she had appeared here. The content of her words was all about the girl opposite her. The reason why Luo Xichen had fired her was because... Her?!

Lina stared at Sha Zhixing unwillingly. She could not believe that she had been fired just like that. What was even more unbelievable was that the reason why she had been fired was because of this little girl...

What was the relationship between her and the man in front of her?

Why was Young Master Luo so protective of her?

She did not notice the two of them. At the nearby dining table, Sha Zhixing and Mi Le had ordered a few desserts and were chatting happily. There was a smile on her delicate baby face at all times, and the atmosphere was much better than before.

Sha Zhixing's personality was actually very easy to get along with. She was easy-going, and when she wasn't provoked, she gave people the feeling that she was very harmless. Usually, she might not care much about many people, but if it was someone she really cared about, she could go through fire and water for them.

Mi Le chatted with her for a while, and when she thought of the reason why she was the only one who opened the door last night, her round face suddenly moved closer to her side. Her big eyes flickered as she looked at her, smiling a little flirtatiously.

"Mi Le, put away that impure look of yours. I have goosebumps everywhere." Sha Zhixing glanced at her reaction from the corner of her eyes. The sudden change made her feel that there was nothing good about it.

"Where did you get goosebumps? Let me wipe them for you." Mi Le was full of shamelessness. She reached out her hand to her arm exaggeratedly and pretended to rub it for her.

Sha Zhixing felt a chill run down her spine. She waved her hand away with a look of disgust and moved to the side.

Mi Le pressed closer and moved closer to her. She put her hand on her arm and winked at Sha Zhixing. "Zhixing, what is your relationship with Luo Xichen?"

Sha Zhixing was stunned. She did not expect that she would ask about this.

Lina, who was still not far away, pricked up her ears and glared at Sha Zhixing, waiting for her answer.

She was also very curious about this question.

After understanding this question, at least she knew what had happened to her today.

Mi Le Looked at Sha Zhixing with shining eyes, waiting for her answer.

"Mi Le, please don't look at me like that." Sha Zhixing was scared by Mi Le's look. It was easy for her to think that Mi Le had sold her friend to buy candy.

"Zhixing, what's our relationship? I'm just concerned about you." Mi Le was still smiling, and the anticipation in her eyes grew.

To be able to get an invitation to such a big event last night, they must have a deep relationship, right?

If that was the case, wouldn't it be much more convenient for her to report on Luo Xichen in the future?

Mi Le's eyes lit up at the thought of the value of Luo Xichen's news. It was as if she was looking at RMB.

Luo Xichen was the source of her RMB.

However, this fantasy did not last for even half a minute before it was turned into a mirage by Sha Zhixing's cold water.

"I was so busy last night. This is the only time!" Did she think that she could not even guess this little trick?

"Zhixing, don't!" Mi Le pouted and handed her a glass of water with a fawning look on her face. "Let's talk things over."

"This is not up for discussion." Sha Zhixing ignored her solicitude and her attitude was very firm.

Although Luo Xichen did not argue with her about last night's incident, she could not guarantee that he would be so magnanimous every time.

Over the years, Luo Xichen had received very little news coverage. A large part of the reason was that he cared about his privacy. Sha Zhixing was well aware of this.

She could help a friend once, but she did not want to let her invade Luo Xichen's life like this. She did not want to cause trouble for herself if things did not work out.

She would not do such a loss-making deal.