Chapter 12: We are secretly married!

Mi Le was a reporter. She knew very well what the consequences might be for Luo Xichen after the press release. Sha Zhixing's reason for rejecting her was naturally understood to be to protect Luo Xichen's privacy.

The relationship between the two of them must be deep, right? Zhixing was actually so protective of him...

Mi Le glanced at her again. Seeing that her attitude was still very firm, she painfully suppressed her newly-born thoughts.

Luo Xichen was also surprised by Sha Zhixing's answer. It was not like last night, when she was watching other women pick on her. She was teasing him and commenting calmly.

Luo Xichen suddenly felt that she was much cuter now than she was last night.

No matter the reason for her rejection, it was better than following Mi Le and doing the same thing as last night.

On the other side, Sha Zhixing and Mi Le had finished their snacks and were ready to leave.

Mi Le followed behind her, chattering from time to time. "Zhixing, I promise you that I won't use your relationship to catch news about Luo Xichen in the future. Can you tell me what your relationship is now?"

Sha Zhixing, who was walking in front, quickened her pace and ignored her words.

Luo Xichen's identity was special. Any woman who had any relationship with him would probably be on the headlines. She did not want to become that kind of person herself, nor did she want to have any relationship with him.

Mi Le did not know why she refused to answer. Her crisp voice continued, "Family? But you don't look like each other at all."

"It's unlikely that you're friends. Does Luo Xichen have a pure relationship with a woman?"

The corner of Sha Zhixing's eyes twitched. These words... summed it up quite nicely!

Other than herself, Luo Xichen should not have such a pure friendship with any other young woman, right?

Mi Le followed behind her with her head lowered. After thinking hard for a while, she suddenly exclaimed, "Are you guys having an affair?"

Sha Zhixing's back stiffened and she stopped in her tracks. Caught off guard, Mi Le slammed her brakes onto her back.

"Zhixing, what are you doing?" Mi Le asked as she rubbed her nose.

Did she guess right?

Sha Zhixing took a few deep breaths and turned around. Her eyes curved into crescents as she said slowly, "We... are in a secret marriage!"


Luo Xichen's eyes twitched as he leaned against the window.

"Secret marriage?!" Mi Le Stared at Sha Zhixing without blinking. She felt like the world was spinning.

Did she have to be so crazy!

"Mi Le, I know you have a fearless spirit, but that's impossible!" Sha Zhixing rolled her eyes at her and continued walking forward.

Mi Le patted her uneven chest and quickened her pace to catch up with her. As she walked, her voice came from behind. "I told you. How could I not know that you are secretly married? And with Luo Xichen?"

"Don't use such shocking news to agitate a small reporter like me next time. Even a normal person's heart can't withstand such a shock from you."

"Besides, how could Luo Xichen marry you? People who eat too many meat dishes will not be able to get used to eating plain porridge..."

Mi Le continued talking to herself.

Sha Zhixing paused after her last sentence. The words that Luo Xichen had said to her last night when he saw her naked suddenly rang in her ears.

He had said something similar before.

Why did she feel like she was being despised?

Sha Zhixing straightened her back and looked down at her chest. She frowned slightly.

Porridge? How is it small? How is it small?

Sha Zhixing and Mi Le walked out of the cafe one after the other. They wanted to hail a taxi at the nearby taxi stand, but a white Lamborghini suddenly stopped beside them.

The window was lowered slowly, and a pair of slender legs poked out of the car. Luo Xichen's handsome face, as perfect as that of an ancient Greek God, suddenly appeared in front of them.

Outside the car, Sha Zhixing and Mi Le were stunned at the same time.

Sha Zhixing's first reaction was to see Luo Xichen's face, which had been slapped by her last night.

She had used all her strength when she had attacked him last night.

Luo Xichen's face had obviously been carefully treated last night. The fingerprints on his face had disappeared. Other than a little redness, nothing else could be seen.

This made Sha Zhixing feel a little relieved.

Luo Xichen did not even look at Mi Le who was standing next to him. He glanced at her indifferently and said, "Get in the car."

Sha Zhixing was still a little afraid of him when she thought of what had happened on the sofa last night. She did not like to get too close to him. This man's face was attractive and had attracted scandals. If she did not want the peace of her world to be broken... Then she had to stay away from him. This was something that she had learned after knowing him for so many years.

"I'll go back with my friend." Sha Zhixing took Mi Le's hand and dragged her to him like a shield.

Luo Xichen frowned and looked at Mi Le.

Mi Le had been in a trance ever since the appearance of his extremely handsome face. Her body trembled and she came back to her senses.

What was the relationship between the two of them? Luo Xichen already knew where Sha Zhixing lived...

"Let's go!" Sha Zhixing looked at him indifferently and wanted to leave with Mi Le as if nothing had happened. However, Mi Le's footsteps seemed to be stuck and she could not move. Her hands started to feel for her phone in her bag.

The most valuable diamond man in C City had suddenly appeared in front of her. If she did not take a single photo, she would be letting down her identity as a reporter.

"Zhi-Zhixing, although I have just promised you, he has appeared in front of us by himself. This is not against the rules, right?" Mi Le glanced at Sha Zhixing from the corner of her eyes. Suddenly, she pried open the hand that was on her arm one by one. She pushed her slim body directly towards Luo Xichen.

She had promised that she would not use her connections to expose Luo Xichen. However, it was Luo Xichen who had appeared in front of her on his own initiative. It was like a shiny diamond suddenly appearing in front of someone's eyes. A person who did not seize the opportunity to pick it up was not a normal person.

Sha Zhixing did not expect that she would suddenly pull this trick. Her body staggered and she fell heavily into Luo Xichen's arms.

Snap! Snap!

At the same time, the sound of a photo being taken was heard.

Sha Zhixing's body stiffened and she was stunned for a few seconds. She looked at Mi Le in disbelief at an extremely slow speed.

She had even plotted against me for the sake of valuable news?

This time, Luo Xichen's reaction was calmer than last night. He held Sha Zhixing's slim waist with one hand and turned his handsome face to the side, allowing Mi Le to take pictures of him. He did not seem to have any intention of reasoning with her...