Chapter 13 dragging her down with him

Mi Le did not expect that the man whose face was as cold as ice after being secretly photographed last night would actually cooperate with her now. She was stunned for a moment, and the camera in her hand started snapping even more vigorously.

"Don't take pictures!" Sha Zhixing waved her hands twice, baring her fangs and brandishing her claws, trying to snatch the phone in her hand. Just as she was about to make a move, she was pulled back by Luo Xichen.

"Let go of me!" Sha Zhixing was a little angry because of Mi Le's behavior. This made her feel like she had been betrayed, and her tone was not very good.

The person she had always regarded as her best friend had dragged her down with him in order to sell the news!

Luo Xichen looked at Sha Zhixing, who was so anxious that she looked like she was about to jump up and down. He frowned slightly, picked her up horizontally, and stuffed her into the car.

Mi Le stared wide-eyed at Luo Xichen's natural movements, and the camera in her hand became even more intense.

This was too exciting. When did these two hook up? Why didn't she know about it as a good friend?

"Luo Xichen, don't you care about privacy the most? Isn't the exposure enough for today's news? Do you know who that girl is?" Sha Zhixing did not expect Luo Xichen to do such a thing to her. She pushed him away and tried to get out of the car, but Luo Xichen slammed the car door shut.

He turned around and looked at her. "I don't mind," he said expressionlessly

Sha Zhixing looked at him in shock. She did not realize what she had heard.

He did not mind?

Luo Xichen, who had always cared about privacy, actually said that he did not mind being exposed in front of the media?

"You heard me right." Luo Xichen leaned towards her and helped her fasten her seatbelt, but his voice was still very calm.

He did not mind because the other party was her.

Luo Xichen himself could not explain the feeling. It seemed that he would break his principles when it came to a lot of things related to Sha Zhixing. He had always been like this since he was young. He hated noise, but he allowed her to call him softly and repeatedly. He hated sleeping in the same bed with others, but he was used to sleeping with her when she was young. He hated clingy people, but he liked her soft body clinging to him.

In Luo Xichen's world, Sha Zhixing had always been an exception since she was young.

There was another reason why he did not mind. Sha Zhixing was anxious to distance herself from him. He could tell that she did not want to get involved with him, even if it meant that they had nothing to do with each other.

Luo Xichen had a twisted idea of wanting the two of them to get entangled with each other.

Outside the car window, Mi Le was still taking photos.

Sha Zhixing heard the sound of her clicking the camera button and Luo Xichen's words. Her ears were a little messy.

She did not understand what he was thinking.

She realized that she did not understand him anymore...

Luo Xichen did not explain much. He fastened his seatbelt and slowly started the car.

Sha Zhixing glared at Mi Le who was still taking photos outside. She gritted her teeth and threatened her. "Mi Le, if the news you have is exposed, we will break up!"

"Don't be angry. I will remember to mosaic your parts for you." Mi Le smiled foolishly at her and waved at her.

Sha Zhixing, "...Don't say that I know you in the future!"

Mi Le wanted to continue comforting her, but the white Lamborghini left in a flash.

Sha Zhixing's face fell. When she thought of Mi Le's actions, her heart felt very unbalanced.

She calmed down and thought that although the Mi Le she knew was greedy, it was not to the extent of using her privacy to earn money.

However, if what she said was true and her face was mosaic, it was not impossible to expose what had happened today.

What made her even more troubled was that Luo Xichen was back now, and she saw him every day. She had met Mi Le today. What if she met other reporters one day?

Sha Zhixing and Luo Xichen had known each other for so many years, but she had never been so sad about their relationship at this moment.

No, for the sake of her peace, it seemed that she had to keep a distance from him in the future.

Luo Xichen drove quietly, not saying a word from beginning to end.

After Sha Zhixing calmed down, she looked out of the window.

She wanted to look at the road outside, but Luo Xichen's face was reflected on the car window in front of her. It was on the side where he had been injured.

Sha Zhixing felt a little guilty when she thought of her aggressive behavior last night. After all, Luo Xichen had never suffered such injustice since he was young.

But when she thought of what he had done to her, the little guilt in her heart was quickly forgotten.

Luo Xichen was driving. He was quite focused at first, but when he saw Sha Zhixing frowning from time to time and gritting her teeth from time to time, he frowned slightly.

Needless to say, he knew what she was thinking about.

Sha Zhixing did not notice the gaze on her. She calmed down and opened a bottle of mineral water. She wanted to drink it, but Luo Xichen's car suddenly stopped on the side of the road.

The sudden movement caught her off guard. Her hands trembled, and the bottle of mineral water in her hand tilted. All the water in the bottle splashed towards Luo Xichen's suit pants.

The target was right on his... crotch...

The clean pants were stained with a large amount of wet stains within a few seconds.

Sha Zhixing was stunned.

This technique...

Was amazing!

Luo Xichen's face was a little twisted.

The car was dead silent for a few seconds.

Sha Zhixing's brain was short-circuited for a few seconds. She realized what she had done and wanted to pick up a tissue to help him wipe his pants. However, before she could reach out, she suddenly retracted her hand.

It was a crucial part. If she reached out like that, would he suspect that she was deliberately seducing him?

Luo Xichen narrowed his eyes and looked at his pants with a stiff face. Then, he turned to look at the culprit, Sha Zhixing.

"I... I didn't do it on purpose." Sha Zhixing calmed herself down and looked out of the window.

Luo Xichen's veins bulged on his forehead as he stared at her coldly. His dark eyes suddenly turned red and green.

This damn girl did it on purpose, didn't she?

Sha Zhixing did not look at his face, but she could clearly feel the sharpness in his eyes. It was as sharp as a knife, and it made her shudder.

If looks could kill, she would have been cut to death by him several times by now?

She turned her head stiffly and looked at a certain part of him. Sha Zhixing suggested, "How about I get out of the car first and you deal with it casually?"

Luo Xichen's face was cold. "How do I deal with it casually?"

"F*ck." Sha Zhixing handed him a packet of paper.

She glanced at a part of his body that seemed to be erect, and added fearlessly, "Or do you prefer to go back in such a 'spectacular' way?"

Luo Xichen's already livid face immediately turned black...