Chapter 18 breaking out of the cocoon and becoming a butterfly

He was no longer the same person as before, and she was no longer a child. There were some things that she should pay attention to.

Knock, knock!

She knocked on the door lightly, and Sha Zhixing waited quietly for a response.

The room was very quiet, and there was no sound coming from inside.

Knock, knock!

Sha Zhixing knocked twice again, but there was still no sound coming from inside.

She was stunned for a few seconds, and then put her ear to the door to listen. She did not hear anything, and guessed that Luo Xichen was still resting. After thinking for a while, she gently turned the doorknob.

The door was not locked from the inside, and there was no need for it to be locked from the inside. Under normal circumstances, no one would come up to the floor where Luo Xichen's room was. The doorknob was slightly twisted, and the door was easily opened.

In the dark room, in front of the wide window, the white drapes quietly fell, stealing the light of the entire room.

In the middle of the room, on the large European-style bed, a man was lying quietly. His light breathing could be clearly heard in the quiet room.

Sha Zhixing was a little surprised that she could still see Luo Xichen lying on the bed at this time, but she was also glad that he did not wake up.

She carried the tray into the room and put the food on a small table in the room. She tiptoed out of the room, but stopped when she saw the tightly shut curtains.

The room was too dark and depressing. The air was not circulating. It was not good for people to sleep in such a room for a long time.

She had forgotten that she had even closed the windows and doors tightly last night. Sha Zhixing turned around and walked to the window. She pulled the curtains open and the window was completely open.

The vibrant sunlight shone through the window, adding a lot of life to the room. The fragrance of magnolia wafted into the room like a tidal wave, and the thin air was much fresher.

"That's good!" Sha Zhixing looked at the brightly lit room with satisfaction. She stood in front of the window and looked at the tall magnolia tree planted between the two of them. She stretched comfortably and wanted to walk out of the room. However, she met a pair of bright eyes.

Luo Xichen had woken up. His slender body was leaning lazily on the headboard of the bed, his arms crossed in front of his chest. His eyes were fixed on her, up and down, unrestrained.

"You... you're awake..." Sha Zhixing was a little surprised. She regretted sticking her nose into other people's business and helping him open the window to get some fresh air?

Why didn't he just leave when the things were delivered?

Luo Xichen did not expect to see her when he woke up in his own room. He nodded at her and looked at her calmly.

Sha Zhixing stood by the window. Her slender figure was shrouded in the morning light. The dancing light cast a shadow on her beautiful side profile, casting a silhouette in his eye sockets. Her soft and beautiful face looked a little dreamy.

Behind her was an extremely tall magnolia tree. White magnolia flowers were scattered in the air, looking ethereal and graceful. The flowers reflected the people, and the people looked more beautiful than the flowers.

Luo Xichen watched the scene quietly, his eyes a little lost.

He had always remembered Sha Zhixing as a little girl. Although he had seen her in the past few years, he had always remembered her as a little girl.

But this time, he had only been back for one day, and she was like a butterfly that had completed the process of breaking out of its cocoon. She kept blooming and blooming in front of him until her beauty was fully displayed.

Luo Xichen was shocked by this discovery.

The little girl from back then had really grown up!