Chapter 17 will be left to Zhixing

Sha Zhixing smiled at her and said, "I'm fine. It's just that my appetite hasn't been very good recently."

"Let's have lunch here. Aunt Lan will nourish you," Wen Lan said again.

Sha Zhixing had gotten used to going to the Luo family when she was young. She was very familiar with the family. She had come here often in the past few years when Luo Xichen was not around. She never knew how to be polite in front of Wen Lan. She was about to nod, but before she could do so... She shook her head again.

Luo Xichen had not been in the country for the past few years. Now, he was back!

She moved her lips, trying to make up an excuse for herself. Suddenly, a maid's voice sounded. "Madam, breakfast is ready for Young Master Luo. Yes..."

She did not finish her sentence. Her tone seemed a little awkward.

Wen Lan was a smart person. She knew what the maid was embarrassed about.

Luo Xichen was not sure if he was tired from the flight back to the country or if he slept late last night. He was usually a person who got up very early, but he was still in his room today. He should not have gotten up yet. Under such circumstances, a maid... How could she bother him?

She glanced at the maid who was standing next to her with a tray. She turned to Xia Zhixing who was beside her and said casually, "Leave it here. Zhixing, just send it up."


Sha Zhixing, who was about to make tea, gently dropped the cup on the coffee table with a crisp sound. Her slender back stiffened after she said that.

Not noticing her subtle reaction, the maid came to her side as if she was relieved of a heavy burden. She handed the tray with breakfast in her hand to her respectfully and smiled. "Miss Zhixing, I'll have to trouble you then."

Wen Lan turned her head and smiled at her.

Sha Zhixing held the tray in her hands and wanted to find an excuse to refuse.

She did not want to come here because she was afraid of bumping into Luo Xichen. She did not want to be under his nose.

However, when she looked into Wen Lan's gentle eyes, she could not find any reason to refuse.

Wen Lan had doted on her since she was young. How could she refuse such a small request?

"Alright, I'll send it up." Despite her reluctance, Sha Zhixing still dragged her legs and walked upstairs under the gaze of Wen Lan and the maid.

She had only taken a few steps when Wen Lan's nagging voice suddenly came from behind her. "I wonder what these reporters do these days. They just make up stories and do nothing!"

Sha Zhixing, who had just arrived at the spiral staircase, was stunned by her words. Her eyes flickered for a moment, then she turned her head and slowly looked in Wen Lan's direction from the corner of her eyes.

Wen Lan was holding a stack of newspapers in her hand. The photo of her and Luo Xichen was right in front of her.

Sha Zhixing, who had been worried that she would misunderstand, felt relieved again. She heaved a long sigh of relief and her mood immediately brightened.

As long as she did not misunderstand, this would save her a lot of trouble.

However, why did Aunt Lan feel a little angry when she saw such a report?

Sha Zhixing did not understand. She took her breakfast upstairs and went straight to Luo Xichen's room. She wanted to push the door open and enter out of habit, but she stopped herself when she put her hand on the door.

She was used to coming and going freely in the Luo family when she was a child, so she could go into his room as she pleased. However, he was no longer the same person as before...