Chapter 689

Luo Xichen was sitting beside her, enjoying the breeze. He turned his head and looked at her face. "Zhixing, shall we have our honeymoon before we go back to Paris? "

Sha Zhixing's hand that was driving the car trembled after hearing his words. The steering wheel almost slipped.

Honeymoon? !

Hadn't she been out to play like this before they were married?

She did not directly deny his words. She remembered that Shi Qinuo and her other friends did not know where she had gone. They might have been worried for the past few days. Sha Zhixing thought for a while and said, "Let's go back to Paris first. We have been missing for so many days. Master and the others will be worried. "

Luo Xichen did not look happy. When he heard this name, he suddenly remembered how natural it had been when she had met Shi Qinuo at the dinner party.

After a few seconds of silence, he suddenly asked, "have you been in contact with Qi Nuo for the past year? "

Sha Zhixing's eyes were locked on the road ahead. She wanted to admit it directly, but she was afraid that he would think too much. In the end, she chose a well-chosen word. "It's okay. "

Luo Xichen was actually quite confused about her. For example, why did she want to move to France? Why didn't she contact all her friends except Shi Qinuo? And why Shi Qinuo didn't tell him that he had always known about Zhixing.

He was very curious about her. He was very domineering, but not to the extent that he knew every detail of her private life.

He would give her a certain amount of personal space before and after marriage. This was Luo Xichen's way of respecting a person.

No matter what, it was good to know that the person she loved was him.

No Man in this world knew her better than he did. Luo Xichen believed that a twenty-year-old relationship could not be easily broken by anyone!

The car of the two of them stopped at the entrance of a Chinese hot pot restaurant. Sha Zhixing got out of the car first and was about to walk into the house when a slender figure suddenly appeared in front of her.

Her gaze fell quietly on the familiar figure. Sha Zhixing stopped in her tracks.

He simu was standing outside a shop not far from her. She seemed to have just gotten out of the car. Behind her was a very luxurious rolls-royce. She was wearing sunglasses. She looked up at the name of the shop next to her and did not notice Sha Zhixing.

Luo Xichen was sitting in the car. He was about to open the door when he saw that Sha Zhixing did not look well. He poked his head out of the car and looked in her direction.

He frowned slightly when he saw he simu.

Why was she here?

Sha Zhixing had a strange feeling towards he simu. Although he simu did not do anything to her, she did not like it.

After thinking about it, she attributed it to the various questions she had asked the reporters about the "5203 admirers" series during the design competition.

Sha Zhixing only knew that she had lived in Northern Ireland. The reason why she had returned to the country was probably because of Luo Xichen!

Moreover, she had told the media so openly. It felt like a provocation.

He simu was like an unsolvable mystery to her. There were so many questions that Sha Zhixing could not figure it out.

Sha Zhixing stood at the door and watched her quietly for a while before she walked into the restaurant in front of Luo Xichen.

Just as she disappeared outside the door, he simu's face suddenly turned around.

She did not see her. She only saw Luo Xichen who had just gotten out of the car... ...