Chapter 690. Do you know Phoebe

"Xi Chen... " he simu seemed surprised to see him from afar. She smiled and walked towards him slowly. "What a coincidence. Why are you in Northern Ireland? "

Luo Xichen glanced at the restaurant beside him. He wanted to track down Sha Zhixing, but he did not know where she went after she entered.

He did not explain too much to He Simu, nor did he need to explain to her. He asked calmly, "why are you in Northern Ireland? "

He simu opened the stack of documents in her hand and smiled. "Didn't you ask me to be in charge of Phoebe? I hired a private detective to dig up information about her. I heard that she came to Northern Ireland. "

"PHOEBE? " Luo Xichen slowly responded to her words and frowned.

Phoebe was also in Northern Ireland?

He simu looked at the restaurant next to him and turned to him. She suggested, "do you want to have dinner together? "

"No, I have an appointment with a friend. " Luo Xichen did not explain. He turned around and walked into the restaurant.

He simu wanted to follow him, but a young woman's face suddenly popped out from the car not far away. "Simu, Dad and I are waiting for you. "

He simu turned her head and looked at the man and woman in the car. She closed her eyes and walked towards them step by step.

"Who is that? " The young woman in the car asked doubtfully as she did not see Luo Xichen standing outside.

He simu's eyes were a little confused after hearing her words. She looked away uneasily and said in a flat voice, "it's a friend, SIS. Don't mind her. "

The young woman did not ask any further questions. She pushed the car door open and held her hand as they walked towards the restaurant in front of them.

When Luo Xichen entered the restaurant, Sha Zhixing had already found a table and sat down.

The dishes seemed to have been ordered. They were ready to be served when the waiter brought them over.

"Did you talk to he simu outside? " Sha Zhixing raised her head slightly and asked leisurely when she saw Luo Xichen walking towards her.

"Yes. " Luo Xichen pushed her into the restaurant and sat down where she had just been sitting.

"What did you talk about? " Sha Zhixing's red lips curled up slightly. She spoke casually, but no matter how she listened, there was a faint sour taste in her voice.

She was indeed a little sour. He Simu and Luo Xichen had been seeing each other day and night since she was gone, and Luo Xichen might even like Luo Xichen. She felt a little uncomfortable just thinking about it.

Luo Xichen's lips twitched. He looked at her calmly and teased, "We talked a lot. What do you want to hear? "

"Why don't we have dinner together? " Sha Zhixing suggested.

Luo Xichen thought about it seriously and replied, "we can consider it next time. "

"We can consider it now. " Sha Zhixing smiled and reminded Luo Xichen.

"I'm just teasing you! " Luo Xichen smiled and pinched Sha Zhixing's cheeks. "She's only here because of Phoebe. "

"PHOEBE? " Sha Zhixing's hand trembled as she held the chopsticks. She was stunned for a few seconds before she turned her head towards Luo Xichen. "Why is she looking for Phoebe? "

Luo Xichen observed her expression and corrected her. "She's looking for Phoebe under my orders. "

"Why are you looking for Phoebe again? " Sha Zhixing asked.

Luo Xichen smiled and said slowly, "I heard that Phoebe is in Northern Ireland now. "

Sha Zhixing choked on his words and looked away uneasily.

"Zhixing, do you know her? " Luo Xichen looked at her calmly and raised his eyebrows.