Chapter 693: Welcome to the wedding

The expression on Shi Qinuo's face froze for a few seconds after he said that. He turned his handsome face slowly and looked at Sha Zhixing in disbelief.

Sha Zhixing stood beside Luo Xichen and only tried to comfort the injured Su Linna. She did not refute Luo Xichen's words.

Was this a tacit agreement?

Shi Qinuo slowly looked away from her body. He felt a slight pain in his chest, but his face did not say anything.

Luo Xichen looked at him and let go of Sha Zhixing. He walked to Luo Xichen and smiled "thank you for all the wedding gifts. I will arrange a new banquet when I get back to China. Remember to attend it. "

"okay. " Shi Qinuo nodded and walked into the house.

Leis and Su Linna had been in shock ever since they heard the news, especially Su Linna.

The little girl had finally let go of her dignity as a princess and wanted to chase after someone, but this was the result. Su Linna found it hard to accept.

Leis was still okay, but the man was straightforward. Although he had lost to Luo Xichen and lost so badly, he was already married, so he could not refuse to let her go.

Sha Zhixing sat outside with the two of them for a long time. Su Linna looked at her with tears in her eyes, as if she had been bullied by the whole world.

"Zhixing, why did you agree to marry? You've only known each other for a few days? " Su Linna still could not calm down when she thought of what she had just heard.

Sha Zhixing's lips twitched weakly and she explained seriously, "not for a few days, but for twenty years. "

Su Linna was rendered speechless by her words for quite a while. She looked at her with sobs, as if she was questioning her words.

However, the Sha Zhixing she knew would never lie in front of her.

Everything she said was true!

Su Linna found it difficult to accept it. Her shoulders trembled and sobbed. After a long while, the emotions she had been holding back finally exploded. Suddenly, she let out a SOB and cried.

The sobs were especially loud, causing even Leis, who was beside her, to panic.

The people in charge of the Royal Family's secret protection had all rushed over from all directions to take care of her. A group of people circled around her anxiously.

"Miss, the princess usually listens to you the most. Look at this, this... " the group of people did not know what to do. In the end, they all turned to look at Sha Zhixing for help.

Sha Zhixing wanted to continue comforting her, but before she could say anything, Luo Xichen's voice sounded behind her. "Don't worry about it. Let her cry enough! "

His words made everyone look at each other, and the corners of their lips twitched a little.

She was a princess, a Princess How could she not care?

Su Linna looked up with tears in her eyes. She stared blankly at Luo Xichen who had suddenly appeared. She looked at his cold body and suddenly could not cry anymore.

The tense nerves of the crowd relaxed a little under her sudden change. All of them looked at Luo Xichen with admiration.

This was the charm of the second young Master Shao. Once he appeared, all he needed to do was look at him and say a word. He did not even need to do much to intimidate Luo Xichen.

"You are welcome to attend the wedding. " Luo Xichen glanced at her and said coldly. Then, he left.

He did not have much patience to comfort people. However, as long as Su Linna did not pester him, he would not hate her because of her relationship with Zhixing.

Su Linna stared at his back in a daze. After sobbing for a while, she turned around and left the castle.