Chapter 694 the great honeymoon was the biggest

A large group of people followed closely behind her and also walked out. The Royal Family's team was very large.

"Su Linna! " Sha Zhixing didn't know if she was still sad, but she stopped her before her figure disappeared.

"I will come to your wedding when the time comes. " Su Linna turned her head, glanced at her, and then left.

Sha Zhixing stood where she was, slowly reacting to her words. The corners of her lips curled up into a faint smile.

She should be fine now, right?

How deep could their relationship be in just a few days It should come and go quickly, right?

After Su Linna left, Leis also left. Both of them had stayed in France for too long. It was time for them to return to France.

Sha Zhixing did not seem to want to return to France. She did not even mention it when she returned to Paris.

Luo Xichen could tell that after all that had happened, she had been living well in Paris during this period of time. It was natural that she did not want to go back.

The two of them stayed in the villa for less than two days after they returned to France. Luo Xichen suggested a honeymoon, but Sha Zhixing was busy with the design. At first, she refused. In the end, Luo Xichen booked the tickets without even informing her in advance. When Sha Zhixing found out.. They were already on their way to the airport.

He had packed them into the car before they woke up in the morning.

Young Master Shao was efficient and straightforward.

Sha Zhixing sat in the back seat. Luo Xichen had changed her clothes before she left in the morning. She looked at the road sign outside, which indicated the direction of the airport. Her eyes suddenly turned to Luo Xichen in front of her, and she gritted her teeth.

He had used this trick on her again!

This must be his intention to keep her ID card, right?

"You're awake? " Luo Xichen turned his head and glanced at her. He was driving the car, and he greeted her leisurely.

"where are you going? " Sha Zhixing looked at him from the corner of her cold eyes. Her palm-sized face was expressionless.

"Honeymoon, " Luo xichen replied simply.


Sha Zhixing was silent for a few seconds because of him.

Of course, she knew that he was going to take her to the two of them. She was asking where their destination was!

It was ironic that she was the one who wanted to go on a honeymoon, and she didn't even know where she was going... ...

Sha Zhixing's mood was extremely gloomy.

"I'm not done with my work yet. " She looked at him with her fluffy hair and started to find an excuse.

"Is that important? " Luo Xichen looked at her disdainfully and his tone was a little cold. It was as if he was saying that the world was bigger than the honeymoon.

"Why is it not important? " Sha Zhixing woke up and got into the car. She was still confused and her tone was not very good.

"I have a husband to support me in the future. Why do I still need to work? " Luo Xichen was in a good mood early in the morning as he thought of their destination and joked with her.

Sha Zhixing's lips twitched at his words.

He was quite natural with their relationship!

Luo Xichen looked at her through the car mirror and his lips could not help but curl up a little.

Of course, he was joking. Sha Zhixing was interested in the design. There was no way he could stop her.

However, the Luo family was not short of money. Even if she was working, she would not feel any pressure.

Their car drove all the way to the airport. Luo Xichen skillfully took her to change her boarding pass and then led her to the waiting area.

Sha Zhixing's mind was still in a daze. She was completely awake when she saw the two of them waiting for the flight reminder in front of the area.

Aegean Sea, Santorini Island... ...