Chapter 27 was filled with such disdain

The corners of Sha Zhixing's lips twitched.

Wasn't this an obvious dislike?

Young Master Luo, even if you don't like him, you don't have to be so obvious!

However, Sha Zhixing truly felt that this action... Was handsome enough!

Jin Yi's expression did not look too good. This was the first time in his life that he had been despised by someone like this, and it was even very thorough.

He glanced at the empty cocktail glasses on the dining table and the couple's desserts that were stirred up in front of Luo Xichen's table, and Jin Yi's face immediately turned black.

This person... was really f*cking shameless!

Anger was brewing in his eyes, and Jin Yi's expression could no longer be described as ugly.

The air was filled with the thick smell of gunpowder.

It was as if Luo Xichen could not see him. He leaned against the sofa seat behind him, his slender legs crossed lazily, and his gaze drifted lazily out of the window.

Sha Zhixing glanced sideways at Jin Yi from the corner of her eyes, then looked at Luo Xichen, who was sitting next to her. Her lips twitched slightly when she saw how calm and composed he was.

Why did it feel like he was deliberately trying to stir up trouble?

Sha Zhixing did not want to go on a blind date in the first place. To be honest, she really did not mind being disturbed by Luo Xichen. On the contrary, she was even a little happy.

Anyway, she was only here to show her face. It was good that Jin Yi did not like her. If Jin Yi liked her, she would also try to stir up trouble.

Now, there was no need for her to do anything. It was good that someone had helped her out.

However, since An Xin had introduced her to him, she could not make the situation too awkward. It would make things difficult for her mother.

Sha Zhixing was rather well-behaved.

Seeing that the fire was about to flare up, she tidied up her coat, stood up, and greeted Jin Yi politely. "Hello, Mr. Jin. I'm Sha Zhixing."

Her soft voice and well-controlled tone made Jin Yi's face soften.

He was an overseas returnee, and Luo Xichen had just returned to China a few days ago. They were not familiar with each other, and since Sha Zhixing and Luo Xichen had appeared together, they might be relatives or something. It would not be good to make things too awkward.

Jin Yi calmed himself down and forced a smile on his lips. He turned to Luo Xichen beside her and said, "This is..."

"He is..." Sha Zhixing was about to explain when Luo Xichen's cold and indifferent voice rang out first. "Can't you tell?"

A provocation, a complete provocation!

Jin Yi's expression changed again after hearing his words.

What could he tell from the two of them just sitting there?

Sha Zhixing glanced at him from the corner of her eyes and her gaze fell on Luo Xichen, who was beside her.

What's wrong with this person today?

He had already put on a cold face so early in the morning for her to see. Why was he acting like a volcano that could erupt at any time when he saw anyone?

Although disrupting the situation was exactly what she wanted, it was not what she wanted if it became too tense.

Jin Yi's face was already covered with dark clouds of anger. However, due to Sha Zhixing's presence, he endured it and did not flare up.

He had noticed Sha Zhixing from the moment she appeared. He was rather satisfied with Sha Zhixing.

Her facial features were exquisite and small, giving off a very clean and fresh feeling. She was a girl worth marrying.

In order to leave a good impression on Sha Zhixing, Jin Yi restrained his temper at this moment.

After taking a few deep breaths, he decided to completely ignore Luo Xichen, the third party.