Chapter 28, Young Master Luo was a troublemaker

He turned to Sha Zhixing and his expression softened a little. "What would you like to eat, Miss Sha?"

"Three cups of chicken, phoenix-tail prawns, baked crab, beef in a pot, prawns in a pot, and goose feet in gravy. These are all Zhixing's favorite dishes."

Luo Xichen's nonchalant voice was immediately followed by his words. He could even enunciate each dish very clearly.

Jin Yi: "..."

What kind of relationship did the two of them have to understand each other to such an extent?!

They were at a very high-end Western restaurant that served western food. Luo Xichen's long list of dishes stunned the waiter beside him, and he looked at him strangely.

Three cups of chicken, phoenix-tail prawns, baked crab, beef in a pot, prawns in a pot, and goose feet in gravy?

What the hell is this?

Sha Zhixing's eyes twitched.

Young Master Luo, you're here to ruin the situation, aren't you?

Luo Xichen smiled coldly and handed the menu to the waiter beside him, ignoring the strange looks they were giving him. His voice was still calm. "Did you hear what I said just now?"

"This... I'm sorry, sir, this is a Western restaurant..." The waiter took the menu from Luo Xichen and looked embarrassed.

After saying that, he could not help but curse in his heart. Ordering a home-cooked meal in a Western restaurant? How tacky!

What a great face!

Luo Xichen tapped the table a few times with his slender and beautiful fingers. He looked up lazily at the waiter and said casually, "what? There's no crab, no shrimp, or beef in your restaurant?"

The waiter was sweating profusely.

Most Western restaurants had what he said. However, could western food be made with the same ingredients as Chinese food?

It was obvious that this person did not look like he did not know Western food. He was just trying to mess things up?

The waiter was troubled but did not dare to say anything.

Luo Xichen was obviously not someone to mess with.

It was supposed to be a sweet and sweet matchmaking dinner for the two of them, but now that he had messed it up, it had turned into a war.

Jin Yi couldn't figure it out the most. It was just a matchmaking dinner. Who did he offend? He couldn't even spare him a meal!

Sha Zhixing didn't want the atmosphere to become like this. She didn't care about Jin Yi's feelings. She had to consider the impact this matchmaking dinner would have on An Xin.

"Xichen, why don't you wait for me in the car?" Sha Zhixing suggested, afraid that he would make things more chaotic.

Luo Xichen looked out of the corner of his eyes. He thought that nothing would happen if he just walked around nearby. After a moment of silence, he nodded lightly.

He was also annoyed to see a man sitting here.

Yes, annoyed.

Ever since he saw Sha Zhixing this morning, this was the only word that could sum up all his feelings.

Seeing her dressed so seductively to go to someone else's appointment... He would feel uncomfortable all over...

"I'll go out and get some fresh air. Let me know when you're done," Luo Xichen said casually. He stood up, pulled out a chair, and walked out of the restaurant.

Sha Zhixing watched him leave the restaurant and heaved a sigh of relief. She was thinking about how to settle the matter with Jin Yi.

Jin Yi glanced sideways at the man who had already left their sight. The corners of his lips curled up gloomily as he turned to look at Sha Zhixing's hand on the dining table. Suddenly, a hand reached out and covered the back of her hand.