Chapter 29: A slap to your face

"Mr. Jin..." Sha Zhixing did not expect him to change his expression the moment she turned around. Her hand twitched reflexively and she began to resist.

Jin Yi ignored her resistance as if he could not see it. Instead, he curled his lips and asked, "Miss Sha, what would you like to eat?"

"Mr. Jin, can you take your hand away?" Sha Zhixing's palm-sized face changed slightly.

"What does it matter?" Jin Yi did not think much of it. He simply pushed the chair aside and sat down at the seat that Luo Xichen had sat beside her. His hand naturally rested on her shoulder. "This restaurant is for couples. Those who come here to eat are all couples. No one will mind this."

Sha Zhixing glanced at his hand on her shoulder from the corner of her eyes and said coldly, "I mind!"

"Are you embarrassed, Miss Sha?" Jin Yi thought that Sha Zhixing's resistance was due to her shyness and did not take Sha Zhixing's change of expression to heart. They had seen each other's photos during this blind date. In his opinion, Sha Zhixing would not have come if she was not satisfied with him.

"Mr. Jin, I think you've misunderstood!" Sha Zhixing slapped his hand away and wanted to move to the side. However, just as she moved, Jin Yi leaned over again and wrapped his arm around her waist.

"Jin Yi!" Sha Zhixing was furious. Almost reflexively, she raised her hand and aimed a slap at the man's face.

She held back her temper just now because she was worried that An Xin might know the man's introducer. However, that did not mean that she could tolerate a man who she had just met being so rough with her.

The crisp sound of a slap was especially clear in the quiet Western restaurant. The people at the surrounding tables all looked over.

Jin Yi did not expect that she would actually dare to hit him. He was stunned for a few seconds before he suddenly grabbed her wrist. "You dare to hit me?"

This woman actually dared to hit him in front of so many people? If the people on the streets saw this, where would he put his face?

The man's dignity had been severely damaged. Jin Yi grabbed Sha Zhixing's hand and pulled her into his arms. The anger that had been suppressed when Luo Xichen was around earlier was like a fuse that had lit a bomb. It suddenly flared up. His eyes were red with anger. "Who gave you the guts?"

"Let go of me!" Sha Zhixing's wrist was in pain. She struggled for a moment and tried to push him away.

However, the man was too strong. No matter how hard she tried to resist, she could not break free. The coat that Luo Xichen put on her slipped down under her resistance.

The sexy and sexy dress, the deep v design, and the perfect curves of the body were instantly revealed.

Jin Yi's red eyes turned dark when he saw this scene, and his gaze became hot.

He couldn't tell that this girl was actually so capable...

Sha Zhixing felt that the atmosphere was obviously not right. She bent down to pick up her coat and put it back on her body. Just as she was about to move, Jin Yi's body suddenly pressed down on her.

Sha Zhixing's face was deathly pale. She dodged left and right in an attempt to avoid him, but she was sitting in a corner. The space was too small, and there was nowhere to hide.

Jin Yi tightly bound her waist with one hand and held the back of her head with the other. His lips were aimed at her, and he wanted to kiss her to death.

Sha Zhixing panicked and fumbled for a red wine bottle on the dining table. Without thinking, she smashed it down on his head...