Chapter 712 was taken advantage of

However, just as she was about to fall to the ground, her waist was swiftly grabbed by that person.

The scene of the hero saving the Damsel in distress was very natural and self-directed by that person.

When she made such a move, the perverted hand even took the opportunity to wipe the oil off her waist.

Sha Zhixing felt a wave of anger in her chest.

Was she being taken advantage of?

She cast a sidelong glance at that person, but Sha Zhixing did not show anything on her face. She allowed that person to help her up. After she steadied herself, her legs suddenly staggered, and the ten-centimeter high heel she was wearing stepped on the instep of that person.

She even used ten layers of strength to step on him, as if she was afraid that it would not hurt the man.

Acting Who did not know how to act?

The man was in so much pain that his face was somewhat distorted. He hugged his leg, and his face flushed red.

"I'm sorry, are you okay? " She asked the man with concern. Sha Zhixing took a step in his direction, wanting to check on his condition. When she took a step, the sharp heel once again kicked the place where the man had just been injured.

Hiss... ...

The man was in so much pain that he sucked in a breath of cold air. His face turned green and white for a while.

"If there's nothing else, I still have something to do, so I'll take my leave first. " Completely ignoring his gaze, Sha Zhixing snorted coldly, turned around, left a gorgeous back view, and left.

"Damn Girl, STOP RIGHT THERE! " The man was so angry that he pointed at Sha Zhixing's back view and was about to chase after her.

However, just as he took a step forward, he was stopped by a few attendants.

"Sir, that's Princess Katherine's distinguished guest. The princess told me to take good care of him. "

One sentence made the man swallow his breath, not saying a word for a long time.

A pair of eyes in the corner saw the whole scene. The man looked at Sha Zhixing with a faint smile and walked towards her step by step.

Sha Zhixing got rid of the man and walked forward calmly. She passed through the crowd and wanted to go to the garden to rest, when another figure suddenly came from behind. "Miss, would you like to dance? "

The magnetic voice was very low and deep, with a hint of huskiness.

"I'm sorry, I didn't... " Sha Zhixing thought that it was someone who was hitting on her again. She was about to refuse when she realized the person's voice. Her back stiffened and she stopped in her tracks.

Did he recognize her or was it just a coincidence?

Luo Xichen stood half a meter behind her and fixed his gaze on her back. The silver mask covered most of her face and her thin lips were slightly curved. There was a smile on her lips, but it was a cold smile.

Sha Zhixing stood with her back facing him for a while and turned her head slowly to the side.

She lowered her eyes and fixed her gaze on him. He did not expose her and she did not expose herself directly.

She put her hand in his palm and followed him to the center of the dance floor with her head lowered.

Luo Xichen wrapped his arm around her waist and pressed her against his body, saying that they were dancing. However, when they reached the dance floor, all he did was hug her tightly, and he only moved his feet a few steps casually.

Sha Zhixing did not know what he was going to do, but she was too embarrassed to ask. She leaned into his arms and her body was stiff.

She was wearing a mask. She did not know if he knew her identity or not. Even though she could see it from her back, it was hard to imagine that she would appear here.

If he didn't know it was her, but now he was hugging and hugging her, didn't he think she was another woman?