Chapter 713 teasing

Sha Zhixing suddenly felt a little upset.

What made her even more upset was Luo Xichen's next move.

A hand grabbed her back and pressed her body against his. His hand on her waist suddenly pinched her soft waist.

Then, he continued to go down

Sha Zhixing's body tensed up and the tip of her foot stepped on him hard.

Luo xichen's ink-like eyebrows furrowed slightly, but he did not stop. He continued to go down.

Sha Zhixing was furious. If he did not know her identity, he would still do whatever he wanted to her. Was this cheating?

Realizing this, Sha Zhixing's face darkened under the exquisite butterfly mask.

Luo Xichen observed her reaction without batting an eyelid. Seeing that her eyes seemed to have turned cold, his thin lips curved slightly.

He held her chin with his fingertips, lifted her face, and looked at her mask face carefully. Then, he made a very frivolous gesture

He put his face close to her and gently breathed into her ear. He looked at her from the corner of his eyes and said in a low and deep voice, "many men are looking at you tonight. "

The skin behind Sha Zhixing's ear was very sensitive. She shrank back in fear of being tickled by him. She looked a little angry.

Was He flirting with her?

Sha Zhixing's expression was a little twisted. However, she could not make a sound at this time.

She looked up at him and stomped on his foot again. She turned around and walked towards the inner hall.

Luo Xichen was stomped on twice by her. Although the force was not as strong as when she was dealing with that salted pig's hand, it was not much weaker. The expression on his face was a little ugly, but he did not follow her.

He was waiting for her to tell him the truth herself.

Tonight, he had more time to play with her!

Sha Zhixing walked to the inner hall for a while, intending to meet Katherine.

She had just walked a few steps when a waiter suddenly appeared in front of her.

"excuse me, is this Miss Phoebe? " The man asked respectfully as he looked at her long black hair and her black gem-like eyes.

Sha Zhixing nodded lightly.

"Her Highness the Princess is waiting for you too. This way please, Miss. " The man gestured to her and led her forward respectfully.

The two of them passed through the corridors one after the other and finally stopped in front of a white carved door.

The attendant knocked on the door gently and waited for a response from inside before pushing the door open and walking in with Sha Zhixing.

Katherine sat on a bench by the window. Her wedding dress had been taken off and she had changed into a simple dress that was easy to walk in. The crown on her head was designed by Sha Zhixing for her. It was made of more than 500 white diamonds of different sizes, elegant and noble.

"Phoebe, welcome! " Seeing Sha Zhixing, Katherine greeted her warmly.

Sha Zhixing walked over and gave her a western-style hug.

"Does the dress still fit? " Katherine liked girls like her very much. She was able to make her own way in Europe at such a young age. She admired her ability and also admired her clean and fresh temperament. She was especially kind to her.

"very well, thank you. " Sha Zhixing smiled slightly. After she gestured, she sat next to her.

Katherine seemed to talk a lot. She asked her a few more questions, such as how old she was this year and whether she had a boyfriend.

Finally, she exploded, "do you want me to introduce you to someone tonight? "