Chapter 46. Have you lost your nerve?

The strange voice was very soft and gentle. There was a hint of excitement in it, and it was also a little delicate.

Sha Zhixing was in charge of transferring the call to Luo Xichen. She had always known how much Luo Xichen had flirted with women.

She was very calm when she received such a call.

Judging from the woman's voice, the two of them seemed to be very familiar with each other.

Sha Zhixing was afraid that she would ruin Luo Xichen's plans, so she directly transferred the call to him.

A dozen seconds later.

The office next door was suddenly pulled open. Luo Xichen stood by the door with a sullen face, his eyes locked on Sha Zhixing. He said expressionlessly, "Come in!"

A private meeting?

The two words stirred up a small discussion in the surroundings. The rest of the people in the office all looked at the two of them.

Not to mention a little assistant who had only been here for less than five minutes, when had Young Master Luo ever summoned other female employees aside from his personal secretary?

Sha Zhixing looked at the pairs of eyes that were looking at her. She did not want to be treated differently. She calmly picked up the information that Yi Yi had given her and began to read it without changing her expression. "I haven't finished the task in my hand."

Luo Xichen's lips curled into a cold smile. He walked step by step to her desk and stood in front of her with his arms on the table. His handsome face suddenly tilted in her direction.

"What are you doing?" Sha Zhixing did not understand what he was doing. She leaned her upper body back and put some distance between them.

Luo Xichen's deep eyes fell on her. His gaze swept over her face inch by inch as if he was trying to find something on her face.

Sha Zhixing was very calm. There was no expression on her face.

Luo Xichen's dark eyes darkened when he saw her like this.

This girl did not respond at all when she received a call from another woman?

"If there's nothing else, I'll continue with my work." Sha Zhixing looked at the people around her who were watching the show. She calmly took the documents and continued to flip through them.

Luo Xichen looked at her with a sinister look. He was silent for a few seconds and said coldly, "This month's salary will be deducted!"

Sha Zhixing's calm face suddenly changed. "Why?"

"Disobeying the orders of his superior and transferring some private calls into the internal line without his permission. Are these two reasons enough?" Luo Xichen's lips curled into a cold smile as he turned around and walked towards his office.

Sha Zhixing glared at his back angrily and gritted her teeth.

Why is this person so unpredictable?

Sha Zhixing could not figure this out. She could not figure it out until the end of the morning.

In the afternoon, she sat in her seat and studied the company's information.

The Luo Corporation was the family business of the Luo family. The foundation of Luo Xichen's grandfather was already very strong. The head office was in C City. The company's exact name was 'Rong Xi International Corporation'. However, because the person in charge was surnamed Luo, they were used to calling the company the Luo Corporation.

Rong Xi was a name that was later given. It was one of the names of the two descendants of the Luo family. Xi referred to Luo Xichen, and Rong referred to Luo Xichen's cousin, Luo Rongchi.

Luo Xichen and Luo Rongchi were the only two members of the Luo family's Luo Xichen generation. Rongchi lived abroad all year round, and Luo Xichen was the only successor appointed by Luo Xichen's grandfather.


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