Let's meet tonight in chapter 45

No matter how Sha Zhixing looked at it, she felt that this situation was very similar to 'providing' food and shelter?

Food and shelter were included in the package!

She seemed to be satisfied now...

On the second night in T City, Sha Zhixing and Luo Xichen's sleeping distance was shortened from upstairs to downstairs to next-door neighbors because of the sudden addition of a bed during the day.

The next morning, Sha Zhixing kindly got up and made breakfast for Luo Xichen.

The Luo family was a big family, and the food they ate was all made by top-notch chefs. Every dish was very exquisite, and breakfast was no exception.

Sha Zhixing was a little worried that Luo Xichen would not be able to get used to the porridge she made, but when she thought about how Luo Xichen could eat instant noodles with such gusto, her worry quickly faded.

The truth was the same.

Luo Xichen did not say anything for breakfast, and quietly finished his own portion.

Sha Zhixing was surprised to find that the young master was actually very easy to serve.

After breakfast, the two of them drove to the Luo family's branch office here.

When they reached the office building, the car stopped in the parking lot. Luo Xichen got out of the car first. He was about to pull her upstairs, but she broke free from his grip.

"What's wrong?" Luo Xichen looked at her with raised eyebrows. He was a little puzzled by her behavior.

"Young Master Luo, please go ahead!" Sha Zhixing made a gesture of invitation to him, but she took a few steps back herself.

The corner of Luo Xichen's eyes twitched when he heard her words.

'Is this girl keeping a distance from me?'

Sha Zhixing was unmoved by his expression. She stood five meters away from him and smiled.

Luo Xichen looked at her coldly and walked in front of her with a dark expression.

He knew what Sha Zhixing was worried about, but he did not like this feeling.

Sha Zhixing followed behind him and kept a few meters away from him.

She did not mean to do this on purpose, but people's words were terrible!

She did not want to attract gossip for no reason, and she did not want people to think that she climbed up the tree of the Luo family with the help of Luo Xichen, even though the truth was not much better.

However, Sha Zhixing believed that with her strength, one day, she would be able to stand firmly on this land!

The two of them went upstairs one after the other, and Luo Xichen took her directly to the floor where she worked.

"Newcomer, I'll leave it to you!" Before entering his office, Luo Xichen glanced at Sha Zhixing, who had not crossed the line, and told Yi Yi, the secretary outside the office, before turning around and entering the imperial office.

It was a simple sentence, without any unnecessary words.

Yi Yi was stunned, but he did not ask any more questions. Instead, he began to arrange tasks for Sha Zhixing according to the procedure of assisting a newcomer.

"A few days before you come here, you should first understand the internal situation of the company. You can also help Anya transfer the internal calls of Young Master Luo!" Yi Yi handed her a thick book of internal information. He arranged for her to be in a cubicle closest to Luo Xichen's office.


Sha Zhixing took the documents and wanted to tell her that she was a design major, not a secretary.

However, she thought about it and decided that since she had just arrived, there was no harm in doing some things to learn more about the company.

She sat down at the seat that she had arranged and before she could warm up, the phone suddenly rang.

Sha Zhixing was slightly taken aback. She picked up the phone and before she could speak, a soft female voice sounded. "Xichen, I heard that you are also in T City. It's been a long time. Shall we meet tonight?"