Chapter 51: Sha Zhixing's solicitude

Sha Zhixing almost lost her ability to speak, but she did not show it on her face. She pretended to help him check the situation.

Just as she reached out her hand, Luo Xichen grabbed her wrist.

"Girl, speak your mind!"

Although he liked to hear her call him that, he did not use this tone.

Moreover, the attitude of the person who had been indifferent to him yesterday had suddenly changed. He could not help but suspect her intentions.

The two of them had grown up together. Sha Zhixing did not think that her little trick would be able to fool him. She opened a small bottle of mineral water and handed it to him eagerly. Her eyes were curved into two crescent moons. "Was it a joke to deduct a month's salary yesterday?"

Luo Xichen did not stand on ceremony. He took the bottle of water from her and drank it all in a few gulps.

Sha Zhixing watched him quietly and waited for his answer.

Luo Xichen finished the water and stuffed the empty bottle into her hand. His thin lips curled up slightly. "Do I look like I'm joking?"


His words shattered all of Sha Zhixing's fantasies in an instant. There was not even a trace of residue left.

"Give me back the water!" Sha Zhixing was angry when she reached out her hand.

"It's gone." Luo Xichen was in a good mood. He turned the car around and drove back to the road.

Sha Zhixing sat in the passenger seat with a gloomy look on her face.

Luo Xichen was not a good person, but the things he had done for her since she was young were not even comparable to her family.

He was a good person, but why would a person who was good to her deduct a whole month's salary for just a phone call?

She had no family or friends here. She didn't even have anyone to rely on. It didn't matter if she lived in his house now, but what if she found a house and wanted to live outside in the future?

The two of them went to the company in silence.

This time, Sha Zhixing got out of the car after Luo Xichen. She waited until he was far away before she followed him into the company building.

Luo xichen hated it the most when she tried to clear her relationship with him. He wanted to go over and pull her to his side several times, but Sha Zhixing avoided him.

When they reached the working floor, the rest of the company was surprised to see the two of them together again. However, they did not think much of it when they saw the distance between them.

Sha Zhixing's mission today was to understand the company.

The Luo family business was huge, and there was a lot of information related to the company. Sha Zhixing also had a lot to learn.

At noon, the other members of the company went to the company's restaurant. Those who did not go went home for lunch. Only Sha Zhixing and Luo Xichen were left on the huge floor.

Sha Zhixing had brought her own lunch. It was packed in a lunchbox with an automatic thermal insulation function. She had bought it yesterday when she was shopping.

The lunch was pickled prawns, squid rolls and a side of green vegetables. It was not a lot, but it was enough for her.

Luo Xichen walked out of the office and walked past her. He took a few steps forward, smelled the aroma of the dishes, and backed away.

His eyes were fixed on her exquisite lunchbox.

"You brought a lunchbox too!" His voice sounded lazy.

Sha Zhixing, who was about to eat, looked up and met his eyes. She thought of the instant noodles last time and her guard was up.

"Why isn't mine?" Luo Xichen was very upset.

Sha Zhixing snorted and said disdainfully, "Who knows what you eat for lunch?"

He might even have an appointment with a woman!

Sha Zhixing did not finish the second half of her sentence.