I'm not picky about chapter 52

Sha Zhixing was still quite cautious when she was talking to him in the company.

Who knew if yesterday's inexplicable loss of a month's salary would happen again?

Luo Xichen glanced at her and sat down beside her. "It's okay. I'll eat whatever you eat in the future."

He added, "Since we're living together, it's better for us to have similar tastes."

Sha Zhixing was speechless.

Why did Luo Xichen make it sound like they were going to live together for a long time?

Luo Xichen took the lunchbox under her nose and took out the chopsticks in her hand. He took two bites of the food and said casually, "I'm actually not picky."

Sha Zhixing was so angry that she gritted her teeth.

What right did he have to pick the things that she had worked so hard to make?

"Go eat outside the company!" Sha Zhixing endured her temper in order to prevent her second month's salary from being deducted from her mouth.

"I don't like it!" Luo Xichen replied lazily. He picked up her chopsticks and continued to eat elegantly.

Sha Zhixing was hungry. She watched as the dishes she had worked so hard to prepare decreased bit by bit. She was furious.

Could this person be more shameless?

"It tastes so good!" Luo Xichen glanced at her and complimented her.

Sha Zhixing: "..."

Luo Xichen smiled and continued to eat casually. There was not much lunchbox in the first ten minutes. He did not leave any for Sha Zhixing.

Sha Zhixing looked at the empty lunchbox and her face was ugly.

Luo Xichen seemed to have had enough. He stretched and stood up. He threw a few dollars to Sha Zhixing and said, "Here's the money for the meal."

He knew how to pay for the meal.

Sha Zhixing was so angry that her face turned pale. She wanted to take the money and throw it at Luo Xichen.

This person was so hateful!

"Remember to bring two portions tomorrow." Luo Xichen looked at her angry face calmly and smiled seductively. He then left and went to his office.

Sha Zhixing held onto the money he left and wanted to throw it into the trash can.

However, she endured it in the end.

This action was too dirty!

She quietly packed her lunch box and took the money downstairs to find a restaurant to have lunch with.

However, she had brought delicious food but had to go somewhere else to have lunch. She had a complicated feeling when she had to suffer such a fate for no reason.

Luo Xichen, you are a weirdo!

After stealing Sha Zhixing's lunch, Luo Xichen went back to his office in a good mood.

Not long after he sat down, Mo Ningyu suddenly called him.

Sha Zhixing, who was in charge of connecting the call, was not there. Luo Xichen was the only one who answered the call.

"Xichen, have you eaten? Why don't you join us?" Mo Ningyu sounded a little excited. Her voice was soft and gentle when she called his name.

"I just ate," Luo Xichen replied plainly. His words were simple and straightforward.

"So soon?" Mo Ningyu seemed a little surprised.

Usually, he was still at work when she called at this time.

"Yes," Luo Xichen replied without saying a word.

"Alright then! " Mo Ningyu hung up the phone in disappointment.

Luo Xichen leaned lazily against the leather sofa. When he thought of Sha Zhixing's reaction, the corners of his lips curled up slightly...