Chapter 56

Luo Xichen only responded to her lightly, and then his gaze fell on Sha Zhixing's face.

Sha Zhixing's gaze fell on Mo Ningyu's hand that was intimately linked to his. She did not say anything and sat quietly in her office chair.

Her expression was calm, as if nothing had happened.

"Xichen, when did you hire such an insensible secretary?" Mo Ningyu held Luo Xichen's hand with one hand, and looked at Sha Zhixing from the corner of her eyes, sneering.

"Is that so?" Luo Xichen asked indifferently, showing no signs of anger on his face.

Although Mo Ningyu had the temper of a missy, she was not the kind of person who liked to snitch. She just sneered at Sha Zhixing, and then looked at Luo Xichen with a smile. "Xichen, shall we have dinner together tonight?"

"Sure." Luo Xichen's eyes were always on Sha Zhixing's face, and he replied indifferently, without much expression on his face.

"What do you want to eat? French cuisine? Italy? Bavaria?" Mo Ningyu held his arm and walked out of the floor, suggesting as they walked, her voice cheerful.

"Anything." Luo Xichen's answer was kept to two words. It was simple and straightforward.

The two of them disappeared from the building side by side.

The office was in an uproar again after that.

"Isn't that Mo Yichen's sister? I saw her on TV last time."

"What's the relationship between the eldest daughter of the Mo family and Young Master Luo?"

"Do you even need to ask? Look at how familiar Miss Mo looks. The two of them must have known each other for a long time, right?"

"Yeah, I've never seen Young Master Luo and any other woman appear in front of the public with their arms around each other."

The people from the Luo family branch company seemed to be very gossipy.

Following that, another voice sounded. "Wasn't there news about Su Yi the last time? And that mysterious woman the next day was much more explosive than this!"

Sha Zhixing, who was about to get off work, glanced sideways at the person who spoke, her forehead sweating.

Gossiping was gossiping. Why did they dig up the events from 800 years ago?

Afraid of being exposed, Sha Zhixing grabbed her bag and quickly left.

After leaving the company building, she went to the bus stop alone.

A Lamborghini drove by quietly on the road next to her. The car window rolled down when it passed her.

"Xichen, your secretary is getting bolder and bolder." Mo Ningyu glanced at Sha Zhixing outside with a hint of sarcasm in her voice.

Luo Xichen, who was driving, turned his head slightly after that. The corner of his eyes fell on Sha Zhixing's face outside the car window.

Sha Zhixing was sitting alone in the bus stop. She looked left and right as if she was looking at the buses. However, she did not see a bus in the distance.

Luo Xichen looked at her quietly. The car passed by her slowly. It drove for a long distance but it still did not move away from her.

The buses today did not seem to be easy to wait for. Sha Zhixing was still at the bus stop. She was still alone.

Luo Xichen's eyes hurt when he saw this scene. The car stopped at the roadside.

"Xichen, what's wrong?" Mo Ningyu did not understand.

"I have something to do tonight. Take the car back or call your brother to pick you up." Luo Xichen opened the door for her. After she got out of the car, Luo Xichen said a few words and turned the Lamborghini around. He turned around and headed towards Sha Zhixing...