Chapter 57 preferred instant noodles

Mo Ningyu stood by the side of the road, her eyes fixed on the car that was getting further and further away from her. She frowned slightly.

What's wrong with him?

Sha Zhixing sat at the bus stop, her eyes darting around the passing cars, quietly waiting for the bus that was a little closer to Luo Xichen's villa to pass by.

However, for some reason, she had waited for a long time today, but she had not been able to make it all the way.

The Luo family branch was located in the most luxurious area of the city, and the traffic was rather congested. It was not very convenient to take a bus at this time of the day, but it was still rare for the bus that she had been waiting for not to arrive.

She walked to the road and wanted to hail a taxi, but a white Lamborghini suddenly stopped by the side of the road.

Sha Zhixing was stunned for a few seconds by the familiar body of the car, and her hand that was calling for a car slowly lowered.

The window was lowered, and Luo Xichen poked his head out of the car. He glanced at her, pushed open the car door, and got out.

The two looked at each other. One looked shocked, and the other looked calm.

"Didn't you go to eat?" Sha Zhixing was surprised to see him here at this time. He should be with Mo Ningyu now.

Luo Xichen did not explain. He walked to her side with his long legs and said lazily, "Actually, I prefer instant noodles."

Sha Zhixing was speechless.

Is this person having a fever again?

Luo Xichen looked at her at a loss for words with a smile on his face.

Sha Zhixing looked at him with a strange expression. She was silent for a few seconds and asked, "How are you today?"

What she wanted to ask was whether he was crazy.

However, in order to protect her salary for the next two months, she had to endure it.

Luo Xichen was now her breadwinner and she could not easily provoke him.

Luo Xichen's expression changed when she looked at him like he was a monster.

He could not bear to leave her alone and sit here alone. He was back. Didn't this wretched girl know how to be touched?

"What instant noodles do you want to eat? Go back and make dinner!" Sha Zhixing was very careful in front of him now. When she saw that his expression was not right, she quickly changed her words and walked past him into the car.

Luo Xichen glanced at her from the corner of his eye and slowly reacted to her words. His lips curled into a faint smile.

This girl wants to go back? Not looking for an apartment?

Luo Xichen's mood immediately improved when he thought of this question.

He got into the car slowly and turned the car around. The white Lamborghini slowly drove in the direction of the seaside villa.

Luo Xichen had been smiling ever since he got into the car. It was not very obvious. The corners of his lips curled up slightly. It was obvious that he was in a good mood.

Sha Zhixing had been observing his expression without batting an eyelid. Naturally, she had noticed this as well.

What was this person so happy about?

Was it because of that dinner?

Since when was he so satisfied?

The two of them were silent the whole way. When they passed by a large supermarket in the center of the city, Sha Zhixing suddenly called out to him, "Stop for a moment!"

"What's wrong?" Luo Xichen did not understand, but he still obediently parked the car on the side of the road.

"Let's go and buy some things." Sha Zhixing was actually in a good mood. She pushed him out of the car and entered the supermarket side by side with him.

Sha Zhixing walked in front of Luo Xichen. Luo Xichen did not know what she was going to do. He followed her casually and looked at the items around him. When they passed by a display area, he suddenly stopped...