Chapter 121 she is not someone you can touch

Sha Zhixing shuddered at the look in his eyes. Her body shrank back reflexively, but she still raised her chin stubbornly. Her eyes were cold, and she looked proud.

Luo Xichen's eyebrows twitched as he looked at her little face, which was clearly a little panicked, but she was still trying to put on a brave front. The corners of his lips curled up slightly.

He did not like to smile very much. He did not usually smile much. Most of the time, he was amused by Sha Zhixing.

Sha Zhixing observed his expression and saw that his expression had softened. She knew that her crisis was over. She took a deep breath and began to reflect on his actions.

Kissing and touching were the only things that mattered. Had he not done this with Mo Ningyu?

With his lack of self-control in front of her, Sha Zhixing felt that Luo Xichen would not behave like this...

But what had happened that night?

"Are you going to sit on the ground all the time?" Luo Xichen was in a good mood. He reached out his hand to help her up.

Sha Zhixing waved his hand away and walked out of the room.

"You're really ungrateful." Luo Xichen sighed with a faint smile.

Sha Zhixing ignored him and went to the door. Just as she was about to open the door and walk out, a phone suddenly rang in the room.

Luo Xichen's voice followed. "Hello, grandpa?"

Sha Zhixing stopped in her tracks and was about to open the door. She turned her head and looked at Luo Xichen.

The phone call was from Luo Yi. He was Luo Xichen's grandfather. He lived abroad with Luo Rongci all year round. He would only come back to live for a short period of time. Before he went abroad, he had a good relationship with Sha Zhixing. He loved her very much.

"Is that grandfather?" Sha Zhixing's attitude changed drastically after the phone call. She turned around and walked to Luo Yi.

Luo Xichen was on the phone with Luo Yi. Luo Yi heard her voice through the phone and was obviously very happy. He asked Luo Xichen to pass the phone to her.

Luo Xichen rubbed his nose. He felt that he was being despised.

Who was the real grandson of the Luo family?

"Grandfather!" Sha Zhixing answered the phone and called Luo Yi intimately.

"Girl, I heard that you are working in the Luo family as well?" Luo Yi seemed to be in a good mood as he chuckled as he spoke. He was actually a very serious person, but when he faced Sha Zhixing, he became kind and amiable. The speed at which he changed his face was as if the sky had changed.

"That's right, I've already been here for a few days. Grandfather, have you been doing well abroad recently?" Sha Zhixing had a good relationship with the old man. Her own grandfather had passed away a long time ago, so she treated Luo Yi as her own grandfather.

Luo Yi nodded vigorously after she said that.

The two of them started chatting happily after that. Sha Zhixing's sweet laughter filled the office, making the gloomy atmosphere much more pleasant.

Luo Xichen stood beside her and looked at the smile on her face quietly. His expression softened a lot.

The two of them ended the call half an hour later. Luo Yi asked Sha Zhixing to pass the phone to Luo Xichen, probably because he had something to tell him.

Luo Xichen was a little surprised. He took the phone from Sha Zhixing's hand and asked, "Grandpa, is there anything else?"

Luo Yi's tone changed from the kind-hearted tone he had when he spoke to Sha Zhixing. "I don't know the reason why Zhixing suddenly entered the Luo family. But, Xichen, I have to remind you that you can not touch her!"