Chapter 120: What does it mean to have a relationship?

Sha Zhixing was confused by his question.

What did she think?

She was sitting there, rubbing the medicine. How would she know what he was going to do?

Luo Xichen grabbed her wrist with one hand and lifted her up easily, making her eyes level with his. He locked his eyes on her and said coldly, "What do you think my relationship with Mo Ningyu is?"

The overly intimate position made Sha Zhixing feel pressured. She could even feel his hot breath from such a distance.

She really wanted to retort him, but she held back her impulse due to the situation.

She was still good at judging the situation. Good women don't fight with hooligans!

She held it in for the time being!

"You have to ask yourself that!" She calmed herself down and tried to turn her face away, but Luo Xichen held her chin and turned her face to face him.

He looked straight into her eyes and said slowly, "I have nothing to do with her except for the connection between Yichen and me!"

Sha Zhixing was a little surprised at first, but when she thought of the phone call from the hospital the night of the car accident, she couldn't help but smile sarcastically. "Really? What do you mean by 'nothing'?"

Luo Xichen, how could you call it 'nothing' after spending a night together?

The sarcastic tone made Luo Xichen's face darken. Sha Zhixing thought that he was about to go crazy, but he suddenly spoke up.

He pressed her body against his and said slowly, "Do you need me to tell you what is 'nothing'?"

He pushed her onto the sofa behind him and pinched her chin with his fingertips. He lifted her delicate face and bit her lips hard. His voice was deep and hoarse. "It's like this!"

"Ah, it hurts..." Sha Zhixing groaned in pain, her eyes filled with anger.

Luo Xichen ignored her and put an arm around her waist. His thin lips moved down slowly and he said coldly, "Like this!"

Sha Zhixing's body tensed up and her eyes widened in shock.

Luo Xichen's hand that landed on her face suddenly moved down and his target was right in front of her chest.


Sha Zhixing's mind went blank, and her thoughts were in a complete mess.

"There's more!" Luo Xichen squeezed out word by word, his hand caressing her collar as he wanted to continue. He had just raised his arm when Sha Zhixing, who had been in a state of shock all this time, suddenly struggled and covered her clothes with her hands in panic. She rolled onto the floor in a sorry state.

Luo Xichen looked sideways, and his gaze fell quietly on her body on the ground.

Sha Zhixing's long hair was messy, and a few strands of hair covered half of her face. She looked at him in horror, looking like a frightened little rabbit. She looked a little pitiful.

Luo Xichen's eyes twitched. He reached out a hand to help her up, but Sha Zhixing waved him away ungratefully.

"Scumbag!" She spit out one word with distaste, her vision cold.

Probably afraid to stimulate him, her voice was very low, not so easy to hear, but who was Luo Xichen? With his ears, catching her words was easy.

His eyes wandered over her inch by inch, and his brow rose faintly.


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