Chapter 130 how is brother Luo?

Luo Xichen grew up with a golden spoon in his mouth and was used to being served. However, he was very careful when he sat up and helped Sha Zhixing.

Actually, he did not know how to do this. The Luo family had a lot of servants and there were many people around when they ate. He did not need to personally handle such a complicated task as shelling?

However, Sha Zhixing came later. She could often be seen at the Luo family's dining table during the three meals. She also liked to sit with him. When the two of them sat next to each other... When she was young, Sha Zhixing used her little white hands to grab a large pile of food that she could not handle and put it on his plate. She asked him to help her with it.

The servants of the Luo family would usually want to help him with this situation. However, Luo Xichen could not bear to hurt Sha Zhixing when she looked at him expectantly. So, he began to learn how to handle these trivial matters by himself. Until now... He had become very skilled at helping her with these things.

Luo Xichen's lips curled up slightly when he thought of the two of them when they were young.

In fact, now that he thought about it, he had always treated her differently, hadn't he? It was just that he had never thought about the reason in the past.

After dinner, the time between the two of them was relatively harmonious.

After dinner, Luo Xichen wiped his hands elegantly and looked at her with a smile. "Did you enjoy your meal?"

"Yes," Sha Zhixing replied.

Yes, yes, not very good. It was not bad either. If she answered well, she was afraid that Luo Xichen would bring her here again every now and then. If she did not answer well, it would be too much of a violation of his heart that had served her for so long.

So, she used the word 'okay'.

Luo Xichen did not pay much attention to her words. He smiled and asked casually, "How is Brother Luo?"


Sha Zhixing's hand trembled. The spoon in her hand gently touched the porcelain plate, making a crisp sound.

Why did he ask her this all of a sudden?

"Not good?" Luo Xichen narrowed his eyes dangerously when he saw that she did not respond.

Sha Zhixing looked up and saw the look in his eyes. She sensed the danger almost at the first second. She was stunned for a moment, and her lips curved upwards. She echoed sarcastically, "Yes, of course. Who is good if you are not good?"

Pfft! He's good? Why would he force her into a corner and let him take care of her?

Up until now, no other man had treated her so casually!

Luo Xichen knew that she was mocking him, but he was in a good mood and did not argue with her.

He smiled and held her hand. They stood up and left the room together.

"Are we going back now?" Sha Zhixing walked side by side with him. She looked up at him expectantly.

She really did not like the atmosphere here. It was not that it was not beautiful or romantic enough, but was the romantic atmosphere suitable for her and Luo Xichen?

Why did they act like they were on a date?

"Of course." Luo Xichen looked at her from the corner of his eyes. He looked into her bright eyes and added, "No."

Sha Zhixing was stunned. She looked at him suspiciously, not understanding what he was doing.

Why did they stay here without going back after dinner? This was a place for couples to go on vacation!

Luo Xichen did not explain. He smiled faintly and dragged her in a certain direction of the resort...