Chapter 131

The resort occupied a large area and was equipped with all kinds of recreational facilities. The scenery was very beautiful and the scenery was very tropical. There was even a large fountain square in the park.

Luo Xichen was obviously a VIP here. The waiters served him everywhere he went. After the two of them left the dining room, they were led to the side of a pool.

The pools here were separated from each other like private rooms. There was no need to share the VIP pool with others. The huge pool was only owned by one person at a certain time and no one else came to disturb them.

Luo Xichen sat down on a chair by the shore after he came to the swimming pool. He took the cocktail that the waiter served and drank it casually.

Sha Zhixing sat on the recliner opposite him and her eyes fell on his face quietly. Her elegant eyebrows slowly furrowed into an arc when she saw his relaxed look.

He was sitting here resting so leisurely. Was he going to exercise before he went back or spend the night here?

Sha Zhixing's nerves tightened when she realized this. She was on guard against such things after the experience on the island last time.

"When are we going back?" she asked tentatively.

Luo Xichen sat lazily on the recliner, his deep eyes slightly narrowed. His gaze fell on the rippling waves in the pool, his expression unfocused. He did not even move his lips. She wondered if he had heard what she said.

"Luo Xichen!" Sha Zhixing called out to him again.

"Noisy." Luo Xichen did not even look at her. He rewarded her with a word and closed his eyes to rest.

Sha Zhixing was embarrassed. Why was she noisy?

Sha Zhixing was not willing to give up. She could not relax even if he did not answer her. She would be at a disadvantage if she stayed with him!

She fixed her eyes on his face and thought for a while. She moved a chair to sit next to him and pushed him gently. "Are we going to stay here tonight?"

She sounded a little cautious.

Luo Xichen opened his eyes and looked at her. He did not deny it and nodded approvingly. "That's a good idea."

Sha Zhixing's expression froze. She smiled and asked, "One room or two rooms?"

"What difference does it make?" Luo Xichen asked.

"...What difference does it make?"

Luo Xichen did not bother to explain and ignored her question. He stood up and went to the side of the pool under her shocked gaze. He began to take off his clothes.

He was wearing a shirt. The buttons were designed by the top designers in Rong Xi's company. They were made of diamonds. When he stood by the pool, the lights came down from the top of his head. It was unknown whether it was because his face was too outstanding or because the buttons were too shiny. He was like a shining light that attracted people's eyes.

He was still very slow in taking off his clothes. He was casual and elegant. After taking off his clothes, he took off his pants. He did not avoid Sha Zhixing's presence. Then, he stepped into the pool in front of her.

Sha Zhixing was very disdainful of his figure. Although her face was red from looking at him, she still despised him in her heart. It was just that he had more capital than others. Was there a need to show off so much?

Luo Xichen went into the water and swam around in the water comfortably. He looked at her lazily on the shore and asked with a smile, "Do you want to come down together?"

Sha Zhixing was speechless.