Chapter 134, stay with me tonight

Sha Zhixing vented her anger purely to understand the imbalance in her heart. However, she was not the type to throw a tantrum. She hit him with anger and then stopped moving.

She basically did not cry and throw a tantrum. Whoever really provoked her, she would choose to ignore them and ignore them as if they were air in front of her. This was her way of doing things.

She did the same thing to Luo Xichen. She had vented her anger and put her hands on his chest. She wanted to push him away and walk to the shore, but her waist was locked by him and he refused to let go.

Sha Zhixing twisted her body and struggled to push him away again. When her eyes touched his bare chest, her brain seemed to explode.

After the incident, she had forgotten that he was naked...

"Stay here with me for a while." Luo Xichen put his long arm around her waist and brushed a small strand of wet hair from her forehead with his fingertips. His voice sounded a little hoarse.

Sha Zhixing looked at his raised hand in a daze. Her eyes moved along his arm and her eyelashes trembled. Her mind was blank for a moment.

Accompany him?

Why are you so close to her?!

"Put on your clothes first!" Sha Zhixing pointed at the clothes on the shore and pushed him gently.

Her movements were not very curved. She had been with him many times before, and she knew that she should give in now.

He was too dangerous for her!

"Who have you seen wearing clothes in the swimming pool?" Luo Xichen looked at her with a playful look.

Then go up first!

Sha Zhixing wanted to yell at him, but she held herself back due to the dangerous position they were in.

She thought about her choice of words and said, "You might catch a cold if you stay in the water for too long."

Luo Xichen's eyes twitched and he raised his eyebrows. "Are you so suspicious of my physique?"

"I'm concerned about you." Sha Zhixing smiled and her eyes looked particularly bright in the night sky.

However, Luo Xichen did not really understand the concern in her words.

He did not expose her intentions. He smiled and said, "If you can't make it, we can go up."

Sha Zhixing really wanted to say 'I really can't make it' to refute him, or pretend to be weak and fall into his arms. Perhaps he would suddenly sympathize with them and go up.

However, why did these words sound so strange?

Physique? Can you make it? I can't make it...

Sha Zhixing's thoughts were very divergent and she wanted to go to some inappropriate content.

She shook off her unhealthy thoughts and thought quickly. "I'll go up and prepare a towel for you."

Luo Xichen did not give her face and said, "No need."

Sha Zhixing asked, "Can I get you a drink?"

Luo Xichen smiled lazily. "You want to drink with me in the water?"


Sha Zhixing was speechless for a few seconds.

She looked around and wanted to find a reason to go ashore again. However, Luo Xichen's arm around her waist suddenly tightened and a hand suddenly pressed her tightly against his body.

He lowered his handsome face and buried his head in her neck, smelling the faint fragrance on her body. His voice was as deep as the night sky. "Stay with me tonight."

The slightly warm breath sprayed on her neck. Sha Zhixing's back stiffened, and her eyes widened in shock. Her body did not move, and she forgot to react.
