Chapter 135, Luo Xichen, you piece of Shit!

Sha Zhixing looked at him in a daze, her eyes confused.

Luo Xichen's handsome face, which was buried in her neck, slowly lifted up. He glanced at her, then turned his gaze to her shoulder.

Sha Zhixing was already wearing loose clothes, and her collar was a little wide open. After all the trouble she had just gone through, it had already fallen loosely on her shoulder, revealing her fair skin.

Her skin was very white, like a top-quality cream. Under the moonlight, it emitted a hazy halo. The lustrous and clear color bewitched Luo Xichen's eyes. He lowered his head, put his cold lips on her shoulder, and kissed her gently...

Sha Zhixing came back to her senses after one of his actions. She turned her head and her eyes were fixed on his face.

Luo Xichen felt a little uncomfortable in his lower abdomen. He looked up at her and looked at her. He did not care whether she was happy or not. He held her chin with his fingertips and lifted her face. He wanted to lean his handsome face over, but Sha Zhixing's eyes darkened. She raised his knee and pushed it towards a certain part of his body. "Pervert!"

Luo Xichen reacted quickly. Almost as soon as he noticed that there was something wrong with her eyes, he immediately took precautions. He quickly grabbed her leg before he was hit and easily avoided her attack.

"Sha Zhixing!" He growled at her in a low voice. His voice was a little angry.

This girl actually dared to attack him here!

"Scum!" Sha Zhixing said rudely. She twisted her body and began to struggle in his arms.

Luo Xichen could not stand her restlessness. He gasped hoarsely and his thin lips moved closer to her lips again.

When he was about to approach her, Sha Zhixing tilted her head back to avoid his action. She frowned and held his face with both hands. She bit down hard on his lips with her teeth.

Luo Xichen did not expect her to suddenly do this. He frowned slightly and looked at her angry little face with deep eyes.

Did it hurt?

A little.

In addition, there was a strange electric current that spread from his lips to his limbs and bones.

Sha Zhixing's action was purely to stop him. In addition, she had been provoked by him tonight and bit him hard.

At this moment, she suddenly felt that he had brought her to this resort tonight with evil intentions?

What did he take her for? He could have just said a word when he wanted her. Did he take her for a call girl?

Sha Zhixing bit him hard until she tasted some blood on her lips before she let go of his lips and pushed him away. She did not even look at him as she dragged her wet body and walked towards the shore.

Luo Xichen felt that he was being despised.

This girl had just bitten him and left just like that?

"Sha Zhixing, stop right there!" he shouted at her back as he rubbed the wound on his lips.

Sha Zhixing ignored him, back straight as she walked in the direction of the hotel door, wet clothes on the body, leaving a large area of water.

"Where are you going dressed like this!" Behind, Luo Xichen's voice came again.

Sha Zhixing did not even turn her head, ignoring him.

Luo Xichen's face darkened. He went ashore, grabbed a towel and wrapped it around himself. He caught up with her in a few steps and carried her in his arms as he walked towards the hotel.


A time of harmony. Group V: 153719867