Chapter 155 couples

Sha Zhixing did not expect him to suddenly appear in the kitchen, nor did she expect him to suddenly make such a move. Her back stiffened and her gaze slowly fell on his arm around her waist.

Is he getting more and more casual in front of her?

"Lunch is ready!" Sha Zhixing did not resist and just pushed him away as she felt that it was too much of a hindrance. Sha Zhixing walked past him and walked out of the house.

Luo Xichen was a little surprised. If he was like this normally, she would have started struggling a long time ago, right?

Realizing this, the corners of his lips slowly curled up.

Sha Zhixing had made a rich lunch. She had mainly cooked seafood, paired it with a few vegetables, made soup, and prepared desserts. Luo Xichen was flattered by her care.

On second thought, this girl had a lot to recommend her.

After lunch, Luo Xichen drove Sha Zhixing to a large shopping mall in the city center.

As soon as the two of them entered, Luo Xichen walked to one of the floors with familiarity.

"Do you need anything?" Sha Zhixing asked casually as she followed behind him.

"Yes," Luo Xichen replied lazily. He pulled her into his arms and dragged her upstairs.

The first thing they went into was a jewelry store. Luo Xichen seemed to be looking for a gift, so he looked at it carefully after entering.

Sha Zhixing did not have anything to buy, so she looked around casually as she walked.

This was one of the top three brands in the international jewelry industry. There were a lot of products in this store, and the prices usually had a lot of zeros. Although Sha Zhixing learned jewelry design, she was not that obsessed with luxury goods. So, she looked around casually.

After walking around for a few minutes, her phone suddenly rang. She looked down and saw that it was Mi Le calling.

Sha Zhixing had not contacted her much since the photos of her and Luo Xichen had been exposed. She was a little surprised to see her calling now, so she picked up the phone and answered the call.

"Zhixing, I was wrong about what happened last time. Please forgive me. I won't do this again next time..."

Mi Le started blabbering on and on, full of apologies. She sounded very sincere.

Sha Zhixing looked at Luo Xichen, who was behind her. She took the phone and wanted to go out to continue listening, but Luo Xichen grabbed her wrist and asked, "Where are you going?"

The deep male voice was clearly heard by Mi Le on the other end of the phone.

She was stunned for a moment. When she realized who the voice was, she suddenly felt energized and asked, "Zhixing, are you with Luo Xichen?"

Sha Zhixing felt a headache when she heard her voice change. She could imagine Mi Le's excited expression without even looking at her.

Luo Xichen suddenly pulled her into his arms as he was about to walk out of the room with the phone in his hand. He felt a chill on his fingertips. He looked down and saw a unique ring on her ring finger.

It was neither too big nor too small.

Luo Xichen looked at the ring on her finger and smiled.

It seemed that he had guessed correctly.

Sha Zhixing looked at her hand quietly and then at his finger which was also wearing the ring. She was a little surprised.

Are they a couple?

On the phone, Mi Le's voice came again, and the decibel was particularly high. "Zhixing, I heard that you're in T City. I'm in a shopping mall here. Shall we meet?"

Sha Zhixing was shocked by her sudden words. She was also in T City?

Why did she suddenly have a bad feeling?