Chapter 154: occupying the bed

Sha Zhixing's face slowly turned red. She glanced at him from the corner of her eyes and slammed the door behind her.

Luo Xichen stood outside the door with a smile on his face. He was in a good mood after teasing her.

He stood at the door for a while and finally went to his room to take a shower.

Sha Zhixing was happy to see that he was not here when she came out. She laid herself down on the bed and wanted to sleep again, but the door was suddenly pushed open and Luo Xichen appeared by the door.

Sha Zhixing's expression froze. She looked at Luo Xichen and ordered him to leave. "Go back to your room!"

"I told you, this is my room from now on!" Luo Xichen closed the door behind him and walked towards her step by step. He lay down on the bed and slept next to her.

His movements were so smooth that it was as if he was in his own room.

Sha Zhixing was very dissatisfied with his actions.

Why did he take over her bed?

What was their relationship?

It didn't even count if they were boyfriend and girlfriend, so why did he have to act like an old married couple?

"Go back to your room!" Sha Zhixing grabbed a pillow next to her and waved it at his chest.

Luo Xichen was not angry at her gentle strength. He grabbed her wrists with both hands and pulled her slightly. Sha Zhixing fell into his arms unsteadily, her head resting on his chest.

A gesture stunned her for a moment.

She came back to her senses and wanted to push him away, but Luo Xichen pressed down on her body and refused to let go.

"Let go of me!" Sha Zhixing reprimanded him uneasily.

"Shh, be quiet!" Luo Xichen snorted in a low voice. He closed his eyes as the two of them were in the same position.

Sha Zhixing wanted to kick him onto the bed and down, but she held back when she saw his tired face.

In fact, she had been dragged to the beach by him for so long that she did not have any strength left. Naturally, she did not have much energy left.

Since she could not chase him away, she broke free from his embrace and walked towards the sofa with a pillow in her arms.

Sensing her movements, Luo Xichen opened his eyes and looked at her back quietly. The corners of his lips twitched, but he did not insist that she sleep next to him.

It was enough as long as she was right under his nose.

The sofa in the room was neither big nor small. It fit Sha Zhixing perfectly. Her pure white skin was very beautiful. Luo Xichen had chosen it for her when she first came here.

Sha Zhixing was curled up on the sofa. Her white skin and the snow-white sofa. Her long hair was disheveled and black and white interweaved. It was a beautiful scene.

Luo Xichen looked at her quietly, the corners of his lips curled up slightly. He closed his eyes and went back to sleep.

Sha Zhixing had slept last night. She had only laid on the sofa for an hour before she got up to make lunch for the two of them.

There were a lot of things in the fridge. She bent down and looked at them. In the end, she chose a few seafood and raw vegetables. She also made a special seafood soup.

When Luo Xichen woke up and walked downstairs, he saw her busy figure in the kitchen.

The sun was shining quietly in the smoke-filled room. The trees outside the room were swaying, and the fragrance of the soup filled the air. It was a beautiful and warm scene, and he was a little lost in his thoughts.

The so-called warmth was perhaps Sha Zhixing's greatest feeling to him. She was neither enchanting nor stunning, but she was very warm, bright and beautiful like the sun.

Luo Xichen looked at her quietly and came to her side. He put his arms around her waist from the back...