Chapter 153. Fatten up before killing

Sha Zhixing did not pay much attention to what he said.

Didn't she accompany him every day?

"I'm sleepy. I'm going to sleep for a while." She had not slept well last night, so she did not have any energy at the moment. She walked past him and went into the house first. Her back looked tired, even more tired than the person who had not slept the whole night last night.

Luo Xichen did not understand why she was so listless now. He was the one who had not slept the whole night last night!

She had slept so soundly in his arms, and now she was still feeling weak?

With her strength, wouldn't she be paralyzed when she did some exercises?

Luo Xichen thought about it and thought about some very evil aspects.

"Sha Zhixing, you should focus on your exercise!" He reminded her slowly as she walked away.

Sha Zhixing was stunned and looked at him. "Why?"

Luo Xichen smiled faintly and did not explain. He took her hand and walked out of the door.

"Where are you going?" Sha Zhixing did not understand what he was doing. She followed behind him in a daze and her voice sounded confused.

"I will train with you for an hour every morning from now on." Luo Xichen looked down at her and looked at her. The corners of his lips curled up a little.

Sha Zhixing felt goosebumps on her arms as he looked at her.

Why was he looking at her like that?

"Let's talk about it later." Sha Zhixing had just woken up and her mind was still not clear. She pushed him away and wanted to go into the house, but Luo Xichen dragged her to a beach nearby.

The villa they were in was near the sea. They could see a vast ocean outside the villa. There was a coastline nearby and a long beach.

When Luo Xichen brought her down, there were only the two of them on the beach.

Sha Zhixing had just arrived when Luo Xichen dragged her and started running back and forth.

The sun was brighter on the beach than anywhere else. Sha Zhixing's eyes were blurry from the sun and she was wearing a dress. It was very inconvenient for her to walk. She collapsed on the beach after half an hour, panting.

Luo Xichen sat down beside her and looked at her cold appearance. His heart was twisted with a sense of relief.

"Luo Xichen, you're crazy!" Sha Zhixing was already very angry that he had dragged her here for no reason. After running for so long, her legs were so weak that they did not seem to belong to her anymore.

He must have changed his method of torturing her, right?

They had agreed to give her a day off!

Why did it end up like this?

"It's so dirty. Go back and take a shower!" Luo Xichen said as he twirled her sweaty clothes with his fingertips. His tone was full of disdain, but his arms naturally bent down and picked her up.

Both of their clothes were wet. This action made their bodies wet and stuck together.

Sha Zhixing wanted to resist his embrace, but she did not have any strength left in her body. In the end, she let him do whatever he wanted.

Luo Xichen enjoyed her rare gentleness. He carried her step by step towards the villa. His handsome back cast a long shadow under the sun. The scene was harmonious and beautiful.

After returning to the villa, he took her upstairs. When they reached the room, Sha Zhixing, who was not very energetic before, suddenly pushed him away and rushed into the bathroom.

As soon as they entered the room and were about to close the door, an arm was propped on the door, stopping her from doing anything.

"Let's go together!" Luo Xichen stood by the door and glanced at her with a smile.