Chapter 157 only wants you

Luo Xichen was not surprised by her words, knowing that he did not have a good image with her. However, the tone of her words surprised him. There was a hint of mockery and even a hint of bitterness in her tone.

Luo Xichen fell silent after her words.

What does this tone mean?

Sha Zhixing's eyes dimmed after his silence, and the mocking smile on her lips rose even higher.

Without saying anything, she took off the ring and placed it on his palm. She stood up and was about to walk out.

However, before she could walk out of her seat, her wrist was suddenly pulled back by him.

He looked at her fixedly and stood up abruptly. His voice was as clear as a clear stream, sounding a little anxious. "There has never been anyone else in my world!"

Sha Zhixing's back stiffened at his words, and her gaze fell on the outside of the restaurant for a moment.

"Whether it was in the past or now, there has only been one person who has stayed here!" Luo Xichen's deep ink-black eyes flickered, and his voice was as clear as flowing water.

Sha Zhixing's body obviously trembled, but she still did not turn her back.

Luo Xichen quietly observed her reaction and the corners of his lips curled up slightly.

She had feelings for him, right?

Sha Zhixing looked ahead expressionlessly and did not come back to her senses until a few minutes later.

She was not as moved as she had expected. She calmly pulled her hand out of his grasp and turned to walk out without explaining anything.

Luo Xichen looked at her back in shock and did not come back to his senses for a long time.

He was... rejected by a woman?

"Sha Zhixing, stop right there!" He growled at her.

He had never tried to please a woman or said anything like that to a woman, and she was giving him this reaction?

Sha Zhixing continued to walk out of the restaurant without looking back.

Luo Xichen frowned and caught up with her. He grabbed her wrist and dragged her to the end of the empty corridor.

"Let go of my hand!" Sha Zhixing refused to cooperate. She shook off his hand and wanted to walk in the opposite direction.

Luo Xichen's tall body blocked her in front of him. He held her firmly between himself and the wall beside him. His gaze fell on her face. "Give me a reason?"

Sha Zhixing lowered her head and kept her mouth shut.

Luo Xichen looked at her face inch by inch. He observed her expression and asked tentatively, "Is it because of Mo Ningyu?"

He knew that she had a grudge against him, but he did not know what that grudge was, so he could only guess one by one.

Sha Zhixing smiled mockingly and did not answer.

She had once thought that he and Mo Ningyu were in bed together, but after seeing Luo Xichen's attitude towards Mo Ningyu, she slowly dispelled this speculation.

In front of her and Mo Ningyu, he was obviously concerned about her, so Mo Ningyu was not a hindrance at all.

"Is it still the woman from the last boat?" Luo Xichen guessed again when he saw that she did not answer.

Sha Zhixing looked out of the window and did not speak.

Luo Xichen did not have many women in his mind, let alone those that left a deep impression on him. It was really difficult for him to think about them one by one now.

He was frustrated, but he still held back his temper. "I don't know what you've seen or heard. I can't change what happened in the past, but I only want one woman in my life in the future!"