Chapter 158: I'm not that picky

Luo Xichen's feelings were not easily revealed. He had never told anyone such straightforward things since he was young. Sha Zhixing was surprised and touched that he had suddenly said so much today.

However, what was the point of seeing so many things before?

Was he trying to get rid of everything that had happened in the past?

She raised her head slowly and asked coldly, "Luo Xichen, do you think I should believe you? What is He Qianqian? What is An Ya? What is Ruan Xi? What is Su Yi?"

Luo Xichen frowned even more when she said so many names in one breath.

Who are these people?

He didn't know any of them!

"Tell me clearly!" Luo Xichen was confused by her question and felt that he was quite innocent.

"What else do you need me to say? Everyone was waiting to celebrate your 22nd birthday, but it turned out to be a fierce battle between you and An Ya at the company. Aunt Lan asked me to pick you up from the airport last year, and Ruan Xi did the same thing at the airport. This is the first time we've seen each other in the same situation. Do you think I can trust you after witnessing so many times?"

Sha Zhixing told Luo Xichen a lot of things. She told him everything that had happened in the past. Luo Xichen did not know anything other than the incident when they bumped into each other on the ship.

He was shocked to hear her tell him all of this.

He did not know that she knew so much about him!

But why didn't he know anything about this?

Although Luo Xichen did not remember many of the women around him, he would not forget who he had slept with.

She must have seen some women trying to seduce him in order to get to the top, right? Just like what happened to Su Yi, nothing had actually happened.

After a long pause, he looked up and asked slowly, "Did you see the whole process of what you said? Are you so sure that I had sex with those women?"

Sha Zhixing was stunned by his words.

Was he trying to say that he had not slept with those women?

"I don't know the people you are talking about, and I'm quite picky." He sighed and sounded a little helpless.

In the past few years, there had been many women throwing themselves at him, but he had not reached the point where he would not hesitate to eat them.

"What about He Qianqian?" Sha Zhixing blurted out.

"He Qianqian?" Luo Xichen was stunned by her question again.

Who was that?

Luo Xichen racked his brain for a long time but could not think of that name.

"The people around me all say that you two are a couple. When I was fourteen, I heard her say in school that her coming of age ceremony was to spend the night with you!" Sha Zhixing said the name. Her emotionless face seemed to be a little excited.

He Qianqian had been in the same class as Luo Xichen since junior high school. The golden couple in everyone's eyes were all famous people in the school at that time. As Sha Zhixing and Luo Xichen had been together from primary school to high school... So she had always known about this.

After hearing her reminder, Luo Xichen remembered that there was such a person, but he did not have many memories of this person.

He looked at Sha Zhixing who seemed a little angry and suddenly laughed out loud. His voice was so loud that it could be heard from afar.

Sha Zhixing looked at him coldly.

What are you happy for?!

Luo Xichen laughed for a long time. Suddenly, he stretched out his arms and pulled her into his arms.