Chapter 166: Two little guesses

It was a very relaxing time. While the two of them were laughing and playing, Luo Xichen and Sha Zhixing did not know that the news this afternoon had dominated the headlines of all the major newspapers in the country...

Wen Lan was sitting on the sofa in the Luo family's living room, holding the latest newspaper in her hand. The front page of the newspaper was full of reports about Luo Xichen's mysterious girlfriend.

There were many pictures in the newspaper. Some were pictures of Luo Xichen and Sha Zhixing holding hands. Some were pictures of Sha Zhixing using her body to block Luo Xichen. Some were of Luo Xichen holding Sha Zhixing's hand as they ran.

Luo Xichen looked gentle in the pictures. There was even joy in his eyes. Wen Lan had never seen the joy on his face when he ran hand in hand with Sha Zhixing.

Luo Xichen had been with Sha Zhixing since they were young. Wen Lan knew that Luo Xichen treated her better than most girls. They had slept in the same bed and ate at the same table when they were young. Wen Lan had also seen the intimate relationship between them.

It was not a big deal for the two of them to hold hands after sleeping together. It was normal for the media to exaggerate things. Wen Lan wanted to ignore the news just like last time.

But why did Luo Xichen lose his composure?

If she saw Luo Xichen holding Sha Zhixing's hand at home, she would not even look at him for a second. How normal was that for the two of them?

But now, looking at the picture of the two of them holding hands, she felt that there was something different between them.

Wen Lan's eyes slowly darkened as she read the newspaper in her hands...

T City.

Luo Xichen took a cold shower in the bathroom for an hour. When he came out, Sha Zhixing was still reading the magazine in her arms.

She had changed into a very comfortable casual dress. Her long hair casually fell on her shoulders and her head was slightly drooping. A few strands of hair covered part of her face. The soft light cast a silhouette in her eye sockets. It was a quiet and beautiful scene.

Luo Xichen looked at her quietly. He felt that it would be good if the two of them continued like this.

Sha Zhixing saw him coming out and put the book aside. She asked seriously, "When will you let me go to the design department?"

"Tell me what you've learned during this time." Luo Xichen sat down next to her, picked her up, and put her on his lap naturally.

Sha Zhixing felt a little awkward in his child-like embrace. She pushed him aside and sat down. She thought for a while and said slowly, "I haven't learned anything related to design, but I'll work hard if I have the chance to enter the design department!"

She had been in the secretarial department for a few days, but she had only dealt with administrative matters every day. What could she learn about design?

Sha Zhixing's tone was very serious, with a little confidence, but also a little powerless. Luo Xichen was stunned for a moment.

In his eyes, she was open-minded and could take a joke. This was the difference between her and many other girls. Sometimes, she would even be clever enough to make fun of him.

Now that he suddenly heard her speaking to him in such a serious tone, he was not used to it and began to reflect for the first time.

Did he tie her down too tightly?


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