Chapter 167 was actually very easy to bribe

What Sha Zhixing did not know was that Luo Xichen had deliberately arranged for her to be assigned to the branch office in T City, or even the secretarial department.

The Secretarial Department was located closest to Luo Xichen's office, and the location was arranged to be in an office only one window away from him.

As for coming to T City, part of the reason was to avoid the fact that An Xin was in a hurry to arrange a blind date for her, and part of the reason was that Luo Xichen wanted to see her at all times.

This was Luo Xichen's intention.

At that time, he had not seen his own heart clearly, but when he could not see her, he always felt inexplicably frustrated, so he arranged for her to stay by his side, and even prevented her from moving out many times.

Sha Zhixing casually flipped through the book in her hand, looking a little dejected.

She liked jewelry design very much, and it had been her dream to become a designer. Moreover, she had also performed very well in school. She thought that she could learn a lot after coming to Rong Xi, but in the end, all she did was to do odd jobs. She could not figure it out.

Luo Xichen could not stand her dispirited look. He ruffled her long hair as if he had done something evil. He pressed her into his arms and smiled wickedly as he teased, "Actually, I'm very easy to bribe."

His words were very languid and casual. His tone was full of wickedness. Sha Zhixing's face immediately turned red.

That was not enough. What else did he want?

To sneak into her body?

Sha Zhixing secretly decided that if he really let her do this once, she would make him look bad every day!

Luo Xichen saw the change in her expression and the smile on his face disappeared. He moved her to the side and sat down on the sofa next to her.

He could not understand why this girl could stand it so much?

Weren't women thirty like wolves? Although she was not even twenty yet, her words proved that women also had that kind of need, and were not weak either.

He looked at Sha Zhixing next to him. Her attitude was reserved, and her eyes were reserved. How did she look like a pure-hearted woman with no desires? Luo Xichen, who had been so confident when he had brought her upstairs, suddenly felt a little hurt.

However, for someone who had always been confident, such feelings usually did not last a second.

With his high IQ, high EQ, good figure and good skin, he did not believe that he could not handle a little girl in a few days!

At the thought of this, Luo Xichen smiled faintly.

"Luo Xichen, your smile is so cunning!" Sha Zhixing saw the smile on Luo Xichen's face and mocked him rudely.

"Go take a shower!" Luo Xichen did not explain and carried her into the bathroom.

"Do you want me to help you?" Luo Xichen squatted down beside her after entering the bathroom. He smiled and put his hand on the hem of her dress, looking very helpful. He added, "I won't wait for you after the expiration date."

Sha Zhixing's face turned red at first. However, the blush on her face faded when she remembered that he had just taken a cold shower in the bathroom. She looked up at him and teased him, "Haven't you taken enough cold showers?"

Luo Xichen's expression darkened at her question. He stepped into the bathtub, grabbed her waist with one hand, and pulled her into his arms. His deep voice was intoxicating. "Actually, I prefer a couple shower..."