Chapter 172 Tomorrow Night, I'll be waiting for you

His voice was faint and full of playfulness.

Sha Zhixing was stunned for a moment. She was silent for about a minute or two. She looked up at his eyes, the corners of her lips curled up slightly. Her eyes looked as innocent as a little white rabbit.

Then, she asked slowly, "How do you want to do it?"

"Which way do you like?" Luo Xichen was amused by her expression. He raised his eyebrows and asked leisurely.

Then, he whispered into her ear, "We can try them one by one."

Sha Zhixing's face stiffened, but her smile did not fade. Her eyes were shining under the light. She was very beautiful.

Luo Xichen was surprised by her calm reaction.

This should not be her reaction under normal circumstances.

Just as he was wondering, Sha Zhixing's next move gave him an answer.

She raised her bare feet and kicked him directly. Luo Xichen, who was sleeping beside the bed, was caught off guard. He fell heavily under the bed and fell hard.

"Sha Zhixing!" Luo Xichen growled at Sha Zhixing in a low voice. He sounded a little angry.

Sha Zhixing turned her head and looked at Luo Xichen. She smiled sweetly and said, "Do you like it this way? One up and one down."

Luo Xichen looked at Sha Zhixing coldly and reached out his long arm. He grabbed Sha Zhixing's wrist and dragged her from the bed to under the bed. She fell onto his body.

Sha Zhixing did not fall to the floor, but Luo Xichen's muscles were tight and he did not have any fat. Luo Xichen's wrist hit his elbow. The fall was still a little painful.

Sha Zhixing frowned in pain. She came back to her senses and raised her hand to hit him. However, Luo Xichen suddenly put his arms around her waist and turned his body to the side. The two of them switched positions and he pressed down on her.

He stared at her with a burning gaze and his cold voice was full of danger. "I like this up and down!"

His eyes were very dark, like the deep ocean in the dark night. Sha Zhixing looked at him quietly and her eyes were lost for a moment.

Luo Xichen quietly observed her reaction and felt the subtle changes in her eyes. He asked in a hoarse voice, "Zhixing, is it okay?"

He was asking for her opinion. His voice was hoarse and low because of his deliberate forbearance, but it was as gentle as the wind and water.

Sha Zhixing's eyes met his. Her usually smart brain seemed to have been burnt to a pulp.

Silence spread between the two of them.

Luo Xichen seemed to be in a bad mood. Sweat dripped down and landed on Sha Zhixing's neck with a thud. The sweat on Sha Zhixing's fair skin turned into a puddle of water and merged with the fine beads of sweat on her body.

Sha Zhixing was still hesitating under him. Her eyes were confused.

Luo Xichen's eyes darkened. He gently stroked her long hair and smiled. "Don't be nervous. I won't force you."

After saying that, he stood up and went straight to the bathroom.

Sha Zhixing watched him leave quietly. She suddenly stood up and called out to him. "Xichen!"

Luo Xichen stopped in his tracks and slowly turned his head to look at her.

Sha Zhixing looked away from him and said uncomfortably, "...Tomorrow night."

Her voice was not loud, but Luo Xichen had caught it. He was stunned and realized what she was talking about. The corners of his lips curled up and a smile appeared on his face.