Chapter 173 unexpected guest

Luo Xichen ran to her side and lowered his head. He kissed her hard on the lips and held her tightly in his arms.

Sha Zhixing's eyelashes trembled as she felt the strength in his arms. She slowly raised her hand and hugged him.

Luo Xichen's back stiffened. He looked down at her hand on his waist and smiled.

"I'll take a shower first. If you can't wait, you can sleep first!" Luo Xichen leaned over and kissed her lips again. He let go of her body and went to the bathroom with satisfaction.

The sound of the shower came again that night. It was a long, long loop...

It was not too late. It was only ten o'clock. Sha Zhixing could not fall asleep so early.

She got out of bed and was about to take out a design book to read when An Xin suddenly called.

Just like Wen Lan, it was also because of the overwhelming news that day.

However, Sha Zhixing and Luo Xichen had not seen the newspapers. They had no idea that such a big thing had happened in just a few hours.

She was a little surprised when she picked up the phone. "Mom, you're still awake?"

An Xin had never heard her mention anything about the progress between her and Luo Xichen. She was shocked to see such a sensational news report today.

She had been hesitating on how to get information from her before the call. After thinking for a while, she asked casually, "Zhixing, how have you been recently in T City?"

"Mmm." Sha Zhixing nodded slightly. Her wording was even simpler than when Luo Xichen had dealt with Wen Lan.

"Are you still staying at Xichen's place?" An Xin asked again.

"Yes." It was still a simple word.

An Xin wanted to knock her on the head.

Was she infected by Luo Xichen or something? She had only stayed with him for a few days, and her tone was already so similar?

"Is there anything you want to talk to mom about?" An Xin asked tentatively.

Sha Zhixing thought for a moment and said, "I haven't been home for a long time. I'll come back in a few days to see you and dad."

"Alone?" An Xin followed her words and tried to trick her.

Sha Zhixing was stunned by her words. If it wasn't just one person, how many others could it be?

"Forget it. If you come back, you definitely won't be able to leave for a day or two. It's also not good to apply for leave when you've just entered the company. It's better if mom comes to visit you!" An Xin said with a smile. Her words sounded very considerate.

"You're coming over?" Sha Zhixing's previously calm expression changed slightly after her words.

"What's wrong? Aren't you welcoming mom?" An Xin's lips were still slightly curled up. Her smile looked very kind.

"Mom, what are you talking about? Why wouldn't I want you to come over?" Sha Zhixing quickly comforted her, but her voice sounded a little uncomfortable.

"Then, mom will come over the day after tomorrow," An Xin said with a smile.

"...Okay." Sha Zhixing smiled stiffly and nodded in agreement.

The two of them continued chatting for a while before hanging up the phone.

Sha Zhixing panicked as soon as the call ended.

She was now living with Luo Xichen, and sharing a room and a bed with him. Although An Xin was not old-fashioned, she had reminded Sha Zhixing to know her limits on her first day here!

Besides, Sha Zhixing did not want to tell Luo Xichen about her and Luo Xichen so early...

When Luo Xichen came out, he saw Sha Zhixing sitting on the bed in a daze.

"What's wrong?" he asked gently as he walked to her side.